100字范文 > 乡土特征 rural characteristic英语短句 例句大全

乡土特征 rural characteristic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-02 12:24:13


乡土特征 rural characteristic英语短句 例句大全

乡土特征,rural characteristic

1)rural characteristic乡土特征

1.The factors that influence tourist\"perception and attitude include 9 factors: elementary service factors of human resource,specific service factors of human resource,safe and health factors,rural characteristic of food and beverage surroundings,host and guest interact factors,rural characteristic of food,rural characteristic of human resource,subjective and objective factors of food quality.通过调查对影响乡村旅游餐饮服务质量的因素进行了因子分析,将其归纳为9个因子:服务人员基础服务因素、服务人员超值服务因素、安全卫生因素、餐饮环境乡土特征因素、主客互动因素、菜品的乡土特征因素、服务人员的乡土特征因素、菜品质量的客观因素和菜品质量的主观因素。

2)country characteristics乡土特色


1.On Countryside Urbanization and Preservation of Countryside Characteristics;论乡村城市化与农村乡土特色的保持

2.The description of the town lacked local colour.该镇的描写缺少乡土特色。

3.Highlighting Local Flavor & Constructing Ecological Towns in West Anhui;突出乡土特色 营造皖西生态城镇

4.On the Local Flavor and the National Art of The Remote Town;试论《边城》的乡土特色及民族艺术

5.On Thematic Features of "Native Novels" in 1920s;论代“乡土小说”的主题特色

6.Discussion on Local Characteristic Landscape Design with Indigenous Plants乡土植物营造地方特色园林景观探讨

7.On the Creative Characteristics of Jiang Wenye s Piano Divertimento Xiangtu Jieling Shi (Poems of Rural Seasonal Phenomena);试析江文也钢琴套曲《乡土节令诗》的创作特色

8.Study on the Type of Characteristic Agricultural Planning for Comprehensive Land Use of Villages and Towns;特色农业型乡镇土地利用总体规划研究

9.Excavating Local Village Resource and Creating Characteristic Activities in the Rural Area Kindergarten;挖掘乡土资源,创设农村幼儿园特色区域活动

10.Study on the Architectural Forms and Architectural Culture of Zhang Guying"s Mansion张谷英大屋乡土建筑形式和建筑文化特色研究

11.Aboriginal Beauty of Returning to Native Roots--Discussing Hu Xiang Characteristic of Zhou Libo’s Homeland Livelihood Short Novels;回归乡土的原生态之美——论周立波故乡生活短篇小说的湖湘特色

12.The Special Character in the Grass-roots Level--Legal Service Offices in Small Towns as the Mediator;乡土社会中的独特角色——作为调解主体的乡镇法律服务所

13.To realize the history and the process of development of a certain han Taiwanese settlement, the importance of the village temple in the settlement is usually emphasized.近年来在本土化风潮之下,乡土的种种遗产或特色,逐渐再现。

14.Protect Characteristic Ancient Residence in Urban Constructing--Soilbuildings in Yongding for Example小城镇建设要注意保护特色乡土古民居——以龙岩永定土楼为例

15.Research on the Application of Indigenous Plants in Landscape with Characteristics of Luoyang Ancient City乡土植物在洛阳古城特色园林建造中的应用研究

16.characteristic of the fields or country.具有田间和乡村特色的。

17.Song of the Nostalgic Travelers -- On Unique Styles of the Local-color Novels by Lu Yan漂泊者的怀乡之曲——析鲁彦乡土小说的独特风格

18.On the local Poems of GAO kai and NIU Qing-guo;黄土地的色调与悲情——高凯、牛庆国乡土诗略论


country characteristics乡土特色

3)characteristic of frozen soil冻土特征

1.Through the pile foundation construction in Qingshui river test section of Qingzang railway the rock character and thecharacteristic of frozen soil of overburden soil are analyzed and some pile foundations adapting to frozen soil are proposed.通过对青藏铁路清水河试验段桩基施工 ,分析了覆盖土的岩性及冻土特征 ,提出了几种适宜于冻土的桩基类型。

4)soft subsoil characteristic软土特征

1.Thus the authors specifically analyse thesoft subsoil characteristic of expressway in South Fujian region; and evaluate methods commonly used for treating soft subsoil foundation which include dewatering and consolidation, overload and .文中具体分析闽南地区高速公路软土特征 ,对排水固结、堆 (超 )载预压、水泥搅拌桩复合地基和水泥煤粉灰碎石桩等常用的软基处理方法进行评

5)characteristics of local condition and custom风土特征

6)soil characteristics土壤特征

1.Differences in ground vegetation andsoil characteristics in adjacent birch and spruce stands of southern Sweden;瑞典南部相邻桦树和欧洲云杉林分的地表植被和土壤特征(英文)

2.There are significant difference ofsoil characteristics in each forest model forest.以重庆缙云山8种不同构建模式的水源涵养林及林地土壤为研究对象,用物种多样性指数(Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数)、均匀度指数(Pielou指数)和物种丰富度指数(Margalef指数)以及用土壤容重、毛管孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度、pH值、有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、速效氮、有效磷、速效钾和阳离子交换量12个指标表征土壤的物理性状和养分特征,分析了8种群落的植物多样性、土壤特征及二者的相互关系。

3.In our research,soil moisture contents in typical mountains in Dongjiang were measured by TDR in many locations with different land covers,landform,soil characteristics,land surface slopes in different slope position.选取广东省东江流域内具有不同覆被、地形、土壤特征的典型山体,利用TDR测定山体不同位置的土壤含水率,分析土壤水的空间分布规律及其影响因素。


