100字范文 > 流形元法 manifold method英语短句 例句大全

流形元法 manifold method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-08 07:27:32


流形元法 manifold method英语短句 例句大全

流形元法,manifold method

1)manifold method流形元法

1.Numerical simulation of landslide on the right bank at the Pingban Station by-using Manifold method;平班水电站右岸滑坡流形元法数值模拟

2.Numerical simulation on dynamic split of a rock Brazilian disc using themanifold method岩石巴西圆盘动态劈裂的流形元法模拟

3.The slope dynamic stability with blasting vibration and numericalmanifold method(NMM) is analyzed and calculated.主要分析边坡动态稳定性问题,采用爆破地振波作动载荷,用流形元法对边坡进行分析,对一个岩石边坡上的裂隙岩块随地振波加载产生滑移破坏的过程进行了数值模拟,结果表明流形元法应用于爆破振动边坡稳定性研究是可行的。


1.The Application of the Numerical Manifold Method in the Stability Analysis of Rock Mass;流形元法(NMM)在岩体稳定性分析中的应用研究

2.Numerical simulation on dynamic split of a rock Brazilian disc using the manifold method岩石巴西圆盘动态劈裂的流形元法模拟

3.Streamline-Diffusion Method of An Unconventional Hermite-Type Rectangular Finite Element for First-order Hyperbolic Equations一阶双曲方程非常规型矩形元的流线扩散法

4.The researches on the NND finite element method and its applications in predicting the heat transfer rate around complicated configurations复杂外形飞行器热流的NND有限元数值计算方法

5.Studies of Mortar Finite Volume Element Methods and Fractional Flow Formulation for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media;MORTAR有限体积元方法及多孔介质中两相流的分相流动形式的研究

6.quaternion Grassmann manifold四元数格拉斯曼流形

7.The jet flow radiation computational method of axis-symmetry nozzle and rectangle nozzle are also discussed.研究了轴对称喷管和二元矩形喷管喷气流辐射的计算方法。

8.Research and Application of Flow Visualization Based on Pertinence and Geometric Shapes;基于单元相关性与几何形状的流场数据可视化方法及其应用

9.Slope Response in DC Resistivity Model by Using Three-dimensional Finite Element Method直流电阻率法边坡勘探地形影响问题的三维有限元数值模拟

10.Arbitrarily shaped gas reservoir seepage with impermeable zones based on boundary element method基于边界元法的含局部不渗透区域任意形状气藏渗流问题

11.Thirdly, this paper extends the NMM to practical and more efficient FEM meshes, imposing the essential boundary conditions with Lagrange multiplier.该文将数值流形方法扩展于实用高效的有限元网格,引入拉格朗日乘子法处理边界条件。

12.The open rectangles represent typical elements of the ion fluid.空心的矩形表示典型的离子流体元。

13.The Study of the Multivariate Rational Interpolation Problems on Algebraic Mainfolds代数流形上多元有理插值问题的研究

14.Mixed totally umbilical QR-submanifolds in a quaternionic space form;四元数空间形式中混合型全拟脐QR-子流形(英文)

15.A binary tree-based and dyadic indicated codification method is proposed in the digital watershed model (DWM).在数字流域模型中提出了一种基于二叉树理论,并以二元形式表示的河网编码方法。

16.Eight-nodded curvilinear quadrilateral isoparametric shell element is used both in the FEM and in the BEM.在有限元方法和边界元法中均采用了八结点曲面四边形等参单元。

17.Method of Space-time Conservation Element and Solution Element for Solving Convection-diffusion Equation解对流-扩散方程的时空守恒元与解元法

18.Application of Discarding Element Method in 3D Finite Element Seepage Analysis丢弃单元法在三维有限元渗流分析中的应用


numerical manifold element method流形单元法

1.Mathematical mesh adaptation ofnumerical manifold element method;数值流形单元法数学网格自适应

2.A new method, namednumerical manifold element method, is put forward for seepage with free surface problem.提出了用于渗流分析的流形单元法。

3)numerical manifold method流形元方法

4)second-order manifold methodt二阶流形元法

5)numerical manifold method(NMM)数值流形元方法(NMM)

6)seepage deformation element method渗流场变形单元法


