100字范文 > 汉语词汇研究 Research of Chinese glossary英语短句 例句大全

汉语词汇研究 Research of Chinese glossary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-21 12:42:47


汉语词汇研究 Research of Chinese glossary英语短句 例句大全

汉语词汇研究,Research of Chinese glossary

1)Research of Chinese glossary汉语词汇研究


1.On the Vocabulary of Ming Dynasty Based on Corpus According to基于《汉语大词典》语料库的时代汉语词汇研究

2.Spiccato ideas of the study of neoteric Chinese lexicon--Notes of the book On the words and grammars of neoteric Chinese;关于近代汉语词汇研究的断想——《近代汉语词汇语法散论》读后

3.New Research Achievement on Studying the Contemporary Chinese Vocdbulary--Reading the Study of Contemporary Chinese Vocabulary written by Zhang Xiaoping当代汉语词汇研究的新成果——读张小平《当代汉语词汇发展变化研究》

parative Study of Contemporary Chinese and Sino-Korean Vocabulary汉语词汇与韩国语汉字词的比较研究

5.Concern to Be Shown with Study of Oral and Written Chinese Vocabulary;关注汉语口语词汇与书面语词汇的研究

6.A comparative survey of the similarities and differences in word form of the lexicon in the Dream of Red Mansion and Modern lexicon;《红楼梦》词汇与现代汉语词汇的词形异同研究

7.Research on Contemporary Chinese Neologisms and the Vocabulary Teaching of the Teaching Chinese to Foreigners;现代汉语旧词新义及其对外汉语词汇教学研究

parative Study of Sino-Korean Words in 《Primary Korean》 and Chinese Words;《初级韩国语》的汉字词与汉语词汇对比研究

parative Research on Modern Mandarin and the Chinese Characters in Korean Vocabulary in Korean-Vocabulary List for Learning《韩国语学习用词汇目录》中的汉字词与现代汉语词汇的比较研究

10.On Glottal Stop Change in Pronunciation of Chinese Words in Japanese;日语汉语词汇读音中的促音变化研究

11.The Value of Different Translated Buddhist Texts with the Same Contents on the Study of Chinese Vocabulary and Grammar;异译经在汉语词汇语法研究上的作用

12.A Research on Lexical and Conceptual Representations in Tibetan-Mandarin-English Trilinguals藏-汉-英三语者词汇与语义表征研究

13.The study of the System of Verbs in the Outline of the Graded Vocabulary for HSK;《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》动词体系研究

14.The Study of the System of Adjectives in the Outline of the Graded Vocabulary for HSK;《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》形容词体系研究

15.Study of Synonymy, Near Synonymy and the Vocabulary Teaching of the Teachhing Chinese to Foreigner;同义词、近义词研究与对外汉语词汇教学

16.the Research of Variant Vocabularies and the Compilation of Han Yu Da Ci Dian--Take the Variant Vocabularies of SHISHUOXINYU and JINSHU as an Example;异文词汇研究与《汉语大词典》编纂——以《世说新语》和《晋书》异文词汇为例

17.A Study on Glossary Processing of TCFL Textbooks Learn Chinese with Me《跟我学汉语》系列对外汉语教材词汇问题研究

18.Analysis and Research on Glossary Processing in Teaching Materials of Chinese as a Foreign Language;对外汉语教材中的词汇处理分析研究


the Research of Modern Chinese Lexicon现代汉语词汇研究

1.The Achievements inthe Research of Modern Chinese Lexicon;《现代汉语词汇研究》成就论

3)the study of Chinese lexis and grammar词汇语法研究

4)"A Study of English Words"《英语词汇研究》

5)A study on new English words英语新词汇研究

6)Ancient Chinese function word research古汉语虚词研究


