100字范文 > 和弦编配 chord edit英语短句 例句大全

和弦编配 chord edit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-17 16:25:29


和弦编配 chord edit英语短句 例句大全

和弦编配,chord edit

1)chord edit和弦编配

2)selecting chords和弦配置

1.In this essay,going ahead with the principle of chord connection,the author deduces the basic rule to select chords,such as root position,inversions,function chord,non-function chord and seventh chord,and sums up the three methods ofselecting chords: connection,substitution and formulism.文章从功能和声的连接原理出发,演绎出和声写作中选用原位和弦、转位和弦、正三和弦、副三和弦、常用七和弦配置和声的基本原则,并通过实例分析,归纳出三种基本方法:连用法、替换法、公式法。


1.On the Methods of Selecting Chords in Harmony Composition;和声写作中和弦配置方法的系统归纳

2.guitar mechanism (i.e., pegs and worm-and tooth wheels)吉他的装置(即弦轴和蜗杆与齿式轮)

3.mandolin mechanism (i.e., pegs and worm and tooth wheels)曼多林琴装置(即弦轴和蜗杆与齿式轮)

4.sine-cosine resolver正弦-余弦解算装置

5.Relating to or consisting of a harmonic chord.和弦的与和弦有关的或由和弦组成的

6.Create Document Profiles and Custom Profiles创建文档配置文件和自定义配置文件

7.manpower utilization and deployment survey人力利用和配置调查

8.Enables you to set up and configure a network adapter card and network protocol.允许你设置和配置一个网络适配卡和网络协议。

9."Manages configuration and settings for network and dial-up connections.""管理网络和拨号连接的配置和设置。"

10.This time the work is scored for an orchestra with solo singers and chorus;这一次,这部作品是为配有独唱演员和合唱队的管弦乐队谱写的;

11.Techniques of the Fourth Chord in Berg s Piano Sonata Op.1;贝尔格《钢琴奏鸣曲》Op.1中四度叠置和弦的使用技法

12."The database has not been configured or analyzed using Security Configuration and Analysis."还没有用安全配置和分析配置或分析过数据库。

13.Research on Constraint Based Product Configuration Method and Product Configuration Optimization;基于约束的产品配置方法和产品优化配置研究

14.(No profile matches input source types)(无配置文件和输入源类型匹配)

15.Use this tab to configure the network protocol and settings.使用此选项卡来配置网络协议和设置。

16.Configure...~~Changes port settings and dialing options.配置...~~修改端口设置和拨号选项。

17.Configure network protocols and proxy settings.配置网络协议和代理服务器设置。

18."Manages Terminal Services protocol configurations and server settings"管理“终端服务”协议配置和服务器设置


selecting chords和弦配置

1.In this essay,going ahead with the principle of chord connection,the author deduces the basic rule to select chords,such as root position,inversions,function chord,non-function chord and seventh chord,and sums up the three methods ofselecting chords: connection,substitution and formulism.文章从功能和声的连接原理出发,演绎出和声写作中选用原位和弦、转位和弦、正三和弦、副三和弦、常用七和弦配置和声的基本原则,并通过实例分析,归纳出三种基本方法:连用法、替换法、公式法。

3)Programming and Configuring编程和配置

1.Implementation of theProgramming and Configuring of CPLD and FPGA;介绍了CPLD和FPGA的编程和配置方式,并结合具体的器件给出了若干实例。


1.The composition of a tetrachord is a basic training at the elementary level of music study.四部和声写作是和声学习初学阶段中的一种基本训练形式,怎样构思谋篇才能达到好的效果,需要考虑的因素很多,其中,和弦选择的优与劣会影响到调式的建立、功能的体现和色彩的差异,是写作的关键。

2.From structure of chord,tonality concept,and mode of thinking,the article discusses the concepts and characteristics represented by 20th century harmony.本文从和弦结构、调性观念、调式思维三个方面论述了二十世纪和声表现出来的观念与特征。

3.With the aim of improving the students ability of distinguishing music,the writer discusses in this thesis the methods of self-practice in listening comprehension of interval,chord and melody.为提高学生听辨音乐的水平和能力,对音程、和弦、旋律听力练习的方法概括为:练习音程从理论上熟悉、记住音程的名称,音响上记住音高和效果;和弦听写用听辨、模唱、构唱记原位、转位音响;旋律听写通过大量视唱、背唱、默写来储存、掌握基本要素。

5)sinusoidal coding正弦编码

6)sine-cosine encoder正弦—余弦编码器


