100字范文 > 音调感知 tone perception英语短句 例句大全

音调感知 tone perception英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-17 10:37:36


音调感知 tone perception英语短句 例句大全

音调感知,tone perception

1)tone perception音调感知

1.Then, focusing on thetone perception, the CI synthetic sound fidelity and noise reduction, some novel signal processing algorithms and strategies are presented.本文针对现有CI声音编码策略的不足,围绕提高CI感音质量、增强音调感知及抑制噪声等问题,从信号处理角度,进行了以下研究。

2)Music perception音乐感知

1.So far as we know, we still not sure that the music perception ability has its own plasticity.音乐是探究人脑高级认知能力的有效窗口,目前有关人类音乐感知能力是否具有神经可塑性的研究还具争论。

3)speech perception语音感知


1.Speech Sensory Mapping for Autonomous Mental Developing Robot;自主心智发育机器人的语音感知映射

2.The English Sounds Perception and Production Mode of China College Students from Jiangsu;江苏英语专业大学生英语语音感知及产出模式调查

pressed Speech Signal Sensing Based on Approximate KLT基于近似KLT域的语音信号压缩感知

4.On the influence of phonetic system of mandarin on perceiving that of English;普通话音位系统对英语音位感知的影响

5.An Experimental Study on English Major′s Perception of English Tense/Lax Vowels英语专业学生英语紧/松元音感知实验研究

6.Experiment of Beginners Perception of Chinese Phonetic System and Pinyin;起步阶段留学生汉语语音和拼音感知记忆的实验考察

7.On Vocal Tract Characteristics of Chinese Whispered Speech and Its Applications in Perceptual Study;汉语耳语音声道特性分析及其在汉语耳语感知研究中的应用

8.Robust speech recognition algorithm based on fletcher-allen principle基于独立感知理论的鲁棒语音识别算法

9.Speech Processing Algorithm Base on Auditive Perception for Cochlear Implant;基于听觉感知的电子耳蜗语音信号处理方案

10.Categorical Perception of Stops in Standard Chinese by Uygur;维吾尔族学生对汉语普通话塞音的范畴感知

11.Kalman Filtering Speech Enhancement Based on Perceptual Weighting基于感知加权滤波的卡尔曼滤波语音增强

12.Research on speech enhancement based on perceptual wavelet transform基于感知小波变换的语音增强方法研究

13.New algorithm of perceptual weighting filter used in CELP wideband speech codec.CELP宽带语音编码中感知加权滤波器的新算法

14.Effects of Intensive Language Exposure on Chinese Students Perception of American Tense /i/ and Lax /I/;密集型语言输入对中国学生感知美式紧元音/i/及松元音/I/的影响

15.Epenthesis in L2 Complex Codas:An Optimality Theory and P-map Account;二语韵尾辅音群中的增音分析——优选论及感知图框架下的新视角

16.Effects of Language Training on Mandarin Learners Perception of American English Tense /i/ and Lax /I/;语言培训对母语为汉语的中国学习者美式英语紧元音/i/和松元音/I/感知的影响

17.Adaptive Perceptual Training and the Categorical Perception of Aspirated/Unaspirated Contrast by Japanese Learners of Chinese知觉训练和日本留学生汉语送气/不送气音的范畴化感知

18.The linguistic and phonetic disparities between Chinese and English lead to differences of auditory perception.汉语和英语在语音学和语言学上的差异决定了它们在听感知上的差异。


Music perception音乐感知

1.So far as we know, we still not sure that the music perception ability has its own plasticity.音乐是探究人脑高级认知能力的有效窗口,目前有关人类音乐感知能力是否具有神经可塑性的研究还具争论。

3)speech perception语音感知

4)same feeling知音感

5)syllable acquisition音节感知

6)sound apperception音响感知


音调1.发声说话﹑吟诵诗文时的腔调。 2.指乐曲的旋律。泛指乐声。
