100字范文 > 法律监督 legal supervision英语短句 例句大全

法律监督 legal supervision英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-29 06:01:59


法律监督 legal supervision英语短句 例句大全

法律监督,legal supervision

1)legal supervision法律监督

1.Towards justic——on significance and limitations oflegal supervision;走向公平正义——浅谈法律监督的意义与局限性

2.Perfect system oflegal supervision in our country;完善我国法律监督体系的思考

3.SUN Yat- Sen and Legal Supervision;孙中山与中国法律监督体制的近代化


1.The Status and Functions of Legal Supervision in the Supervision System;法律监督在我国监督体系中的地位与作用

2.On the Relationship Between Restriction and Supervision;监督的双向性与检察机关的法律监督职能

3.On the localization of the system of the people s supervisors--from the angle of the classification of legal supervision;人民监督员制度的定位——从法律监督分类的角度

4.On Harassment And Resolution Methods Of Legal Supervision;法律监督的困惑与出路——从实证角度考量法律监督的运行机理

5.On the Monism of the Legal Supervision by the Procuratorial Organs in China;我国检察机关的法律监督一元论——对检察权权能的法律监督权解析

6.We should, through increased supervision within the Party , by the law and by the people , establish and improve a restrictive mechanism and a supervisory mechanism on the exercise of power in accordance with the law.要通过加强党内监督、法律监督、群众监督,建立健全依法行使权力的制约机制和监督机制。

7.On the Legal Supervision to Administrative Misfeasance;对违法行政行为法律监督问题的探讨

8.The Scientific Basis of Legal Supervision Right to People s Procuratorates;论人民检察院法律监督权的科学根据

9.On Improvement of Procuratorial Supervision over Interrogation;完善检察机关对侦查讯问的法律监督

10.Innovation and Improvement of the Legal Supervision Mechanism of Anti-corruption;创新和完善拒腐防变的法律监督机制

11.The united development of legal supervisor and administrative power;试论法律监督与行政权力的和谐发展

12.SUN Yat- Sen and Legal Supervision;孙中山与中国法律监督体制的近代化

13.Chinese Procuratorial Organs are the Principal Part of the Qualified Legal Supervision;我国检察机关是合格的法律监督主体

14.Legal Supervision of the Procuratorial Organ in Community Correction论检察机关在社区矫正中的法律监督

15.On the Legal Supervision on the Convergence Mechanism of Administrative Enforcement of Law with Criminal Enforcement of Law行政执法与刑事司法衔接中的检察法律监督

16.Observing the law and administrative statutes and accepting supervision遵守法律、行政法规,服从监督。

17.The Nature, Method and Legal Restrict of Supervision in Administration of Public Security;治安行政监督的性质、方法及法律制约

18.Probing into the Origin of the Motive Force of Attorney s Supervising Judge s Jurisdiction;关于律师监督法官司法权动力源探析


law supervision法律监督

1.law supervision is the obligation of the People s Procuratorate.法律监督是人民检察院的职责,本文通过调查法律监督的现状,分析法律监督存在的缺陷,有针对性地提出了关于加强检察机关法律监督职能的思考:(1)强化法律监督意识;(2)扩大法律监督范围;(3)完善法律监督程序。

2.?In order to govern our country with law efficiently,the author suggests that we should strengthenlaw supervision of The People s Institute of Inspection,and that the institution of legislation should give The People s Institute of Inspection the special treating right-the Right of Recess of law Court.为实现依法治国 ,必须加强人民检察院法律监督的力度 ,建议立法机构赋予人民检察院特别处分权———休庭权。

3.This paper discusses the ranges, contents, classifications of government powers on carrying out itslaw supervision to market.本文探讨了政府对市场竞争实施法律监督的职权范围、职权内容、职权分类等问题 ,并结合我国《反不正当竞争法》的适用及我国《反垄断法》的制定 ,提出了加强和完善政府监督职权的若干思考和构

3)supervision of law法律监督

4)legal surveillance法律监督

1.Our country constitution has explicitly stipulated People s Procuratorate is the nationallegal surveillance institution, three big procedural law all have also manifested procuratorial agency slegal surveillance nature.我国宪法明确规定人民检察院是国家的法律监督机关,三大诉讼法也都体现了检察机关的法律监督性质。

5)legal supervision power法律监督权

1.The procuratorial power defining inlegal supervision power is deeply based in our constitution sys-tem,historical culture tradition and Chinese particular situation.我国检察权定位于法律监督权,这一定位深深地根植于我国的宪政结构体制、历史文化传统以及具体国情之中。

2.The article argues that under the modern justice philosophy,prosecutorial power,aslegal supervision power,plays the same role together with jurisdiction in the justice.从现代司法理念出发,认为作为法律监督权的检察权与审判权一样在司法过程中处于重要地位。

3.The article reviews seven opinions on the characterization of prosecutorial power, and proves that it islegal supervision power from four sides.评析了关于检察权定位的七种学说 ,并从四个角度论证了检察权的本质是法律监督

6)right of legal supervision法律监督权

1.However,the definition for the nature of the right of public prosecution has obvious divarication,sometimes viewing right of public prosecution equal toright of legal supervision.随着司法独立原则的确立,公诉权制度也逐渐产生和发展起来,但对于公诉权本身的属性界定存在较大分歧,往往在公诉权与法律监督权之间简单地划上等号,这种认识上的误区在实践中存在的弊端表现得越来越明显。

2.It is an absolute state right consisting right of public prosecution,right of investigat ion to crime by taking advantage of duty andright of legal supervision.检察权的定位不应脱离我国现行的宪政体制和国家权力架构,检察权是具有中国特色的检察权,应赋予检察权特定的含义,并把检察权进行这样一种定位,它集公诉权、职务犯罪侦查权、法律监督权三位一体,是混合性的独立的国家权力。

3.Theright of legal supervision held by the prosecution board has become a supreme right .检察机关的法律监督权在审判阶段成了凌驾于辩护职能与审判职能之上的一项权利,严重破坏了诉讼结构。


