100字范文 > 库存与运输系统 inventory and transportation system英语短句 例句大全

库存与运输系统 inventory and transportation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-03 07:19:18


库存与运输系统 inventory and transportation system英语短句 例句大全

库存与运输系统,inventory and transportation system

1)inventory and transportation system库存与运输系统


1.Research on the Integrated Optimization of Inventory-transportation System & Its Application;库存与运输系统集成优化研究与应用

2.Research on the Integrated Optimization of Inventory-transportation System in Industry Supply Chain;产业供应链下库存与运输系统集成优化研究

3.The Cost Optimization of Integrated Inventory Control and Transportation for Delivery and Pick-up Systems;配退货系统库存与运输成本最小化策略研究

4.Integrating Transportation and Inventory Decisions in a Two-echelon Distribution System;二级分销系统的运输与库存控制整合优化研究

5.Delivery Consolidation and Stock Replenishment in VMI System供应商管理库存系统中库存和运输计划整合

6.Quantity-based shipment consolidation and stock replenishment policy with lead time in vendor-managed inventory system;VMI系统下考虑订货提前期的集中运输与库存订货问题(英文)

7.Game Analysis of Inventory-Transportation Integrated Optimization in Modern Logistics System;现代物流系统中库存-运输联合优化的博弈分析

8.Research on Logistics Cost--Relationship between Transportation Cost and Inventory Cost;物流成本探析——运输成本与库存成本的关系研究

9.Inventory and Transportation Integration Based on ABC Analysis in the Inventory;基于库存管理ABC分析的运输与库存整合

10.Study on the Combined Location Routing and Inventory Problem in Logistics System based on Bi-level Programming;基于双层规划的物流系统集成定位-运输路线安排-库存问题研究

11.Research on the Integrated Optimization of Inventory Control and Transportation Management;库存控制与运输管理的整合优化研究

12.The Research on the Radom Requirement of Inventory and Transportation Integrated Optimization Problem;随机需求的库存与运输联合优化研究

13.Optimizated Analysis of Inventory Control under Supply Chain Management;供应链下库存控制与运输管理的优化

14.Current Research on Inventory-transportation Integrated Optimization Problem;库存与运输整合优化问题的研究现状

15.Study on the Ordering Optimum Model Based on Stock and Transportation基于库存与运输的订货优化模型探讨

16.Dynamic reliability modeling and evaluating method of belt conveyor system with storage bin含存储仓带式运输系统动态可靠性建模与评估

17.Integrating Transportation and Inventory Decisions Based on Direct Shipping Strategy with Random Demand;随机需求直接发运的运输与库存整合优化研究

18.The Application of GE Fanuc PAC Rx7i in Coil Yard Conveying SystemGE Fanuc PAC Rx7i在钢卷库运输系统中的应用


transportation and storage运输与库存

3)inventory and transport库存与运输

1.An improved heuristic algorithm was proposed to divide the integration intoinventory and transport:the costs were distributed by the former according to different products and the optimized cost was sought out by the latter according to different periods,thus the inventory-transport integrated optimization problem was solved through the repeated iteration between the former and the latter.通过运用双层规划法,为物流配送系统中典型的多对一配送网络建立具有随机需求的、多产品的库存与运输整合优化数学模型,同时做出库存控制与运输组织两方面的决策。

4)coil yard conveying system钢卷库运输系统

1.The paper introducescoil yard conveying system in the hot tandem rolling factory of Taiyuan Iron & Steel Co.介绍了太钢热连轧厂钢卷库运输系统,阐述了控制器GE Fanuc PAC Rx7i的特点及其在钢卷库运输系统中的应用。

5)Stock Replenishment and Shipment Scheduling (SRSS)库存补货与运输调度(sRSS)

6)Inventory and transportation Integration optimization库存与运输整合优化


法国洛尔dmc坦克运输系统国别 法国名称 洛尔dmc坦克运输系统lohr dmc tank transporter system生产单位 洛尔公司lohr sa,fr现状 生产装备情况 法国概述该系统为一种兼有坦克运输和抢救车辆能力的系统,由装在(6×6)敞式结构的卡车底肋上的液压移动工作平台组成,通过液压缸的组合使用来卸载和完成平台复位。装有1个抢救用的重型液压绞盘的工作平台可移向一侧或另一侧进行卸载或抢救,平台的前部有1个保护运载车驾驶室用的加高防护架,该架还可用作车辆备用轮子的载架。洛尔dmc系统的有效负载为16~18t。运输时,用工作平台的前面和后面上的锁紧装置将载物拴住。安装dmc系统的车辆底盘为伊维科·菲亚特(iveco fiat)260pm 35 (6×6) 10000kg卡车底盘。
