100字范文 > 乡土社会 Rural society英语短句 例句大全

乡土社会 Rural society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-17 03:27:59


乡土社会 Rural society英语短句 例句大全

乡土社会,Rural society

1)Rural society乡土社会

1.Seek Legal Equality for Rural Society from "Farmer" to "Citizen;寻求乡土社会“农民”到“公民”的法律平等

2.In the process of building modern state,the state using administrative system,imports the state will into the rural society to make the scattered and divided rural society into one unit.本文认为,在现代国家建构过程中,国家运用行政体系,将国家意志输入乡土社会,将分散和分割的乡土社会整合为一体。

3.Studied from the angle of legal structure,the rural society which formed in our country s history is a dual legal structure in which the state law and folk law co-exist.从法律结构角度进行考查,我国的历史上形成的乡土社会是一种国家法与民间法并存的法律二元结构,我们应该在法律二元结构模式下进行法治建设。


1.Folk Punishment in the Rural Society--Taking Mechanism of Creditable Punishment in the Rural Society as An Example Proves;乡土社会中的民间惩罚——以乡土社会中信用为媒介予以说明

2.The Special Legal Person in the Local Society --A study on the arbitrators in our local society;乡土社会中的特殊法律人——浅议我国乡土社会中的人民调解员

3.Research on the Villages and Towns Government s Participation in the Rural Society Settling Disputes System;乡镇政府参与下的乡土社会纠纷解决机制研究

4.Law and principles in the country;乡土社会中的法与理——一次乡村调查引发的思考

5.In folk society vicissitude legal belief crisis ponder;乡土社会变迁中法律信仰危机的思考

6.On the rules maintaining local social order and their nature;论维系乡土社会秩序的规范及其本质

7.The Theory of Legal Structure and the Legal Structure of Rural Society;法律结构论与乡土社会中的法律结构

8.The Rule In Solving Rural Society s Disputes And It s Optimized Allocation;论乡土社会的解纷规则及其优化配置

9.Seek Legal Equality for Rural Society from "Farmer" to "Citizen;寻求乡土社会“农民”到“公民”的法律平等

10."Administration Going to the Countryside": Mobilization、Tasks and Orders--The Administrative Mechanism of Infiltration of Modern State to Rural Society;“行政下乡”:动员、任务与命令——现代国家向乡土社会渗透的行政机制

11.The Conflict and Its Development of Regulation in Contemporary Society;当代乡土社会的规则冲突及其演变——以一起乡民诉讼为例

12.The Special Character in the Grass-roots Level--Legal Service Offices in Small Towns as the Mediator;乡土社会中的独特角色——作为调解主体的乡镇法律服务所

13.The Unofficial Institution and The Village Sports Development:The Local Social Perspective非正式制度与乡村传统体育的发展:乡土社会的视角

14.A Research on Folk Drama and Social Populace s Interaction;民间小戏与乡土社会民众的互动状况研究

15.Reading China"s society from the "local Chinese"--Feeling from the "local Chinese"从《乡土中国》解读中国社会——读《乡土中国》有感

16.Spokeman of Township Community;乡镇社会的代言人——略论彭瑞高的乡土小说创作

17.New Trend of "Diversity-orderly Structure" of Chinese Native Soil Society乡土中国社会“差序格局”新趋势

18.Analysis about Traditional Countryside Society in View of The Chinese Native Soil Society从《乡土中国》解读中国传统农村社会


local society乡土社会

1.Rule Discourse and Pattern: an analysis on the mediation of dissension inlocal society;规则、话语与范式:乡土社会场域下的纠纷解决

2.As a kind of precious nationalities" culture resources,Hmong traditional medicine just survives in Hmonglocal society,has constantly been defenced and creationarily consrtucted in its own existing cultural space by the holders because of being long-term marginalized.苗族医药作为一种珍贵的民族文化资源,由于长期地被边缘化而仅以"地方性医药知识"的载体形式存活于苗族乡土社会中,并在其赖以生存的文化场域中不断地得到其"持有者"的创造性建构与辩护。

3.Ever since the Western scholars have endeavored to grasp Chinese civilization bylocal society,China′s local scholars,faced with the crisis brought about by modern Western industrial civilization′s impacting China′s agricultural society,taking "local concern" as the core,have formed their different theoretical horizons and conceptual frameworks.从西方学者试图借乡土社会把握中华文明以来,中国本土学人面对中国农业社会在西方现代工业文明的冲击下出现的危机,以"乡土关怀"为核心,形成了各有差异的理论视野或概念框架。

3)local community乡土社会

1.The concept of "The Pattern of Difference Sequence" put forward by Professor Fei Xiao?tong is of great value to study on thelocal community in China and is of deep significance in theory.费孝通先生提出的“差序格局”对研究中国乡土社会提供了很有价值的研究视角,并且至今仍有着深刻的理论意义,在费孝通先生提出“差序格局”这个概念之后,许多学者们对这个概念进行了研究并且对它的内涵和外延也进行了再认识,研究了新形势下“差序格局”的变化和在现实中的表现。

2.Justice,in Chinese linguistic environment,especially in thelocal community,is one kind of human sentiment justice and the sense organ justice.中国语境下的司法正义,尤其是在乡土社会表现为一种人情正义和感官正义,乡村的司法也有其自己的规律与特点。

4)Country society乡土社会

1.Chinese traditional morality of bona fide was based on country society and was closed,narrow,weak and instable.中国传统诚信道德观念建立在小农经济的乡土社会之上,因此,这种诚信观是封闭的、狭窄的,也是脆弱的和不稳定的。

5)Folk society乡土社会

1.The Religious belief inFolk society——an anthropology inspection of a Daoist temple;乡土社会的宗教信仰——一个全真派道观的人类学考察

6)rural community乡土社会

1.This article traces the development of rural communal conventions in Southern Fujian in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the history of rural convention of rendering "reasonable verdict by the Patriarchal Clan" and the related customary law applicable in therural community of Southern Fujian.描述明清时期乡约制度在闽南乡土社会发生的若干状况、闽南乡土社会关于乡约"合理词讼"及其适用的民间习惯法的历史记录和历史记忆。


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
