100字范文 > 营养等级 trophic level英语短句 例句大全

营养等级 trophic level英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-08 00:57:42


营养等级 trophic level英语短句 例句大全

营养等级,trophic level

1)trophic level营养等级

1.The trophic functional groups andtrophic levels of the macrobenthic community at the east tidal flat of Lingkun Island;灵昆岛东滩潮间带大型底栖动物功能群及营养等级构成

2)order of the nutrient supply营养等级序列


4)trophic cascade营养级联

5)trophic level营养级

1.Study on feeding habit andtrophic level of redlip croaker in Changjiang esturary;长江口近海小黄鱼食性及营养级分析

2.Understanding the food sources andtrophic level of macrofauna is a foundation to study the material and energy flux in the ecosystem.底栖动物的氮同位素能较好地反映其食性和营养级,计算出崇明东滩大型底栖动物营养级在2。

3.Based on the survey results of primary production and other research data in the fishing grounds of the East China Sea,biomass of continental fishery resources were estimated using Parsons and Cushingtrophic level method.结果表明:1996~东海区大陆架渔场渔业资源平均营养级为3。


1.Producer The first TROPHIC LEVEL, in a food chain.生产者:食物链中第一个营养级。

2.A group of organisms that occupy the same position in a food chain.营养层次,营养级在食物链中居于同一地位的一群生物

3."because energy, in the form of heat, is lost at each step, or trophic level, chains do not normally encompass more than four or five trophic levels. "由于能量以热的形式在每个阶段(或营养级)中都有损失,因此食物链一般不超过四或五个营养级。

4.Food, food chains, food-webs and trophic levels consist of a system, termed the“ food system”.食物、物链、物网以及由此构成的营养级组成“食物系统”。

5.Study on feeding habit and nutrient level of Portunus argentatus, P.sanguinolentus and Charybdis feriatu in Fujian sea area福建海区拥剑梭子蟹、红星梭子蟹和锈斑?的食性与营养级研究

6.Ecological Studies on the Food Web Structures and Trophic Relationships of Freshwater Lakes in China Using Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes;应用碳、氮稳定性同位素探讨淡水湖泊的食物网结构和营养级关系

7.The "Superstar" Nutrient营养素中的“超级明星”

8.Rapid Assessment Procedures for Nutrition and Primary Care营养和初级保健快速评价程序

9.Metabolic Model of Plankton Communities in Eutrophication Classification in The Waters of Shanghai上海水体营养分级的群落代谢率模型

10.Study on the Eutrophication Trend in the Tributary of Three Gorges Reservoir Region;三峡库区次级河流富营养化趋势研究


12.Global Solutions for the Tritrophic Food-Chain Model with Cross-Diffusion;三级营养食物链交错扩散模型的整体解

13.Efficacy of Nutrition Education Implemented among Primary School Students in Jinan;济南市3所小学四年级学生营养教育效果评价

14.Response of Classified Chlorophyll to Changes of Concentrations of Nutrients in Bohai Bay渤海湾分级叶绿素对营养盐浓度变化的响应

15.Overcoming the Trouble of Old-age Insurance Existing in Private Enterprises of County-level Cities县级城市民营企业养老保险的困境与超越

16.The Response of Size Fraction Phytoplankton to Nitrogen and Phosphorous不同粒级浮游植物对氮磷营养盐的响应

17.An Analysis of the Correlation between Disease Severity Grading and the Nutritional Status of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseCOPD患者病情分级与营养状况的相关性分析

18.Discussion on the Eutrophication and Ecological Engineering Technologies for Secondary Rivers in the Three-Gorge Reservoir三峡库区次级河流富营养化及其生态治理


order of the nutrient supply营养等级序列


4)trophic cascade营养级联

5)trophic level营养级

1.Study on feeding habit andtrophic level of redlip croaker in Changjiang esturary;长江口近海小黄鱼食性及营养级分析

2.Understanding the food sources andtrophic level of macrofauna is a foundation to study the material and energy flux in the ecosystem.底栖动物的氮同位素能较好地反映其食性和营养级,计算出崇明东滩大型底栖动物营养级在2。

3.Based on the survey results of primary production and other research data in the fishing grounds of the East China Sea,biomass of continental fishery resources were estimated using Parsons and Cushingtrophic level method.结果表明:1996~东海区大陆架渔场渔业资源平均营养级为3。

6)tritrophic system三营养级

1.Preference of omnivorous natural enemy Cyrtopeltis tenuis Reuter for plants in greenhouses in atritrophic system;三营养级体系烟盲蝽对温室内不同作物种类的选择性


陵墓等级也森严-商周陵墓的“羡道”等级陵墓等级也森严-商周陵墓的“羡道”等级 古代统治阶级厚葬成风,在坟墓上糜费大量人力和物资。帝王一级称“山陵”,是从秦汉开始的词。一般说,陵墓分为地下和地上两部分。地下,主要是安置棺柩的墓室;开始(约从商代到汉)用木椁室,随后出现砖石结构墓室,东汉以后成为主流。这种地下砖石构筑物,发展到后来,规模宏大,结构严密,真正成为“地下宫殿”。还有一类墓室,由天然山岩中开凿而成;开凿岩墓始见于汉代,但是用于陵墓一级则主要是唐代。我国早期砖石结构资料,多数来自古代墓葬,表现古代对砖石结构在力学和材料施工技术方面达到的水平;古代墓葬,又包括防水、排水、密封等技术方法的历史资料;古代墓葬的地下结构物较地面建筑保存为多,其中包含大量古代建筑的形象和雕刻、绘画艺术等多方面资料;地面部分,主要是环绕陵体而形成的一套布置,其作用则是给人以严肃、纪念的气氛,是为影响后人而设的。从地形选择到入口、神道、祭祀场所、陵体,从建筑到绿化,长期积累了不少经验,创作了纪念性建筑群和严肃静穆环境。但是,地面部分比较容易受到破坏,最早的资料只及于商代,而且残缺不全;商周陵墓,地下以木椁室为主,其东、南、西、北四向有斜坡道由地面通至椁室,称“羡道”,天子级用四出“羡道”,诸侯只可用两出(南北两向)。椁室、羡道及墓葬附近则殉葬大量车、马、器物、祭器以至奴隶。有些商代陵墓,地面不起坟,而在墓上建造祭祀性建筑。
