100字范文 > 会通中西 communication between Chinese and western mathematics英语短句 例句大全

会通中西 communication between Chinese and western mathematics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-07 23:37:48


会通中西 communication between Chinese and western mathematics英语短句 例句大全

会通中西,communication between Chinese and western mathematics

1)communication between Chinese and western mathematics会通中西


1.Kang Youwei s Contributions to Communication between China and West during the Reform Movement of 1898;论戊戌变法时期康有为会通中西的贡献

2.Gradual Entry of Western Knowledge into China and a Combination of Chinese and Western Science;“西学东渐”与清初“中西会通”的科学观

3.The communication of the Chinese culture and the western culture and the predilection for the western legal system during the modernization of the Chinese legal system;“中西会通”与中国法制现代化中的仿行西法偏好

4.The Introduction of Western Historiography in China and Changes in Chinese Historiography;中西历史之“会通”与中国史学的转向

5.Roger T.Ames Explaination of Confucianism and Syncretization between Chinese Philosophy and Western Philosophy;安乐哲孔子哲学研究与中西哲学会通

6.Understanding & Sublimation:Modern Study on Laozi;略论近代老学的中西文化会通与升华

7.Blending the Past with the Present and Combining Chinese Style with the Western One--Talking about the "Hongbang(/The Red Gang)Tailor";融会古今,贯通中西——谈“红帮裁缝”

8.A Historical Comparison among Chinese,Western and Marxist Philosophies;中、西、马哲的历史对比和当代会通

9.Harmonizing between the Ancient and the Presentbetween the West and China;贯通古今,融会中西——读《寄簃文存》

10.Wang Guowei s Theory of Ideal State and Mastery of the Chinese and Western Aesthetics;王国维“境界说”与中西美学的会通

11.On Dialogue and Harmony of Chinese and Western Cultures from the Perspective Paradigm of Philosophic Dialogue;“对话范式”视域中中西文化的对话与会通

12.The Lord in Sino-western Culture--on Yanfu s Scientific thought;中西文化会通的典型——试论严复的科学思想

13.Influence of Party and Society Movement of Ming and Qing Dynasty on the Communication of Chinese and Western Science and Technology;明清之际党社运动对中西科技会通之影响

14.Knowledge-liking Theory and Edification for Perfecting Humans--Difference and Merging of the Outlook of Chinese andWestern Philosophies;爱知之学与成人之教——中西哲学观的歧异与会通

15.The Difference and Harmony Between Chinese and Western Aesthetics;中西美学的歧异与会通——兼论胡塞尔的美学贡献

16.Maths Paper Analysis for the Graduating Studentsof All Senior Middle Schools of Shaanxi Province;陕西省普通高中毕业会考数学试卷分析

17.Learning & Data:Studies of Chinese Histories of Social Securityin Context of the Introduction of Western Theories in China;学识与事实:中西会通背景下的中国社会保障史研究

18.In the last several hundred years of overseas communication, there are only two items from the West which have been lasting in Chinese society as a whole.海通几百年来,只有两件西洋东西在整个中国社会里长存不灭。


communication of the Chinese culture and the western culture中西会通

1.Thecommunication of the Chinese culture and the western culture and the predilection for the western legal system during the modernization of the Chinese legal system;“中西会通”与中国法制现代化中的仿行西法偏好

3)Chinese & western medicine integration中西医会通

4)meeting and understanding between China and the West中西文化会通

5)Combination of Chinese and Western Philosophy中西哲学的会通

6)communication between China and Western science and technology中西科技会通


