100字范文 > 房地产开发商 real estate developer英语短句 例句大全

房地产开发商 real estate developer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-02 04:48:00


房地产开发商 real estate developer英语短句 例句大全

房地产开发商,real estate developer

1)real estate developer房地产开发商

1.With the rapid development of real estate,and the cheat behaviors of thereal estate developer are the most important reasons that cause the disputes in real estate industry.随着我国房地产业的高速发展,房地产纠纷日益增多,而房地产开发商的欺诈行为是导致房地产纠纷不断增长的重要原因。

2.This paper analyses whetherreal estate developers should collaborate with each other by way of game theory, basing on land resource distribution.基于土地资源配置,用博弈论的方法分析了房地产开发商之间是否应该进行合作。

3.The quality sense ofreal estate developers has a great effect in improving of construction quality.房地产开发商的质量意识对于提高工程质量有很大的影响。


1.Relation Between the Quality of Real Estate Construction and the Real Estate Developer;浅析房地产工程质量与房地产开发商的关系

2.The Game Analysis on Developers and Local Governments in Real Estate Development Process;房地产开发商与地方政府的博弈分析

3.How a real estate developer manage a project s design schedule;试论房地产开发商对设计进度的管理

4.The Game Analysis between Developers and Consumers in the Pre-selling System of the Real Estate;期房交易中房地产开发商和消费者的博弈分析

5.Study on the Principal-agent Relationship between the Real Estate Developer and the Agent;房地产开发商与代理商之间委托代理关系研究

6.The developer acquired the old post office and two adjoining properties房地产开发商收购了老邮局和与其相毗连的两宗房地产

7.The developer acquired the old post office and two adjoining properties.房地产开发商收购了老邮局和与其相毗连的两宗房地产。

8.Media better control: real estate developers who really do not" charitable"?媒体时评:房地产开发商们真的不“慈善”吗?

9.Investigation files: real estate developers who" tawjihi" general mobilization!档案调查:房地产开发商们的“高考”总动员!

10.Dynamic Game between the Reputation of Real Estate and Customer Expectation;房地产开发商声誉与客户预期动态博弈研究

11.Economic Analysis on Price Strategy of Land Agent;房地产开发商策略性定价行为的经济学分析

12.On Legal Counter-plan Guarding against Cheat Behaviors of the Real Estate Development Company;论防范房地产开发商欺诈行为的法律对策

13.Research on Behavior Decision of Real Estate Developers Based on Game Theory;基于博弈论的房地产开发商行为决策研究

14.Game Analysis of Real Estate Developers and Consumers房地产开发商与消费者之间的博弈分析

15.Stability analysis of Cartel alliance cooperative games of developer of real estate房地产开发商Cartel联盟合作博弈的稳定性分析

16.How to Do a Better Job in Verdurization on the Part of Real Estate Developers房地产开发商如何搞好小区园林绿化工作

17.A person who develops real estate, epecially by preparing a site for residential or commercial use.房地产开发者发展房地产(尤指为居住或商业目的而开发土地)的人

18.Analysis Based on Game Theory for Government and Developer of Real Estate Industry;房地产业中政府与开发商的博弈分析


house developer房产开发商

1.This paper makes ana lysis on the requirements of house buyers andhouse developers for the design, a nd based on this understanding, introduces the design scheme of a certain commer cial house.住宅作为商品既要满足购房者对商品住宅的设计要求,又要达到房产开发商开发赢利的目的。

3)reputation of real estate developers房地产开发商声誉

4)real estate development房地产开发

1.On the cost reduction inreal estate development and owner s satisfaction;论房地产开发成本降低与业主满意度

2.Theconsiderations caused by thelandscaping design and construction of theresidence zone inreal estate development;针对房地产开发中居住区景观环境设计与建设的思考

3.Forecast for the impacts of city railway transportation onreal estate development in Wuhan;城市轨道交通对武汉房地产开发的影响预测

5)the real estate development房地产开发

1.Coordinated development of the urban planning andthe real estate development;浅谈城市规划与房地产开发的协调发展

2.The real estate development and management are a complicated works, including many contentses of, analyzing from the land programming, the land space analyze, the net recruits to bid up,the item control manage to the sale support and the sale to manage analysis.房地产开发和管理是一项复杂的工作,包括多个方面的内容,从土地规划分析、土地空间分析、网上招投标、项目控制管理到销售支持和销售管理分析。

6)development of real estate房地产开发

1.Opinion on thedevelopment of real estate and its treatment;房地产开发之所见和应对

2.On current Xi an sdevelopment of real estate in terms of the thoughts of ancient Chinese architecture;中国古代建筑思想对西安房地产开发的启示


