100字范文 > 民乐合奏 folk music ensemble英语短句 例句大全

民乐合奏 folk music ensemble英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-09 11:23:59


民乐合奏 folk music ensemble英语短句 例句大全

民乐合奏,folk music ensemble

1)folk music ensemble民乐合奏

1.In the light of this situation,it is necessary as well as feasible to offer the course infolk music ensemble at teachers college.高师开展民乐合奏课是可行的 ,同时也是必要的。


1.Application of the Individual Performing Method in the Folk Music Orchestra;传统民间乐器的个性演奏法在民乐合奏创作中的运用

2.The first item is Chinese Musical Instrument Ensemble, including such masterpieces as the Night of Spring Flowers, River, and Moon.第一个节目是民乐合奏,包括《春江花月夜》这样的名曲。

3.with the result that the pipa is now one of China"s most important national instruments for solo, accompaniment and ensemble recital.成为民族器乐家族中重要的独奏、伴奏和合奏乐器。

4.The vocalists or instrumentalists who perform such a work.合奏声乐家,合奏演奏家表演合唱或合奏的歌唱家或乐器演奏师

5.Sanxu was purely instrumental, either solo, alternating or ensemble."散序"是的器乐表演,有独奏、轮奏或合奏;

6.A Reflection on the Theme of Chinese Instrumental Music Moonlight on the Flowery Spring River;民族器乐合奏曲《春江花月夜》的主题思考

7.Or they may play folk music,或者演奏民间音乐、

8.by giving a concert combining classical music with Chinese folk music.他表演了一场将古典音乐与中国民族音乐相结合的演奏会。

9.My Experiences with the Performance of Chinese Traditional Folk Music Repertoire: "Borrow the Performing Techniques of Chinese Traditional Folk Instruments, Grasp the Traditional Musical Perforrming Styles"借鉴民族乐器演奏技法,把握民族音乐演奏风格

10.I play folk music on the flute. Folk music sounds wonderful.我用笛子演奏民乐。民乐听起来很好听。

11.play chords on, as of string instruments.使用一列乐器演奏合音。

12.Fine music is performed either by soloists or by small ensembles, and is divided into two types soft and hard.细乐的演奏形式为独奏或小合奏,分硬软两套。

13.A composition written for such a combination.九重奏乐曲为这种组合所写的乐曲

14.The largest bowed stringed instrument in the modern orchestra, also used frequently in jazz ensembles, especially played pizzicato.尤用于拨奏的现代管弦乐队的最大弓弦乐器,也常用于爵士乐合奏。

15.Silk and Bamboo music is an ensemble performance by string (silk) and wind (bamboo) instruments in the Chinese orchestra.丝竹乐是丝弦与竹管乐器相结合来演奏的一种"细乐"演奏形式。

16.It is ensemble music for up to about ten players, with one player to a part.它是最多十人演奏的合奏音乐,每人担任一部分。

17.A composition for four voices or instruments.四重奏(唱)曲四声合唱或由四种乐器演奏的作品

18.They"re playing some folk music next.他们下面将演奏一些民间乐曲。


tutti of the folk music instruments民间器乐合奏

3)general knowledge for directing folk music ensemble民乐合奏指挥常识

4)strings ensemble弦乐合奏

1.Starting with the thematic tone components of “Two Springs Mirror the Moon”,strings ensemble, this articlemakes an exploration of the laws and artistic appealing showed by broadening its thematic factors through polyphony andgives some opinions on how to make a further understanding and improving its artistic value.文章从弦乐合奏《二泉映月》的主题音调构成入手,就作品以多声部发展手法拓宽主题因素表现的规律与艺术感染力展开探索,对于当今条件下进一步认识和提升该作艺术价值的现实意义提出了自己的见解。

5)ensemble class音乐合奏课

6)executant of folk music民间音乐演奏家


