100字范文 > 演化博弈 evolutionary game英语短句 例句大全

演化博弈 evolutionary game英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-07 12:43:02


演化博弈 evolutionary game英语短句 例句大全

演化博弈,evolutionary game

1)evolutionary game演化博弈

1.Applyingevolutionary game theory to an enterprise cooperative competition mechanism in a value network;价值网络中企业协同竞争机制的演化博弈分析

2.Application ofevolutionary game in analyzing water resources multi-agent system evolution;演化博弈在水资源多Agent系统发展分析中的应用

3.Application ofevolutionary game theory to price bidding in generation-side power markets;演化博弈论在发电侧电力市场竞价中的应用



2.Analysis on Behavior of Agricultural Product Trade Based on Evolutionary Game农产品交易行为的动态演化博弈分析

3.Evolutionary Game Analysis of the Cooperation of Construction Supply Chain in China我国建设供应链合作的演化博弈分析

4.The Emergence of the Inter-organization:An Evolutionary Game Model中间性组织的产生:一个演化博弈模型

5.Research on Illegal Behavior of Capital Flow and its Game Equilibrium--Based on Analysis of Evolutionary Game非法资金流动行为及其博弈均衡研究——基于演化博弈的分析

6.Cooperation Optimization for Distribution Channel of Automobiles Based on Evolutionary Game Theory;基于演化博弈的汽车渠道企业合作优化方法

7.Multi Agent reinforcement learning evolutionary game algorithm for partner selection伙伴选择问题的多Agent强化学习演化博弈方法

8.The Evolution Game Analysis of Originality Marketization in Creative Economy创意经济中创意市场化的演化博弈分析

9.The Research on Large Consumer s Direct Buying Based on Evolutionary Game Theory;基于演化博弈论的大用户直接购电研究

10.A Study on Cooperation Optimization Based on Evolutionary Games Theory for Channels;基于演化博弈的营销渠道合作关系研究

11.Analysis of the Evolutionary Game and Theory Application of Huaihe River Basin Water Environment Management;基于演化博弈的淮河流域水环境管理研究

12.Interest Distribution,Public Choice and Trade friction-Perspective of Evolutionary Game Theory;利益分配,公共选择与贸易摩擦——演化博弈的视角

13.An Asymmetric Evolutionary Game Between Supplier and Retailer;供应商与零售商的动态非对称演化博弈

14.Research on Government Motivation Mechanism with Green Supply Chain Evolutionary Game;绿色供应链演化博弈的政府激励机制研究

15.A study of the evolutionary game of two manufacturer s reverse supply chain;两个生产商的逆向供应链演化博弈分析

16.Analysis of Market Equilibrium of Power Bidding Based on Evolutionary Game;基于演化博弈的电力竞价市场均衡分析

17.Evolvement Game on Implementation of Local Government in Cropland Conversion;退耕还林中地方政府执行行为的演化博弈

18.Small and medium-sized enterprise colony region marketing strategy evolved gambling analysis;中小企业集群区域营销战略的演化博弈分析


evolutionary game theory演化博弈

1.Using the replicated dynamics model ofevolutionary game theory,this paper provides a model for analyzing the formation of trade policy and the reasons of trade friction.文章利用演化博弈理论中的复制动态方法,对利益集团如何影响贸易政策制定过程与贸易摩擦成因进行了分析,认为贸易政策的形成是利益集团基于自身利益进行博弈的结果。

2.Based on altruism, this paper usesevolutionary game theory to analyze gambling relations between RCCs shareholder behavior and the government behavior.本文以利他主义理论为基础,对农村信用社股东偏好与政府策略进行演化博弈分析。

3.In this paper,evolutionary game theory is applied to the analysis of the key factors in distribution channel of automobiles in order to explain the problems that may arise in the cooperation such as inefficient cooperation and insecure symbiosis.根据汽车营销渠道中合作效率不高、合作关系不稳固等问题,采用博弈论最新发展之演化博弈理论,分析了影响汽车渠道合作关系演变的关键因素,指出企业可以采取降低合作初始成本、合理分配合作超额利润、增强合作方对未来效益的重视依赖等手段,从而加强和优化汽车营销渠道的合作管理,这对于其他营销渠道企业合作优化同样适用。

3)evolution game演化博弈

1.This paper establishes the model ofevolution game between suppliers and buyers of logistics real estate to study the cooperation between property developers and enterprises with logistics needs.为了研究地产开发商和有物流需求的企业的合作行为,本文建立了一个物流地产供需双方演化博弈模型,讨论了不同初始状态、不同复制动态方程下的地产开发商和有较大物流需求的企业的演化博弈策略。

2.This paper utilizes basic principle ofevolution game theory to analyse the evolutionary process of family firm institution arrangement and proves the necessity of establishing family firm institution arrangement concretely.本文运用演化博弈论的基本原理分析了家族企业制度安排的演进过程,具体论证了确立家族企业制度安排的必要性。

3.Essentially,The formation of innovation networks is an evolutionary process of replication-dynamics,it is similar toevolution game based on finite sense.创新网络形成本质上是一个复制动态演化过程,类似于有限理性条件下的演化博弈。

4)evolutionary game theory演化博弈论

1.Based on theevolutionary game theory,this paper deals with a simple theoretical analysis to the complexity of the interactive activities of the knowledge alliance of the enterprises and the possible multiple outcomes to the diffusion of heterogeneous knowledge flows and the stability of the knowledge alliance.本文从演化博弈论的角度,探讨了进行知识联盟的企业交互活动的复杂性可能对异质知识流的扩散和知识联盟稳定性造成多重可能结果。

2.This paper introduces application ofevolutionary game theory to water pollution control system in river basin.通过介绍演化博弈论在流域水污染控制系统中的具体应用,从系统论出发,对流域水污染控制系统的参与行为主体(政府、排污企业、农村、城市用水单位)所作策略演化过程进行分析,把参与主体间(从个人到群体)行动相互作用时决策形成的机制以及其中的各种因素都纳入到演化博弈模型中去,建构一个具有微观基础的宏观模型,实际反映流域水污染控制治理中的复杂性和多样性,为流域水污染控制宏观调控提供理论依据。

3.By usingevolutionary game theory,we study the evolutionary stability of the firms price strategies in retailing market.应用演化博弈论进行研究,分析了零售市场价格策略的演化稳定性。

5)Optimization by Evolutionary Game演化博弈优化

6)Evolutionary Game Algorithm演化博弈算法


