100字范文 > 房地产开发企业 real estate development enterprise英语短句 例句大全

房地产开发企业 real estate development enterprise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-14 16:25:59


房地产开发企业 real estate development enterprise英语短句 例句大全

房地产开发企业,real estate development enterprise

1)real estate development enterprise房地产开发企业

1.Study on comparison of the financing channels ofreal estate development enterprise;我国房地产开发企业融资渠道比较研究

2.Tentative analysis on the quality system design ofreal estate development enterprise;浅析房地产开发企业质量体系设计

3.Research and Re-engineer on the Salary System of Real Estate Development Enterprises Which Bases on the Comprehensive Salary;基于全面薪酬的房地产开发企业薪酬体系研究与再设计


1.The Countermeasure of Real Estate Development in the New Housing Policy;新住房政策下房地产开发企业的对策

2.The Research on Real Estate Companies Financing Through Assets Securitization;房地产开发企业资产证券化融资研究


4.Research on Supply Chain Risk Management of Real Estate Enterprise;房地产开发企业供应链风险管理研究

5.The Research on the Choice of Financing Methods of Real Estate Enterprises;房地产开发企业融资方式选择的研究

6.Study on China s Real Estate Development Business Tax Planning;我国房地产开发企业税收筹划的研究

7.Dynamic Construction of Real Estate Developer Brand Symbols;房地产开发企业品牌符号动态性建构

8.The Study about Chinese Core Competence of Real Estate Development Enterprises;我国房地产开发企业核心竞争力研究

9.Study on the Mode of Supply Chain Management in Real Estate Enterprise;房地产开发企业供应链管理模式研究

10.On Accounting Information Distortion in Real Estate Development Enterprise;房地产开发企业会计信息失真的探讨

11.A Study of the Measures of Preventing the Property Development Enterprises from Adjusting Profit;房地产开发企业利润调节的防范措施

12.Some Practice of the Cost Control of the Real Estate Development Enterprises;房地产开发企业成本控制的几点实践

13.The study on how to train the core competenceof real estate development enterprise;论房地产开发企业核心竞争力的培育

14.The Price Action Analysis of Our Real Estate Development Enterprises;我国房地产开发企业的价格行为分析

15.Innovation of Financing Mode of Real Estate Development Enterprises;浅析房地产开发企业融资方式之变革

16.Reflections on Enterprise Dissolving Bad Loans in Real Estate Development;房地产开发企业化解不良贷款的思考

17.Study on Supply Chain Cost Management in Real Estate Enterprise房地产开发企业供应链成本管理研究

18.On engineering cost control in real estate enterprises浅谈房地产开发企业的工程造价控制


real estate enterprise房地产开发企业

1.How to control the cost of thereal estate enterprise;如何控制房地产开发企业成本

2.The employment of target cost management in thereal estate enterprise;目标成本管理在房地产开发企业中的应用

3.Study on Sustainable Financing of Internal Real Estate Enterprises;我国房地产开发企业的可持续性融资问题研究

3)real estate enterprises房地产开发企业

1.Discussion on recognition of income forreal estate enterprises;浅议房地产开发企业的收入确认

2.Along with the booming development of the real estate industry,real estate enterprises have much better prospects.随着房地产业的蓬勃发展,房地产开发企业有了更广阔的发展前景,其对国民经济的重大影响力,要求我们必须了解和掌握房地产开发企业营业收入的核算范围和确认原则,并通过案例说明其核算方法,这将有助于逐步规范和完善房地产开发企业收入的会计核算。

3.With the rapid development of real estate market,real estate enterprises are also confronted with various challenges brought about by the our national fiscal, policies financing policies and market competition.在房地产市场快速发展的同时,房地产开发企业也面临着国家财政、金融政策、市场竞争等诸多方面的挑战。

4)real estate corporation房地产开发企业

1.On Core Competence of Real Estate Corporation;论房地产开发企业的核心竞争力

2.The paper firstly describes the concept and modes of the expanding of corporations, and puts forward the expanding modes ofreal estate corporations concerning their characteristics.从企业扩张的概念和模式入手,结合房地产业的特点提出了房地产开发企业扩张的模式分类,根据企业扩张与核心竞争力的关系阐明了核心竞争力对于企业扩张的重要意义。

5)property development enterprise competitive ability房地产开发企业竞争力

6)the small and middle real estate (SME) enterprise中小房地产开发企业


