100字范文 > 认知闭合需要 need for cognitive closure英语短句 例句大全

认知闭合需要 need for cognitive closure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-18 18:50:39


认知闭合需要 need for cognitive closure英语短句 例句大全

认知闭合需要,need for cognitive closure

1)need for cognitive closure认知闭合需要

1.Lay epistemic theory in social cognitive psychology has asserted that,individuals with high dispositionalneed for cognitive closure(NFCC)prefer to make instant decisions under uncertain situations.通过实验的方法,考察了认知闭合需要和特征框架效应对个体决策偏好的影响。

2.This paper investigates the relationship between the classification of players\" decision rules and itsneed for cognitive closure.通过实验方法,研究得出个体决策规则与其"认知闭合需要"存在密切联系。

3.Many researchers found thatneed for cognitive closure has significant influence on individuals’ information processing and decision making.认知闭合需要是个体稳定的认知特征,描述了个体在面对模糊情境时是否愿意系统处理信息的动机。


1.Need for Cognitive Closure,Framing Effect and Decision Preference;认知闭合需要、框架效应与决策偏好

2.Intellectuals who want to integrate themselves with the masses, who want to serve the masses, must go through a process in which they and the masses come to know each other well.知识分子要和群众结合,要为群众服务,需要一个互相认识的过程。

3.You need to give two day"s notice if you"re going to close your account.如果你要关闭你的帐户,需要提前两天通知。

4.Do you think you need tell her about it ?你认为你需要把这事告知她吗?

5.Moral Paradox Research Needs to Expand in Three Cognitive Directions;道德悖论研究需要拓展三个认知路向

6.Need for Cognition and the Process of Strategic Decision Making;认知需要与战略决策过程之间的关系

7."A closed wound may need to be opened or an open one sutured closed. See also Burn, coagulation, crush injury, dislocation, scar. "封闭性创伤可能需要割开,开放性创伤也可能需要加以缝合。

8.The courts have said you need to consider the main substance of the agreement.法院认为,这需要考虑合同的主要内容。

9.If the service is to shut down cleanly, we need a way to signal the waiting socket to shut down.如果我们要完全地关闭这个服务,则我们需要一种方法来通知这个监听套接字让其也关闭。

10.If you need to move your computer to connect it to your phone line, make sure the power is off.如果您需要移动计算机才能连接电话线,请确认电源已关闭。

11.The Effect of Situation Priming and Cognition Needs on Decision-making Process and Outcomes;情境启动和认知需要对决策过程和结果的影响

12.Effects of Situation Priming and Cognition Needs on Information Processing in Decision-Making;情境启动和认知需要对决策中信息加工的影响

13.A Proposition of Needs Interfering In the Economic Relations;需要干预经济关系论——一种经济法的认知模式

14.The Effect of Cognitive Needs and Framework Conditions on the Results of Indiveidual Decision-making认知需要和框架条件对个体决策结果的影响

15.The Impact of Decision Goal and Cognition Needs on Sunk Cost Effect决策目标和认知需要对成本沉没效应的影响

16.A Structural Equation Modeling of Mood,Need For Cognition and Pathological Internet Use病理性互联网使用与情绪、认知需要的模型构建

17.So constituting the model of multi-agent cognize reasoning must consider the interaction among agents.为此我们需要区分团体知识与公共知识,需要借助博弈论方法分析描述主体认知的动态性。

18.The Writing of Physics Textbooks Should Be Accord with Students Cognitive Law;物理教材编写要符合学生的认知规律


need for cognition认知需要

1.Theneed for cognition represents the tendency for individuals to engage in and enjoy thinking.认知需要指人们在信息加工过程中是否愿意投入周密的思考以及能否从深入的思考中获得享受,它反映的是人的认知动机。

2.The present study explored the relationship of mood,andneed for cognition with pathological Internet use by surveying a sample of 1030 undergraduate students through questionnaires.通过对1030名大学生进行问卷调查,对大学生的情绪、认知需要与网络成瘾的关系进行了探讨。

3)Cognition needs认知需要

1.This study used personality prediction tasks as the decision-making task, reviewing the impact of situation priming and cognition needs on decision processes and outcomes.本研究以人格预测任务作为决策任务,考察由情境启动激活的决策策略和认知需要的个体差异对决策过程和决策结果的影响。

4)Need for cognition认知需求

1.However, the need for cognition as an important intrinsic motivation is also at.其中认知需求作为一种重要的内部动机受到广泛关注,很多研究者认为,认知需求在某种意义上更能反映内部动机的本质特征。

5)needs of knowledge知识需要

6)requirement for knowledge求知需要

1.In order to meet the demand,teachers in classroom should be good at creating a situation,stimulating student’srequirement for knowledge,success,interaction which can make them experience the learning joy so as to achieve a higher ambit study in joy.课堂教学中教师要善于创设情境,激发学生的求知需要、成功需要、交往需要,使学生体验学习的快乐,从而达到乐中学、学中乐的较高境界。


