100字范文 > 审美日常化 Routinization of aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

审美日常化 Routinization of aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-05 01:56:46


审美日常化 Routinization of aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

审美日常化,Routinization of aesthetics

1)Routinization of aesthetics审美日常化


1.On Dailization of Aesthetic and the Literature of Transformation Period;浅论审美日常化对转型期文学的影响

2.Aestheticism and Life-Rethinking on the Aestheticalization of Daily Life;审美与生活——日常生活审美化再思考


4.On the Framework of Contemporary "Aestheticization"-- From"aesthetic turning into everyday life" to "the aestheticization of everyday life";当代“审美泛化”的全息结构——从“审美日常生活化”到“日常生活审美化”

5.The Aesthetics of Daily Life and the Defamiliarization of Aesthetics for Contemporary Woman s Body;日常生活审美化与当代女性身体审美的陌生化

6."Post Aesthetics" and "Aesthetic Consciousness in Daily Life";“后美学”与“日常生活的审美化”现实

7.The Criticism for Aestheticization of Everyday Life: Perishing and Surmounting on Esthetic;日常生活审美化批判:审美的沉沦与超越

8.The Aestheticization of Everyday Life,Expansion or Alienation of Beauty;“日常生活审美化”是美的“泛化”还是美的“异化”

9.From Life Artistry to Aestheticization of Everyday Life;从“人生艺术化”到“日常生活审美化”

10.Aestheticization, Attitude of Everyday Life, and Taste--On Aestheticization of Everyday Life;审美呈现·日常态度·鉴赏力——关于“日常生活审美化”讨论的反思

11."Daily life esthetics" under the post-mosern context;后现代语境下的“日常生活的审美化”

12.The Three Focal Points of the Controversy over “the Aestheticization of Daily Life”;“日常生活审美化”论争的三大焦点

13.Aestheticization of Everyday Life: the Perspective of Social Theory;日常生活的审美化:社会理论的视角

14.Argument over Context of "Appreciating the Daily Life in a Aesthetic Way";“日常生活审美化”论争语境背景解读

15.Analysis of the Proposition of "Aestheticism of Daily Life" and Reflection on One Phenomenon日常生活审美化论题辨析与现象反思

16.Challenge and Reaction: Reflections on Aesthetic Problems in Daily Life挑战与回应:日常生活审美化问题反思

17.On Appreciation of Beauty in Daily Life Reemergence论“审美日常生活化”的“归来”意识

18.Aesthetics in the Post-modern Turn--Aestheticisation of Daily Life and Body Aesthetics;后现代美学转向——日常生活审美化与身体美学


the aestheticization of daily life日常生活审美化

1.We can draw lessons from analyzing their theory ofthe aestheticization of daily life."日常生活审美化"出现在已经进入后工业社会的欧美发达资本主义国家,英国学者费瑟斯通和德国学者沃尔夫冈·韦尔施是这一理论最早的倡导者。

2."The aestheticization of daily life " is Chinese aesthetics theory and art theory debate at present.本文的主旨在于,通过对中国古代社会和现代社会审美现象的分析,将当今的日常生活审美化理论纳入到社会美的范畴理论之中,日常生活审美化有表层和深层之分,指出当代社会日常生活的表层审美化和古代社会美的相似之处,当代美学真正应该关注的是深层审美化,即伦理学和认识论的审美化。

3)aesthetics of daily life日常生活审美化

1.Recently,some scholars represented "aesthetics of daily life"in respecting of China society s reality of historical transformation as well as new culture plus literature and art phenomenon.近年来,一些学者针对世纪之交中国社会转型的历史现实,以及与此潮流相呼应而出现的新的文化与文艺现象,提出"日常生活审美化"论题。

2.The discussion onaesthetics of daily life is carried out among scholars,and the aesthetic generalization it brings overturns the traditional aesthetics by its overpowering odds,which will greatly affect the aesthetics about female body.日常生活审美化在学界的讨论方兴未艾,它所带来的审美泛化以一种压倒性的优势对传统美学进行质疑乃至颠覆,对当下女性身体审美必然产生巨大而深刻的影响。

4)the aestheticization of everyday life日常生活审美化

1.On the Framework of Contemporary "Aestheticization"—— From"aesthetic turning into everyday life" to "the aestheticization of everyday life";当代“审美泛化”的全息结构——从“审美日常生活化”到“日常生活审美化”

2.As forthe aestheticization of everyday life,two opposite standpoints expansionism and alienationism have been arisen in academe.围绕“日常生活审美化”这一美学现象,学术界形成了“泛化”论和“异化”论两种截然对立的立场。

3.Tao Dong-feng related to “the aestheticization of everyday life" and “cultural studies".“日常生活审美化”的兴起和倡导“文化研究”是陶东风近年来的主要观点。

5)aesthetic turning into everyday life审美日常生活化

1.On the Framework of Contemporary "Aestheticization"—— From"aesthetic turning into everyday life" to "the aestheticization of everyday life";当代“审美泛化”的全息结构——从“审美日常生活化”到“日常生活审美化”

2.It consists of double directions: one is the aestheticization of everyday life; another isaesthetic turning into everyday life."审美泛化"已成为了当代社会生活的一大特点,它包涵双向运动的过程:一方面是日常生活审美化;另一方面是审美日常生活化。

6)aestheticization of everyday life日常生活审美化

1.The Criticism for Aestheticization of Everyday Life: Perishing and Surmounting on Esthetic;日常生活审美化批判:审美的沉沦与超越

2.From Life Artistry to Aestheticization of Everyday Life;从“人生艺术化”到“日常生活审美化”

3.The specific features are: ⑴ the aestheticization of economy;⑵ Cultural turn;⑶ theaestheticization of everyday life.具体表现在:⑴经济审美化⑵文化转向⑶日常生活审美化。


