100字范文 > 油气集输系统 oil-gas gathering and transportation system英语短句 例句大全

油气集输系统 oil-gas gathering and transportation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-30 06:10:54


油气集输系统 oil-gas gathering and transportation system英语短句 例句大全

油气集输系统,oil-gas gathering and transportation system

1)oil-gas gathering and transportation system油气集输系统

1.The models of energy balance onoil-gas gathering and transportation system are developed, and the analyses of energy balance are made in this paper.以油气集输系统为研究对象,建立了能量平衡模型,对集输系统用能进行了评价计算,并根据结果制定了提高集输系统能量利用率的措施,为集输系统的节能改造提供了科学的理论依据。


1.Energy Consumption Evaluation and Analysis of Oil-gas Gathering and Transferring System油气集输系统的能耗评价与能损分析

2.Analyses of the System Status of Gathering and Transferring Oil and Gas and the Countermeasures of Controlling Energy Consumption;胜利油田油气集输系统现状及能耗控制对策

3.Optimization of Oil-gas Transferring and Gathering System on Structure No.1 of Some Beach Oilfield某滩海油田1号构造油气集输系统优化

4.Effective Approaches to Increasing Efficiency of Oil and Gas Gathering and Transporting System in Zhongyuan Oilfield提高中原油田油气集输系统效率的有效做法

5.Design of A Network Flow Programming Model for Seabed Oil-Gas Gathering System海底油气集输系统网络流规划模型设计

6.Thermodynamics Evaluation and Analysis for Oil-Gas Gathering and Transferring Energy System油气集输能量系统的热力学评价与分析

7.The gravity type oil-gas-water separator is the key equipment in the oilfield gathering and transportation system.重力式油气水三相分离器是油田集输系统中的关键设备。

8.petroleum and gas pipeline supervisory system输油和输气管线监控系统

9.Technical Research of Using Geothermal Water for Heat Tracing in Gathering System of Oil Field油田集输系统利用地热伴热技术研究

10.Research on the Law of Energy Change in Oil Gathering and Transportation System of Low-yield低产油田集输系统能量转化规律研究

11.Bacterial Communities in Crude Oil Gathering and Transferring System石油集输系统中微生物群落结构研究

12.balloon-system loss prevention防止油品蒸发损耗的气囊集气系统

13.Oil and Gas Suspension System of Underground Concrete Mixing Truck井下混凝土搅拌输送车油气悬挂系统

14.Fluid drainage system of petroliferous basins and its hydrocarbon accumulation principle含油气盆地流体流域系统及其油气聚集原理

15.The Gathering Transmission System Based on the GPRS;基于GPRS气象信息数据采集传输系统

16.Transport Gasifier Based IGCC System Integration Analysis基于输运床气化炉的IGCC系统集成研究

17.Data Acquisition and Transfer System of Gas Flow Parameters燃气流量参数的采集与远程传输系统

18.Emergency shutdown scheme design for gas gathering system at sour gas fields酸性气田集输系统紧急关断方案设计


oil & gas gathering and transportation system油气田集输系统

3)energy conservation of oil and gas gathering transportation system油气集输系统节能

4)inlet system输油[气]系统

5)oil-gathering system原油集输系统

1.Severe scaling problems were encountered inoil-gathering system(OGS) of Qingxi oil field in Yumen.玉门青西油田原油集输系统管网结垢严重。

6)oilfield transportation system油田集输系统

1.The coagulant added inoilfield transportation system may meet many kinds of oilfield auxiliary chemical which are used in ground processes.油田集输系统中加入的絮凝剂要与地面各种油田处理剂相遇。


海上油气储输系统海底采出油气的收集、处理、计量、储存和运输过程及所需设施的总称。海上油气储输系统在开发总投资中占很大百分比,维持费的百分比也大,必须根据油、气藏性质,油、气消费点的位置,环境条件,经济效益等,合理选择储存和输送方式。按照处理和储油所在位置可分为:①全陆式;②半海半陆式(即部分或全部处理设备在海上,而储油中转站则在陆上);③全海式三种。1897年美国钻出的第一口海上油井,采用全陆式集输系统。1938年在墨西哥湾建成半海半陆式系统,1966年在波斯湾建成第一座全海式系统。海上低产的小油田适宜于采用全海式,一般高产海上油田用半海半陆式的比较灵活(见图)。全陆式只有在油气田与海岸的距离非常近时才使用。海上储油与陆地油田相同,有:①水上平台储油,只适用于离岸较远产量不大的油田;②水面单点系泊储油装置,最大已达30万吨储存量;③水下海底油罐。输送方式有两种:①管线输送,生产稳定,维持费用低,适用于近岸或油气产量大的油田;②油轮输送,在航道及港口许可的条件下,油轮愈大,运输成本愈低。 参考书目E.N.Tiratso,Oil Fields of the World,Scientific Pre.Ltd.Beaconsfield England,1976.
