100字范文 > 演化计算 Evolutionary computation英语短句 例句大全

演化计算 Evolutionary computation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-25 09:45:59


演化计算 Evolutionary computation英语短句 例句大全

演化计算,Evolutionary computation

1)Evolutionary computation演化计算

1.Cryptanalysis for stream cipher based on evolutionary computation;一种基于演化计算的序列密码分析方法

2.The status quo and trends of the research on evolutionary computation;演化计算技术研究现状与发展趋势

3.A new algorithm for dynamic handwriting signature verification based on evolutionary computation;一种基于演化计算的在线手写签名验证算法实现


1.The Application of EC to Solve Search & Optimization Problems;演化计算在搜索与优化问题中的应用

2.Discontinuous Parameter Function s Identification Method Based on Evolutionary Computation;基于演化计算的间断参函数识别方法

3.Applications of Evolutionary Computation in Hybrid Propulsion System Optimization;演化计算在混合驱动系统优化中的应用

4.The Application of Evolutionary Computation in Combination Optimization & Data Mining;演化计算在组合优化与数据挖掘中的应用

5.To demonstrate the performance of the algorithm, an example of ten-bar truss optimization with discrete cross-section areas is presented.最后,对一个十杆桁架进行拓扑和尺寸协同演化计算,给出计算结果。

6.Research on Partial Differential Equation Inverse Problem Based on Evolutionary Computation;基于演化计算的偏微分方程反问题的研究

7.Implementation of On-line Handwritten Signature Verification Based on Evolutionary Computation;基于演化计算的在线手写签名验证方法实现

8.The Application of Traditional Methods and Evolutionary Computation in Credit Assessment of Enterprise;传统方法和演化计算在企业资信评估中的应用

9.Brief Report of Research on Cognizing the Subarea of Evolutionary Computation(Ⅱ)关于认知演化计算分支领域的研究简报(Ⅱ)

10.Brief Report of Research on Cognizing the Subarea of Evolutionary Computation关于认知演化计算分支领域的研究简报(Ⅰ)

11.Designing Electronic Circuits Using Evolutionary Algorithms and Their Parallelization;电子电路并行演化算法的设计与实现

puter Simulation of Al-(Cu)-(Mg) Alloy Microstructural Evolution;Al-(Cu)-(Mg)合金微结构演化的计算机模拟

13.Optimum Design of Highway Profile Based on Differential Evolution Algorithm基于差异演化算法的公路纵断面优化设计

14.Application of Differential Evolution Algorithms in Optimization Design of Building Structure差异演化算法在建筑结构优化设计中的应用

15.Root Subspace Theory of Geometry as well as Practical Calculus for Transformation Matrix根子空间的几何理论与演化矩阵的实际计算

16.Research on Evolutionary Algorithms for Chaos Systems Parameter Estimation and Control;混沌系统参数估计与控制的演化算法研究


18.Designing of a Construction and Evolutionary Algorithm of Self Sets Based on Rough Sets Theory;基于粗糙集理论的Self集的构造和演化算法设计


evolutionary computing演化计算

1.Research for cluster-oriented spmd algorithm and parallelization ofevolutionary computing;基于集群SPMD算法及演化计算并行研究

2.In the first stage,it usesevolutionary computing random search candidate of security protocols with BAN logic;in the second stage,optimal protocol is gained from redundancy protocols with reduction scheme.文章以演化计算为工具,以BAN逻辑为基本的推理准则,在第一阶段随机搜索候选协议,然后在第二阶段通过冗余协议约简方案得出优化的协议。

3.With theevolutionary computing we can fast generate a group of S-boxes of DES which are more secure than the old ones of DES.该文将密码学与演化计算结合起来 ,借鉴生物进化的思想 ,提出演化密码的概念和用演化计算设计密码的方法 ,以DES密码为例 ,实际获得了成功 ,演化设计得到一批比DES原S盒好的S盒 。

3)evolutionary algorithm演化计算

1.Firstly the basic principle ofevolutionary algorithm is introduced,then the processes of solving the famous logic problem SAT based on evolutionary thought are mainly discussed.演化计算方法是近年来迅速发展起来的一种全新随机搜索和优化方法。

4)evolutionary algorithms演化计算

1.The researches on multi objectiveevolutionary algorithms (MOEA) focus mainly on the Pareto based comparison and ordering of individuals, fitness assignment and Riching techniques, etc.近年来 ,多目标优化与决策问题求解已成为演化计算的一个重要研究方向。

2.We presented a general methodology based onevolutionary algorithms (EAs) for the parameter estimation of inverse problems.给出了一类基于演化计算的演化参数反演方法 ,此类方法既可以给定参数的函数类 ,用遗传算法 (Ge neticAlgorithms)来反演参数的最优估计值 ,也可以不指定函数类形式 ,用遗传程序设计 (GeneticProgramming)的方法反演出最优的函数模型 ,使参数反演实现客观化、自动化 。

3.A general approach based onevolutionary algorithms to inverse parameter identification problems of PDEs is introduced.给出了一种利用演化计算方法求解微分方程中的参数识别类型反问题的方法。

5)Evolvable computer演化计算机

6)Evolutionary Computational System演化计算系统

1.Synthesis of theEvolutionary Computational System for Engineering Optimization;演化计算系统及其综合设计


洪水调节计算(见水库调洪计算)洪水调节计算(见水库调洪计算)hongshui tiaojie洪水调节计算J ISUan见水库调洪计算。
