100字范文 > 流形方法 manifold method英语短句 例句大全

流形方法 manifold method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-11 22:59:32


流形方法 manifold method英语短句 例句大全

流形方法,manifold method

1)manifold method流形方法

1.Study on crack propagation modeling by high ordermanifold method;高阶流形方法模拟裂纹扩展研究

2.Some improvements in the numericalmanifold method;数值流形方法中的几点改进

3.Construction of physical cover approximation inmanifold method based on least square interpolation基于最小二乘近似构造流形方法的物理覆盖函数


1.MLS Meshless Idea-based Numerical Manifold Method;基于MLS无网格思想的数值流形方法

2.Application Study of Numerical Manifold Method in Discontinuous Deformation for Rockmass;数值流形方法在岩体非连续变形中的应用研究

3.Study on Numerical Manifold Method and Application in Geotechnical Engineering;数值流形方法研究及其在岩土工程中的应用

4.A Meshless Manifold Method and Test Scheme for Fractured Rockmass;断续节理岩体的无风格流形方法和实验研究

5.Study on Numerical Manifold Method and Its Application for Continuous-Discontinuous Problem;连续—非连续问题的数值流形方法及其应用研究

6.Ways of indentfying and producing multifractal networks traffic多重分形网络流量判别方法和产生方法

7.Two Solutions for Eddy Current Problems of Rectangular Lamina矩形薄板涡电流问题的两种求解方法

8.Research on Manifold Learning: Theories and Applications in Images;流形学习方法理论研究及图像中应用

9.Element-freed Numerical Manifold Method Based on MLS;基于MLS的数值流形无网格化方法研究

10.Convergence of Multi Point Flux Approximations Method on Quadrilateral Grids;基于四边形网格的多点流方法收敛性

11.Research on the rectangular jet with discrete vortex filament method;离散涡丝方法模拟矩形射流场的研究

12.The Study of the Manifold Learning Based Supervised Dimensionality Reduction Methods基于流形学习的有监督降维方法研究

parison and Analysis of Discharge Calculation Methods of Radial Gates弧形闸门流量计算方法的比较与分析

14.Simulation of mixed convection in slender rectangular cavities using lattice Boltzmann method用lattice Boltzmann方法模拟矩形竖腔内混合对流

15.Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Flow Past a Rectangular Cylinder用Lattice Boltzmann方法计算矩形柱的绕流问题

16.Research on Quadrilateral Partition Method Based Manifold Mesh in Reverse Engineering;RE中基于流形网格的四边形区域划分方法研究

17.Mechanism about Debris Flow s Formation and Investigation on Method of Treatment in HaiLiu Clough;海流沟泥石流形成机理及治理方法研究

18.Watershed Flow Routing Researches Based on Digital Terrain Analyses Techniques;基于数字地形分析的流域汇流方法研究


numerical manifold method流形元方法

3)numerical manifold method数值流形方法

1.Application ofnumerical manifold method in fluid-solid interaction harmonic analysis;数值流形方法在流固耦合谐振分析中的应用

2.Simulation of rock slope seepage failure bynumerical manifold method;岩石边坡渗流破坏的数值流形方法模拟

3.Simulation of rock failure bynumerical manifold method under blasting load;爆炸荷载下岩石破坏的数值流形方法模拟

4)Center manifold method中心流形方法

1.S: The reduction approach of center manifold method for the parameter-dependent nonlinear dynamical system is applied to simplify the analysis of Fold bifurcation associated with voltage collapse in a sample power system.首次应用依赖于参数的动力学系统中的中心流形方法对电力系统电压崩溃相关联的Fold分岔进行简化分析。

2.The stability of zero bifurcation solution at the degenerate points is studied with center manifold method,and the stability of limit cycle in the Hopf bifurcation is analyzed by means of Hopf bifurcation theorem.研究了著名的 van der Pol-Mathieu方程 1 / 2次谐共振分叉在退化点的零解和极限环的稳定性问题 ,零解的稳定性用中心流形方法研究 ,Hopf分叉产生的极限环的稳定性用 Hopf分叉定理解

5)meshless manifold method无网格流形方法

1.Themeshless manifold method is utilized to analyze transient deformations of the elastodynamics,especially,with discontinuity in the solving domain.运用无网格流形方法求解弹性动力学问题,是利用单位分解法和有限覆盖技术建立形函数,形函数的建立不受域内不连续的影响,可较好地求解弹性体内连续和非连续动力学问题。

2.Inmeshless manifold method,finite cover technology is employed.无网格流形方法采用了有限覆盖技术,克服了原有无网格类方法中在处理位移场中不连续时所采用绕射准则、透明准则和通视准则等经验方法的不足,给出了无网格类方法在处理不连续时的数学依据。

3.Ameshless manifold method (MMM) is presented to analyze the problems of crack propagation, especially the advantages of MMM for irregular cracks.运用无网格流形方法求解裂纹扩展问题。

6)three-dimensional manifold method三维流形方法


