100字范文 > 广角投影物镜 Rear-projection英语短句 例句大全

广角投影物镜 Rear-projection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-23 21:59:46


广角投影物镜 Rear-projection英语短句 例句大全




1.Design of Wide Angle Projection Lenses for LCOS Rear-Projection TV Sets with a Large Screen and Compact Structure;LCOS大屏幕薄型背投电视广角投影物镜的设计

2.oblique wide-angle multiplex projector广角倾斜投影测图仪

3.Because wide-field lens are adopted in MEE,output images have serious distortion.由于医用电子内窥镜广泛采用广角物镜,图像存在严重的畸变。

4.Schlieren projection lens施利仑投影透镜,纹影摄影投影透镜

5.circular fisheye超广角镜头,俗称鱼眼镜,观景角度畏为

6.An image of the object is projected by the object lens on to the photocathode of an image converting tube.物象通过物镜投影在变像管的光阴极上。

7.An image of the object is projected by the objective lens on to the photocathode of an image convert tube.物象通过物镜投影在变象管的光阴极上。

8.interlocking angle(三镜摄影机) 锁角

9."It is also used as a component of alloys, in phosphors for fluorescent lamps, and in the glasses of certain optical components, such as camera and microscope lenses. "锗还用作合金组分、萤光灯的磷光粉和作照相机广角镜头和显微镜物镜等光学玻璃组分。

10.Designment and testing method of additional lens in multimedia projector多媒体投影仪中附加物镜的设计和测试

11.When testing for astigmatism DO NOT use a wide angle EP as it will almost always show astigmatism, which may not be there.测试像散不能用广角目镜,因为广角目镜本身也有色散。

12.The Study of PYOE Optical Technology Development Status and Design of Projection Lens;平原光电公司光学技术发展现状研究与投影物镜设计

13.I think the only thing that it doesn"t have is a wide-angled lens.我想它唯一缺少的是广角镜头,

14.inverted telephoto lens =retrofocus Iens广角镜头之一种(扩大后组焦距的设计)

15.retrofocus lens = inverted telephoto lens广角镜头之一种,扩大后组焦距的设计

16.High-quality wide angle lenses are very expensive.高品质的广角镜头非常昂贵。

17.On that occasion twelve wide-angle telescopes were set up.在这一天,他们架起了12座广角望远镜。

18.Video Lens Design for CCD Camera of Wide-angle Large Aperture广角大孔径CCD摄像镜头光学设计


wide-angle mapping objective广角摄影物镜

3)projection optics投影物镜

1.To study the two-mirror reducedprojection optics for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography (EUVL), Schwarzschild design form and flat field design form were investigated.极紫外投影光刻(EUVL)两镜微缩投影物镜通常采用Schwarzschild结构和平场结构。

4)projection lens投影物镜

1.Based on étendue, relative illumination ofprojection lens is analyzed.基于非成像光学的啨tendue量对液晶投影显示照明系统和投影物镜进行匹配 ,对液晶投影物镜的相对照度进行分析 ,根据啨tendue量计算照明系统液晶板照明面的发光强度分布 ,与根据朗伯体服从余弦分布的计算相对照度的算法进行比较 ,并对相对照度的Rimmer算法进行修正 ,分析和实验表明 ,修正算法得到的投影物镜相对照度计算更符合实际情况 ,对于投影物镜确定渐晕系数、校正像差有

2.In order to meet the demand of coma measurement accuracy of lithographic toolprojection lens,a novel method for measuring coma based on fine overlay error metrology marks is proposed.为了满足光刻机投影物镜彗差测量精度的要求,提出一种基于套刻误差测试标记的彗差检测技术,分析了彗差对套刻误差测试标记空间像的影响,详细叙述了该技术的测量原理,并利用PROLITH光刻仿真软件对不同数值孔径与部分相干因子设置下套刻误差相对于彗差的灵敏度系数进行了仿真实验。

3.In high numerical aperture and low technic factor lithography process,degradation of the image quality because of the coma aberration in theprojection lens has become a serious problem.在高数值孔径、低工艺因子的光刻技术中,投影物镜彗差对光刻质量的影响变得越来越突出,因而需要一种快速、高精度的彗差原位测量技术。

5)wide-angle objective广角物镜

6)Schwarzschild opticsSchwarzschild投影物镜


滤波反投影或卷积反投影滤波反投影或卷积反投影影像学术语。当代影像学设备进行影像重建的数学方法。在直接用扫描后所获得的投影轨迹剖面图反投影重建出的CT图像中,无法避免角度卷入条纹伪影(angular aliasing streaks)造成的模糊和失真。这种现象与被扫描层面的空间频率中高频信息的损失有关。使用一种精密的数学方法去除这种模糊。称为“展现”(unfolding)或去卷积(deconvolution),即在反投影前使用一种数学的“滤器”或卷积函数对原始数据进行修正,然后再进行反投影。两步数学处理过程合称为滤波(修正后)反投影或卷积(后)反投影。这种方法的优点是处理过程简单,速度快,所得图像逼真、清晰。
