100字范文 > 血浆生化指标 plasma biochemical index英语短句 例句大全

血浆生化指标 plasma biochemical index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-27 23:41:12


血浆生化指标 plasma biochemical index英语短句 例句大全

血浆生化指标,plasma biochemical index

1)plasma biochemical index血浆生化指标

1.Effect of chromium on growth andplasma biochemical indexes of Cyprinus carpio juveniles;不同浓度铬盐饲料对鲤生长和血浆生化指标的影响


1.Plasmic biochemistry indicators,classification of blood cells and haecytogenesis of wild Euchiloglanis davidi青石爬鮡血浆生化指标、血细胞分类与发生

2.Effects of clove leaves on growth and plasma biochemical indicators in Amur sturgeon紫丁香叶对史氏鲟生长及血浆生化指标的影响

3.Effects of Different Levels of AAA on Growth Performance and Plasma Biochemical Indices in Weanling Piglets不同水平精氨酸生素对断奶仔猪生长性能和血浆生化指标的影响

4.Effects of different lipid levels on growth and haematological biochemistry in juvenile tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus×Oreochromis aureus)饲料脂肪水平对奥尼罗非鱼幼鱼生长和血浆生化指标的影响

5.The impact of methylene blue plus light method for virus inactivation and leukocyte proof filter on plasma biochemistry indexes滤除白细胞与MB-P法病毒灭活对血浆生化指标的影响

6.The Host Efficiency of Two Kinds of Fish for Glochidia of Hyriopsis cumingii and Impact on Plasma Biochemical Indexes of Host Fish三角帆蚌钩介幼虫在两种寄主鱼上的寄生效果及其对寄主鱼血浆生化指标的影响

7.Magnetize blood plasma produced effect on some biochemical indexes of plasma磁处理不同溶液对血浆中某些生化指标的影响

8.Effects of Heat, Noise, and Their Combination on Plasma ANP, CDD, EDLS,AT Ⅱ and ET in Rats高温、噪声对大鼠血浆部分生化指标的影响

9.Heparinized Plasma Compared With Serum Samples for Measurement of Routine Biochemistry Indicators肝素抗凝血浆与血清的常规生化指标检测结果比较

10.Changes and significance of reproductive hormones in serum and biochemistry index in seminal plasma in patients with azoospermia无精子症患者血清生殖激素、精浆生化指标变化及意义

11.Effect of Soluble Fish Protein Concentrates Substitute Blood Plasmatic Protein Powder to Weaning Piglets on Performance, Nutrition Digestibility and Serum Biochemical Parameters;鱼浆蛋白替代血浆蛋白对断乳仔猪生产性能、养分消化率及血液指标的影响

12.The impact of methylene blue plus light method for virus inactivation and leukocyte proof filter on plasma enzymology and a part of biochemistry indexes滤除白细胞与病毒灭活对血浆酶等生化指标的影响

13.Dynamic changes of coagulation indexes in the rabbit s amniotic fluid embolism;实验性兔羊水栓塞血浆凝血指标的含量变化

14.Study on the biology reference interval of COagulation to 125 Health Adult125例健康成人血浆凝血指标生物参考区间调查

15.Standardization and quality control for the determination of biochemical markers of seminal plasma精浆生化指标检测的标准化和质量控制

16.Effect of Glutamine Supplementation on Immune Function in High Intensity Training Athletes;补充谷氨酰胺对大强度训练运动员血液生化指标和血浆谷氨酰胺水平的影响

17.Determination of semen quality,reproductive hormone and seminal plasma biochemical indicators in patients with varicocele infertility精索静脉曲张不育患者精液质量、外周血生殖激素和精浆生化指标检测

18.The observation of the change of coagulation index in patients with liver failure before and after plasma exchange for artificial liver肝衰竭患者人工肝血浆置换前后凝血功能指标变化观察


bio-chemistry index in plasma血浆非酶生化指标

3)blood biochemical indexes血生化指标

4)Serum biochemicals血生化指标

1.Objective: To investigate the relationship of fatty liver disease, serum biochemicals and apolipoprotein B, CHI, E gene polymorphisms.目的:研究脂肪肝与血生化指标及载脂蛋白B、CⅢ、E基因多态性间的关系。

5)blood biochemical indicators血生化指标

1.Objective:To observe the influence ofblood biochemical indicators in adjuvant arthritis(AA) rats administered orally tripterygium polyglycoside.目的:观察雷公藤多苷对佐剂性关节炎(AA)大鼠灌服血生化指标的影响。

2.OBJECTIVE To know the clinical reasons to prevent and cure diseases,and to find the factors of the health status of a university\"s retirees onblood biochemical indicators and their dyslipidemia.目的通过对某高校离退休人员的健康体检,了解离退休人员血生化指标健康状况和血脂异常的影响因素,为防病治病提供临床依据。

6)Plasma biochemical indexes血浆指标


骨代谢生化指标骨代谢生化指标是反映骨转换状态的指标,升高示骨转换增加,丢失加速,用以定期检查并计算骨丢失率,选出预防对象、判断病情发展,以及监测疗效,却非诊断骨质疏松症的可靠手段。骨形成指标有:①血内碱性磷酸酶(AKP)及特异性骨碱性磷酸酶(BAKP)。②骨钙素(BGP,osteocalcin)。③前胶原Ⅰ延伸肽(procollagen Ⅰ extension peptide)。骨吸收指标有:①尿钙/肌酐(Ca/Er)比值在空腹的第2次晨尿测定。②尿羟脯氨酸/肌酐(HYP/Cr)比值在空腹第2次晨尿测定。③尿吡啶并啉(pyridinoline,pyr,吡啶酚)。④脱氧吡啶并啉(Deoxypyridinoline,Dpyr)。⑤血抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶。
