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中西方比较 comparing between Chinese and Western英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-29 17:08:55


中西方比较 comparing between Chinese and Western英语短句 例句大全

中西方比较,comparing between Chinese and Western

1)comparing between Chinese and Western中西方比较


1.Accounting Research Methods System Comparing between China and Western Countries;会计研究方法体系的中西方比较研究

pare Chinese and Western methods of analysis.比较中西方的分析方法。

parison Research of Local Government System Reform between Chinese and the Main Western Countries;中西方地方政府制度改革之比较研究

4.By China and the West Fine Arts Method Comparison;在差异中融合——中西美术方法比较

5.A Comparison on Ugliness between Chinese and Western Aesthetica Culture;中西方审美文化中审美范畴“丑"之比较

parative Research on Alm of Banks in China and Western Nations中西方银行资产负债管理比较研究

parisons of the Accounting Rule of Business Combination中西方企业会计准则——企业合并的比较

8.Orient and Occidental Architecture Imitating and Analogizing Differentia Compare and Development Research;中西方建筑仿生差异比较与发展研究

9.Study on the China-West Comparative Strategies of Francois Jullien;弗朗索瓦·于连的中西比较方法研究

parison of the Aesthetic Expression between Chinese Opera and Western Opera;中国京剧与西方歌剧审美表现之比较

pare the Forms of Eastern Character and Western Letter in Graphic Advertisement;东西方文字在平面广告中的形式比较

12.The comparison of the Blank Space in Chinese Painting and the Focal Perspective in Western Painting;中国画布白与西方焦点透视比较研究

13.A Comparative Study on Political Philosophy of Utilitarianism in China and West;中西方功利主义政治哲学之比较分析

parison and analysis about face in eastern and western cultures;东西方文化中“面子”的比较和分析

parison of the Concept of "Privacy" between China nad the Wesr under Globalization;全球化背景下的中西方“隐私”之比较

16.Western Autonomy and Chinese Self Supporting: Conception Comparison;西方的自主与中国的自立:概念比较

17.Views on the Comparison of Higher Education System between China and the Western Countries;中西方高等教育体制比较的若干思考

18.The Comparative Study on the Development of Chinese and Western Harmony Educational Idea;中西方和谐教育思想发展的比较研究


comparisons between the western and China中西方的比较

3)comparison of Chinese and Western culture中西方文化比较

4)comparison of the differences between China and the West中西方差异比较

5)comparison between China and western countries中西比较

6)Sino-western Comparison中西比较


