100字范文 > 日常化 routinization英语短句 例句大全

日常化 routinization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-17 22:43:17


日常化 routinization英语短句 例句大全



1.By analyzingroutinization and internalization of Confucian ethics,we can accurately understand Confucian ethics an.通过对儒家伦理日常化与内在化的分析,可以更准确、全面地理解儒家伦理及其对传统中国社会的影响。

2.It has changed the production,the communication,the form of acceptation and the basic esthetic pattern of the current society and has also demonstrated the features of commercialization,media,standardization,routinization,entertainment and fashion.大众文化将审美活动融入到日常生活之中,改变了文化产品的生产、传播、接受形式和当代社会审美风尚的基本格局,凸显出商品化、媒介化、标准化、日常化、娱乐化和时尚化特征,成为现代都市大众普遍的文化消费形式。

3.Theroutinization of the teacher\"s teaching life manifests itself in such aspects as the teaching ideas,the construction of the teacher\"s subjectivity in the teaching process,and the arrangement of teaching time and space.然而,在教学生活世界中,教师往往依存在日常教学生活中,遮蔽乃至遗忘非日常教学生活,从而孕育和滋生了教学生活的"日常化"倾向。


1.One, standardization work, or the work practices of the day-to-day.工作标准化,即把工作惯例化或日常化。

2."Real Women"in Everyday Life--On Routinization of Women"s Talents and Virtues in Dream of Red Mansions日常生活的“真实女性”——论《红楼梦》女性才德的日常化

3.The sun and the moon is often personify in poetry.诗歌中常把日、月拟人化。

4.The sun and the moon be often personify In poetry诗歌中常把日、 月拟人化

5.The sun and the moon are often personified in poetry.诗歌中常把日、 月拟人化.

6.China and Japan:Establishment and Normalization of Diplomatic Relations;中国与日本:邦交正常化与关系正常化

7.And cultures are closely related to daily activities, festivals and ceremonies.文化也与日常活动、节日、仪式紧密相关。

8.Daily Maintenance for HITACHI-7170 Biochemical Analyzer日立7170生化分析仪日常维护与保养

9.Oxide is usually seen in our daily life.在我们的日常生活中氧化物很常见。

10.Ritualization of Daily Practices:A Study on Diary Keeping Among the Educated Youth;日常仪式化行为的形成:从雷锋日记到知青日记

11.On the Framework of Contemporary "Aestheticization"-- From"aesthetic turning into everyday life" to "the aestheticization of everyday life";当代“审美泛化”的全息结构——从“审美日常生活化”到“日常生活审美化”

12.From Life Artistry to Aestheticization of Everyday Life;从“人生艺术化”到“日常生活审美化”

13.I too had begun to notice Hitler"s sudden alternations of favor and disfavor.我也注意到希特勒对人今日宠明日疏,变化无常。

14.Changes of Overseas Chinese and Chinese Community in Japan since the Normalization of the Relationship between China and Japan;中日关系正常化以来日本华侨华人社会的变迁

15.Negotiation on Diplomatic Normalization of Japan & Soviet Union and Struggle of Political Parties in Japan;日苏邦交正常化谈判与日本国内党派斗争

16.Poetics of Daily Life--On the Aesthetic Styles of Japanese Han-poetry;日常生活的诗化——日本汉诗艺术特色初探

17.On Process of the Normalization of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Korea;日朝邦交正常化谈判及日本的作用(1989-1993)

18.Flying into Common People s Home? --Reconsidering "Aesthetics of Daily Life";飞入寻常百姓家?——对“日常生活审美化”的再思考



1.The Themes Changing to the Daily Flesh in Early Shanghai Literature日常化情欲的指归——论早期新海派文本的题旨转换

2.Modernism explanation the theme of painting gradually,fromdaily theme to the fragmentization of the thematic visualization,ultimately the thematic visualization will be die out downright.现代主义对绘画主题进行逐渐解构,从主题的日常化到主题形象的破碎,最终走向主题形象的彻底消亡。

3.Opening the prison affairs refer to that the prison authorities make clear and open the law enforcement,procedures,and results to offenders and their families and the public and accept a wide range of oversight initiatives through appropriate forms,to make itdaily work,systematic and socialization is the inevitable demand of the prison affairs opening and its development.狱务公开是指监狱机关将执法工作的主要依据、程序、结果,通过适当的形式,向罪犯及其家属和社会公开并接受广泛监督的一种举措,狱务公开工作的日常化、系统化、社会化是狱务公开工作的必然要求,也是狱务公开工作发展的要求。

3)daily culture日常文化

1.Because dialogues are the main form of teaching French and there is a close relation between thedaily culture and dialogue communication,it is thought to be an effective teaching method to teach thedaily culture with dialogues to the students of learning French as a second foreign language.在法语二外教学中,教语言的同时要教文化,但文化教授的重点应首先放在日常文化上。

4)routinizing recognition日常化认识

1.AI is confronted with many problems from the naturalized epistemology toroutinizing recognition.认识论是人工智能研究的基础,从自然化的认识论到日常化认识的研究,给人工智能提出了新的问题,认识论对于日常化认识的研究将对人工智能的进一步发展奠定哲学的基础。

5)the routinization of revolution革命日常化

6)routine mechanism日常化机制

1.Therefore,in this case,it is of necessity to well study how to set uproutine mechanism thus making crisis ma.在构建社会主义和谐社会愿景下,有必要加强政府危机管理的日常化机制研究,实现政府危机管理的日常化、规范化和法制化。


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
