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约减 reduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-22 14:31:34


约减 reduction英语短句 例句大全



1.Face Recognition Based on Rough Set Reduction and Neural Network Ensemble;基于粗糙集属性约减和神经网络集成的人脸识别技术

2.It uses concept analysis for clustering user sessions to test suitereduction, and exploits incremental concept analysis to update data sets.该文提出一种在Web应用测试中对用户会话数据集进行约减的方法。


1.Research on a Few Key Issues in Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms;非线性维数约减算法中若干关键问题的研究

2.Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty 1991.7.31)美苏削减战略武器条约

3.Energy and Resources Saving and Emission Reduction of Taochong Iron Mine,MIS Co Ltd马钢桃冲铁矿节约资源能源与减排的“加减法”

4.This FPT algorithm decreases about 50% of mulitiplication and 15% of plus than usually row-arranging algorithm.这种算法比常规的行——列法在乘法上减少约50%,在加法上减少约15%。

5.John "s father curtailed his allowance .约翰的父亲减少了他的零用钱。

6.The expenditure is approximately 10% down on the previous quarter .与前个季度相比,经费大约削减10%。

7.Refrain from physical punishment and learn ways of positive discipline.尽量减少体罚,学会正面的约束。

8.Kept the thermostat lower to conserve energy.减少自动调温机的使用以节约能源

9.It would cover roughly 80% of the economy.毕竟减排将涉及到大约80%的经济。

10.The disks attenuate approximately 50%, 75% and 99% of the signal, respectively.这些盘衰减信号分别约为50%,75%和99%。

11.The car value will depreciate by 2000 dollars in the first year.汽车在第一年将减值大约2000美元。

12.Cultural Condition: A Deep Analysis of the Relapase of "Lightening Students Burden;文化制约:“减负”回潮的深层次因素透析

13.An Analysis of the Derogation Clauses in The European Convention on Human Rights浅析《欧洲人权公约》中的克减条款

14.A New Steepest Potential Reduction Mehod for Constrained Equations带约束方程的一种新最速势缩减算法

15.Attenuation Rule of Small Diameter Charge Detonation Pressure with the Bound of PMMAPMMA约束下小尺寸装药爆压衰减规律

16.There are now about 14 400 squatters in the urban area and about 204 500 squatters in the New Territories.现时约有14400人在市区寮屋居住,新界的寮屋居民则减至约204500人。

17.Some 9200 classrooms were treated against noise, benefiting about 430 000 students.另一方面,约9200间课室已装设消减噪音设施,约有43万名学生受惠。

18.In 1994, the number of incidences of the above-mentioned four epidemic diseases fell by about 3.517 million and the number of deaths by about 13,000 as compared with 1978.1994年上述四种传染病发病总数较1978年减少了约351.7万例,死亡减少约1.3万例


feature reduction特征约减

1.Experimentalresults show that intrusion feature set selected by thefeature reduction algorithm is better, an.提出一种基于AdaBoost的入侵特征约减算法,利用该算法约减入侵特征中的冗余特征,构造Ada-加权和Ada-域值分类器,并与支持向量机分类器进行对比。

3)model reduction模型约减

1.This work addresses a wavelet-basedmodel reduction method, which not only yields a finite low order passive model but also a representation of the interconnect systems’ multiscale and local behavior.基于偏微分方程的谱分解理论,针对VLSI中的互连线系统,提出了一种基于小波的自适应模型约减算法,选取逼近空间的一组基函数,通过积分合同变换,从而得到一个能够逼近原无穷维系统的有限低阶无源模型。

4)data reduction数据约减

1.This paper discusses a modified algorithm based ondata reduction, which is able to reduce the number of pixels by aggregating similar ones.通过数据约减,即通过对相近的像素进行量化并聚合来减少像素个数,从而降低运算量。

5)constraint elimination约束消减

1.This paper introduced a security reachability analysis model based on the strand space theory and theconstraint elimination method.基于串空间理论和约束消减方法,提出安全协议可达性分析模型;采用Prolog实现模型自动推理,利用XSB的Java接口实现基于Web的自动分析工具。

6)dimension reduction维数约减

1.The problem ofdimension reduction arises in many fields of information processing,including machine leaning,data compression,pattern recognition.维数约减问题出现在信息处理的许多方面,非线性方法主要有局部线性嵌入LLE(LocallyLinear Embedding)、拉普拉斯特征映射(Laplacian E igenmap)、基于Hessian矩阵的LLE等,它们通过在高维空间中设计数据集所在流形的拓扑、几何等特性,很好地弥补了线性降维不能发现数据集非线性结构的不足。


