100字范文 > 闭合差 closure英语短句 例句大全

闭合差 closure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-25 00:09:33


闭合差 closure英语短句 例句大全



1.Model of single conditionclosure adjustment;单条件闭合差调整通用模型

2.Denudation Method for Computing Independent Loop Closure of GPS Net;剥蚀法计算GPS观测网独立环闭合差

3.The paper analyses the teaching of Engineering Survey,describes the basic concepts of error including the definitions of accident error andclosure,and finally provides examples for teaching.主要分析了工程测量教学中误差基本概念的应用,描述了偶然误差和闭合差等概念,举出了教学中的一些例子。


1.Concept discrimination between angle closure error and azimuth closure error of connection traverse附合导线角度闭合差和方位角闭合差概念辨析

2.However, mis tie correction is usually a multi-solution problem.但是闭合差校正往往是一个多解问题。

3.Geometric Meaning of the Formula Used in a Closed Connection Traverse for Computing Closing Error of Azimuth附合导线方位角闭合差计算公式的几何意义

4.Research and Application of Closure for High Speed Railway CPⅢ Plane Network高速铁路CPⅢ平面网的闭合差研究及其应用

5.Any difference between values for successive occupations must be considered as a closure error.逐次读数之间的任何差值都必须看作一种闭合差。

6.Analysis on the Mesh Efficiency Sensitivity of RV Transmission封闭差动式传动啮合效率的敏感性分析

7.Note:the change-over difference means the difference between the temperature when the switch breaks and the one when the switch resets to close.注:切换差是指开关断开时温度和开关恢复到闭合时的温度差。

8.Vowels have something to do with glottal closure,therefore influencs acoustical measures.结论:元音不同,声门闭合度存在差异,进而影响声学测试的参数。

9.An Analysis on the Difference Between Clinical Diagnosis and Forensic Identification of 120 Cases of Closed Craniocerebral Injury;120例闭合性颅脑损伤的临床诊断与法医鉴定的结论差异分析

10.M/M/1/m/m Queuing System with Wrong Service一类有差错服务的单服务窗闭合式M/M/1/m/m排队模型

11.The property of being mathematically closed.闭合,闭包闭合精确程度的特性

12.Close on actuation or release;Close on actuation;Close on release启动或释放时闭合;启动时闭合;释放时闭合

13.single-loop feedback单(闭合)环路反馈

14.However, it didn"t stay closed very well.然而,它闭合不好。

15.The Value Analysis of Close-ended Fund Investment on the Basis of a New Method--Behavioral Mean Half Deviation Compound Earning Ratio Method;基于一种新方法的封闭式基金投资价值分析——行为均值半离差复合收益率方法

16.relating to or consisting of a closed circuit.与闭合电路有关或组成闭合电路。

17.anything with a round or oval shape that is closed or nearly closed.闭合或基本闭合的圆形或椭圆形物。

18.closure of gastro-jejunostomy胃空肠吻合口闭合术



1.The seismic profilemis-ties at the intersections may be involved with amplitude gaining,time shifting,or phase rotation.当用不同施工时期采集的地震剖面对同一地区进行综合对比解释时,可能会遇到相交剖面产生闭合差情况。

2.In former 2-D multi-line depth migration data processing, we often take the independent line"s data as a foundation of the buildup of horizon model and pickup of interval velocity and lack control of 3-D horizon and velocity field, making the confidence level of depth -velocity model lower and there is largermis-tie in the results in depth domain.在以往的多测线二维深度偏移处理中,层位模型的建立和层速度的求取往往是以独立单测线的数据为基础,缺少三维层位和速度场控制,使得深度—速度模型可信度较低,深度域结果存在较大的闭合差。

3)closure error闭合差

1.This paper analyzes theclosure error and tolerance of the geometrical condition existing in the plane control network,and based on the production practice,introduces some methods and experiences of making the check calculation of theclosure error by using EXCEL.分析了平面控制网存在的几何条件闭合差及其限差,并根据生产实际,介绍了利用Excel进行闭合差验算的一些方法和经验。

4)closing error闭合差

5)closed error闭合差

1.A new method of automatic calculation based onclosed error of leveling network;水准网闭合差自动解算的新方法

2.With above method,least independent close loops and annexed lines of leveling network or GPS network can be searched andclosed error can be calculated automatically.提出了一种间接平差误差方程转化为条件平差条件方程的快速且易实现自动化的方法,同时采用矩阵分析理论,通过对条件方程进行特殊的矩阵分块及变换,自动搜索出水准网或GPS网的最短独立闭合环与附合路线,并自动解算出闭合差。

6)loop closure环闭合差

1.According to the relevant criterion(GPS) of our countryloop closure checking method is used to check 3D coordinate components separately.我国GPS规范对环闭合差的检核方法是对三维坐标分量分别检验,而美国Trimble Geomatics Office(TGO)软件对环闭合差的检核方法是对水平分量和垂直分量进行检验,如何以三维坐标分量方式统计环闭合差是应用TGO软件执行国家规范的重要问题,本文就这一问题进行了探讨。


