100字范文 > 变和弦 altered chord英语短句 例句大全

变和弦 altered chord英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-23 12:49:30


变和弦 altered chord英语短句 例句大全

变和弦,altered chord

1)altered chord变和弦

1.With its special sound effect and manifestation,altered chord is used in improvisational piano accompaniment to enrich the harmony and expressive force.变和弦是一种具有特殊音响效果和表现意义的和弦,在钢琴即兴伴奏中,离调变和弦向其临时的主和弦根音作四度或二度上行解决可获得离调效果;运用调内变和弦时必须将所包含的半音解决到调内的稳定音级;歌曲旋律中大、小调的因素相互渗透或是大小调之间相互转调时运用变和弦可实现调式交替;使用变和弦能够起到丰富和声色彩、增加和声表现力的独到作用。


1.The Case of Altered Chords Used in Chinese Music Works;变和弦在中国音乐作品中的运用举要

2.A WPT and DCT Based Bi-watermarking Algorithm基于小波包变换和离散余弦变换的双水印算法

3.Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on DCT and Arnold Transform基于离散余弦变换和Arnold变换的数字水印算法

4.Relating to or consisting of a harmonic chord.和弦的与和弦有关的或由和弦组成的

5.Image Watermarking Technique Based on the DCT Transform and the Edge Detection基于离散余弦变换和边缘检测的图像水印技术

6.Remote Sensing Image Fusion Based on DCT and Clustering Algorithm基于离散余弦变换和聚类算法的遥感图像融合

7.Digital Watermarking Technique Based on Digital Holography and Discrete Cosine Transform基于数字全息和离散余弦变换的数字水印技术

8.Palmprint Recognition Based on Discrete Cosine Transform and Support Vector Machines基于离散余弦变换和支持向量机的掌纹识别

9.The fast-and slow-scale stabilities and chaotic motion of H-bridge sine inverterH桥正弦逆变器的快变和慢变稳定性及混沌行为研究

10.To elaborate(a theme)with rhythmic and harmonic variations.使主题音乐繁复变调用有节奏的和谐的变化使(弦律)更加精妙

11.An Algorithm for Blind Watermarking Based On DWT And DCT基于离散小波变换和离散余弦变换的盲水印算法

12.An Investigation of Digital Watermarking Technique Based on the Combination of WPT and DCT基于小波包变换和离散余弦变换的复合数字水印技术研究

13.Analysis Short Time Power Quality Disturbances Based on Local Cosine Transform and Wavelet Transform;基于局部余弦变换和小波变换的短时电能质量扰动检测

14.Directional DCT and Directional DWT and Their Application in Ultrasound Images;方向离散余弦变换和方向离散小波变换及其在超声图像中的应用

15.The algorithm of gray image watermark based on best wavelet packet and discrete cosine transform基于最优小波包变换和离散余弦变换的灰度图像水印算法

16.Research on sine and cosine transform of broad sense Fourier广义Fourier正弦、余弦变换研究

17.relating to or consisting of or emphasizing chords.与和弦有关或由和弦组成。

18.You can practice this exercise with any riff, solo, or chord change.你可以在任何即兴小段、独奏或和弦变化中实践这个练习。


Discrete cosine and sine transforms离散余弦和正弦变换


1.The composition of a tetrachord is a basic training at the elementary level of music study.四部和声写作是和声学习初学阶段中的一种基本训练形式,怎样构思谋篇才能达到好的效果,需要考虑的因素很多,其中,和弦选择的优与劣会影响到调式的建立、功能的体现和色彩的差异,是写作的关键。

2.From structure of chord,tonality concept,and mode of thinking,the article discusses the concepts and characteristics represented by 20th century harmony.本文从和弦结构、调性观念、调式思维三个方面论述了二十世纪和声表现出来的观念与特征。

3.With the aim of improving the students ability of distinguishing music,the writer discusses in this thesis the methods of self-practice in listening comprehension of interval,chord and melody.为提高学生听辨音乐的水平和能力,对音程、和弦、旋律听力练习的方法概括为:练习音程从理论上熟悉、记住音程的名称,音响上记住音高和效果;和弦听写用听辨、模唱、构唱记原位、转位音响;旋律听写通过大量视唱、背唱、默写来储存、掌握基本要素。

4)finite sine and cosine transforms有限正弦和有限余弦变化变换

5)nonlincar load sine aberrance非线性负载和正弦畸变


1.Then they are mixed and become one signal which is calledthree-chord wave.探讨了数字合成音频技术中三和弦电路的设计与实现问题,重点集中在硬件电路的设计及软件程序的编写上。


