100字范文 > 血液生化指标 Blood biochemical index英语短句 例句大全

血液生化指标 Blood biochemical index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-16 18:27:49


血液生化指标 Blood biochemical index英语短句 例句大全

血液生化指标,Blood biochemical index

1)Blood biochemical index血液生化指标

1.The influence of soybean isoflavones on blood biochemical index in ovariectomized female rats;大豆异黄酮对去卵巢大鼠血液生化指标的影响

2.The effects of chronic crowding stress on growth and blood biochemical indexes in common carp Cyprinus carpio;慢性拥挤胁迫对鲤生长及血液生化指标的影响

3.Effects of exogenous melatonin on blood biochemical index of female alpaca;外源褪黑激素对羊驼部分血液生化指标的影响


1.Diversity of Some Blood Biochemical Indexes in Dairy Cows Infected with Mastitis乳房炎奶牛部分血液生化指标的变化


3.Relationships between blood biochemical indices and egg-laying performances in muscovy ducks番鸭血液生化指标与产蛋性能的关系

pared with blood biochemistry targets between high and low production cashmere goats高低产绒山羊血液生化指标比较试验

5.The Changes of Biochemistry and Routine Parameters in Blood under Fracture Trauma Stress;外伤应激时机体血液生化指标与血常规的变化

6.Effect of emulsifier on growth performance and blood biochemical index in common carp Cyprinus carpio var.Jian乳化剂对建鲤生长及血液生化指标的影响

7.The Effects of Dietary Chlorine on Performance and Blood Biochemical Indices in Growing Ducks;氯对生长蛋鸭生产性能及血液生化指标的影响

8.Research of acid-binding capacity level on assimilation enzyme and blood index of lamps日粮系酸力水平对羔羊消化道生理指标和血液生化指标的影响

9.Effect of Cysteamine Hydrochloride on Common Carp Production Performance and Blood Biochemical Indices;半胱胺对鲤生产性能和血液生化指标的影响

10.The Effect of Calisthenics on the Biochemical Indies of Blood of the Female College Students;健美操锻炼对大学女生血液生化指标的影响

11.The Influence of Cottonseed Gluten Meal Feed PIC Growing Pigs on Its Blood Biochemical Parameters棉籽蛋白粉对PIC生长猪血液生化指标的影响

12.Effects of selenium deficiency on the physiological and biochemical indices of blood in common carp Cyprinus carpio硒缺乏对鲤血液生理生化指标的影响

13.Studies on the Physiological and Biochemical Indices of Blood in Hapalogenys nitens斜带髭鲷血液生理和生化指标的研究

14.Changes of the Markers of Hemocytology and Biochemistry in the Blood of SPF Sprague Dawley rats at Different Ages不同月龄SPF级SD大鼠血液学及生化指标的变化

15.Study on the Blood Physiobiochemic Index and Hemorheologic Properties of Ophicephalus argus Cantor乌鳢血液生理生化指标和流变学性质的研究

16.The Analysis on Histopathology and Blood Physiological and Biochemical Indexes of Pig with "High Fever" Disease;猪“高热病”组织病理学及血液生理生化指标分析

17.Research on Blood Physiological and Biochemistry Indices and Eggs Quality of Blue Peafowl蓝孔雀血液生理生化指标及蛋品质特性研究

parative Analysis of Blood Physiological and Biochemical Indexes in Grazing and Confinedness Cashmere Goat放牧与圈养绒山羊血液生理生化指标比较分析


Blood biochemical parameters血液生化指标

1.Influence of anti-heat stress Chinese herbal medicine additive on amount of milk and blood biochemical parameters in dairy cow;抗热应激中草药添加剂(夏安散)对奶牛产奶量和血液生化指标的影响

2.The effect of extract of Schisandra Chinensis on blood biochemical parameters and antioxidant function of weaned piglets;五味子提取物对断奶仔猪血液生化指标和抗氧化能力的影响

3.Effect of stocking density on growth and blood biochemical parameters of Scortum barcoo养殖密度对宝石鲈生长性能和血液生化指标的影响

3)Blood biochemical indices血液生化指标

1.Relationships between growth performance and blood biochemical indices in tilapia Oreochromis aureus;不同投喂模式对奥利亚罗非鱼血液生化指标与生长性能的影响

2.Effect of catechins on production performance,carcass traits and blood biochemical indices of meat ducks;儿茶素对肉鸭生产性能与屠宰性能及血液生化指标的影响

3.Effect of feed deprivation and refeeding on their blood biochemical indices of the mullet (Mugil cephalus Linnaeus);饥饿以及再充分投喂对鲻鱼血液生化指标的影响

4)Blood biochemical indexes血液生化指标

1.Effect of different protein levels on blood biochemical indexes in Roman Brown commercial egg-layers;罗曼褐商品蛋鸡育成期不同蛋白质水平对血液生化指标的影响

2.The study was divited into two phases(21~35 d and 35~49 d) and was conducted to determine the effects of GLN,and CS,separately or in combination,on the growth and blood biochemical indexes.试验分两个阶段:21~35日龄、35~49日龄,研究谷氨酰胺、壳聚糖单独和复合添加对断奶仔猪生产性能和血液生化指标的影响。

3.Effects of different dietary selenium levels on blood biochemical indexes in grow finishing pigs were studied in common used diets in Ningxia.试验研究了宁夏常用饲料中不同硒水平对生长育肥猪血液生化指标的影响。

5)serum biochemical parameters血液生化指标

1.Effect of different small peptides on growth performance andserum biochemical parameters in weanling piglets;不同类型小肽产品对断奶仔猪生产性能及血液生化指标的影响

2.In present experiment thirty-six growing piglets were conducted to study the effects of phytase substituted Calcium phosphate in diet on the growth performance,nutrient availability,serum biochemical parameters and excretion of feces phosphrous.本试验研究了用植酸酶替代部分磷酸氢钙对猪生产性能、养分消化率、血液生化指标以及粪磷排泄量的影响。

3.The experiment was conducted to determine theserum biochemical parameters content of Recessive-white-Feather-Autosexing chickens A and B lines,Guang Xihuang chicken and Wenchang chicken.本试验测定了我校最新育成的隐性白羽肉鸡快慢羽系父系、母系及其配套地方鸡广西黄鸡和文昌鸡主要的血液生化指标。

6)blood biochemical parameter血液生化指标

1.Measurement of GDF-8 polymorphism and Blood biochemical parameters in Arctic Foxes蓝狐GDF-8多态性及其血液生化指标的测定

2.Anglica in diets on the growth performance andblood biochemical parameters of the rabbits were determined.研究大米草对肉兔生长性能和血液生化指标的影响。


骨代谢生化指标骨代谢生化指标是反映骨转换状态的指标,升高示骨转换增加,丢失加速,用以定期检查并计算骨丢失率,选出预防对象、判断病情发展,以及监测疗效,却非诊断骨质疏松症的可靠手段。骨形成指标有:①血内碱性磷酸酶(AKP)及特异性骨碱性磷酸酶(BAKP)。②骨钙素(BGP,osteocalcin)。③前胶原Ⅰ延伸肽(procollagen Ⅰ extension peptide)。骨吸收指标有:①尿钙/肌酐(Ca/Er)比值在空腹的第2次晨尿测定。②尿羟脯氨酸/肌酐(HYP/Cr)比值在空腹第2次晨尿测定。③尿吡啶并啉(pyridinoline,pyr,吡啶酚)。④脱氧吡啶并啉(Deoxypyridinoline,Dpyr)。⑤血抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶。
