100字范文 > 富营养化识别 trophic state recognition英语短句 例句大全

富营养化识别 trophic state recognition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-31 10:34:39


富营养化识别 trophic state recognition英语短句 例句大全

富营养化识别,trophic state recognition

1)trophic state recognition富营养化识别


1.Application of matter element analysis method to water qualityeutrophication assessment of lakes;物元分析法在湖泊富营养化程度评价中的应用

2.Relative distance measure model foreutrophication comprehensive evaluation of lake;湖泊富营养化综合评价的距离测度模型

3.The key scientific problems in lakeeutrophication studies;湖泊富营养化研究中的主要科学问题——代“湖泊富营养化研究”专栏序言


1.eutrophication-related factor水体富营养化过程因素

2.Simply Analyse Eutrophication and Countermeasure on Fish Culture;浅析鱼类养殖中的富营养化及其对策

3.Study on the Colloidal Nutritious Material in Eutrophic Seawater;富营养化水体中胶体有机营养物质研究

4.Nutrient Limitation of Eutrophication in Guangzhou Sea Area;广州海域营养盐限制的富营养化特征研究

5.Analysis of nutrients and eutrophication characters in backwater region of the Linjiang River临江河回水区营养盐及富营养化特征分析

6.The eutrophication in the major lakes is still rather serious.主要湖泊富营养化问题依然突出。

7.Eutrophication Assessment Models for Estuarine and Coastal Waters河口和沿岸海域的富营养化评价模型

8.Study on the Status and Characteristics of Eutrophication in the Yangtze River Estuary;长江口水域富营养化现状与特征研究

9.Identification to Effects of Eco-restoration for Water Bodies of Eutrophication;富营养化水体生态修复效果识别研究

10.Study on Numerical Simulation of Eutrophication of Shallow Lake in the City;城市浅水湖泊富营养化数值模拟研究

11.Water Quality Modeling Using for Algae Bloom Control in Wujiang River System-China;吴江水系富营养化控制水质模拟研究

12.Experimental Researches on Eutrophication of Reservoir Water on the Outskirts of Chongqing;重庆郊区水库水体富营养化试验研究

13.Study on the Eutrophication Trend in the Tributary of Three Gorges Reservoir Region;三峡库区次级河流富营养化趋势研究

14.Study on Controlling Eutrophication of Water with the Eco-engineering Methods;水体富营养化生态工程控制技术研究

15.Study on Eutrophication Assessment and Numerical Simulation for Baiyandian Lake;白洋淀富营养化评价与数值模拟研究

16.Study on Fuzzy Assessment and Prediction of Eutrophication for Bohai Bay;渤海湾富营养化模糊评价与预测研究

17.The Study on the Eutrophication and Organic Pollution in the Xiaoqinghe Estuarine;小清河口富营养化、有机污染现状研究

18.Impact on Water Eutrophication of Light Rare-earth;轻稀土元素对水体富营养化影响研究



1.Application of matter element analysis method to water qualityeutrophication assessment of lakes;物元分析法在湖泊富营养化程度评价中的应用

2.Relative distance measure model foreutrophication comprehensive evaluation of lake;湖泊富营养化综合评价的距离测度模型

3.The key scientific problems in lakeeutrophication studies;湖泊富营养化研究中的主要科学问题——代“湖泊富营养化研究”专栏序言


1.Studies on measures of preventing entrophication of water body of Yanghe Reservoir;洋河水库水体富营养化治理对策浅析

2.A discussion of entrophication water bioremediation in the Three-Gorges Reservoir Area;三峡库区富营养化水体的生物修复初探

3.The change of landscape heterogeneity in the entrophication of lakes;湖泊富营养化过程中的景观异质性变化

4)rich nutrition富营养化

1.Causes onrich nutrition of Moguhu reservoir in Shihezi and its countermeasures;石河子蘑菇湖水库富营养化成因及防治对策

2.This paper is study change of biochemical guid line PH、total nitrogen、total phosphorus、permanganate salt index、clarity degree、CHL a in the Minjiang upper resches (NanPing segment to ShuiKou electricity station),analyse status and pollute reason of Minjiang water qualityrich nutrition, put forward relevant cure countermeasure.研究了闽江上游(南平段至水口电站)水体中PH、总氮、总磷、高锰酸盐指数、透明度、叶绿素a等生化指标的变化,对闽江流域上游水质富营养化状况和污染原因进行分析并提出相应的防治对策。

3.Aim at the currentrich nutrition situation of yue-cheng reservoir and dong-wu-shi reservoir in Handan city.针对目前邯郸市岳城水库和东武仕水库已接近富营养化状态的现状,阐述了邯郸市这两大水库的富营养化状态、发展趋势,并分析了污染原因。


1.Experiment on the restrictedeutrophic factor of the Shuanglong Lake;重庆双龙湖富营养化限制性因素确定试验研究

2.A summary of the removal of nitrogen andphosphorus fromeutrophic wastewater;富营养化水体中氮磷的去除

3.Study on Purify Effect of Immobilized Photosynthetic Bacteria on Quality of Eutrophication Water;固定化光合细菌对富营养化水质的净化效果


1.The phenomenon of ultrophication existing in the water body has been analyzed.对戏水乐园循环水处理中的pH值控制问题、混凝剂混合反应不充分的问题、室内室外戏水池余氯散失不均匀及戏水乐园污染物富积的问题等设计中应该引起重视的问题进行了论述,并对戏水乐园产生富营养化现象的原因进行了分析。

2.So Systematically analysis the variation character of Bohai ultrophication and the relation with redtide has an important significance for making a further research on.随着环渤海地区的迅速发展,渤海环境质量日益恶化,富营养化和赤潮频发已经成为严重的生态问题。


