100字范文 > 自燃煤矸石 spontaneous combustion gangue英语短句 例句大全

自燃煤矸石 spontaneous combustion gangue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-13 20:16:39


自燃煤矸石 spontaneous combustion gangue英语短句 例句大全

自燃煤矸石,spontaneous combustion gangue

1)spontaneous combustion gangue自燃煤矸石

1.The Study on Green High-performance Compound Concrete Mixed with Spontaneous Combustion Gangue and Slag;复合自燃煤矸石矿渣绿色高性能混凝土研究

2.The result shows thatspontaneous combustion gangue and slag inter-promote in the course of hydration,early strength of pure slag system can be increased while its late strength not reduced by addingspontaneous combustion gangue less than 50%,the strength of binding material improves with increasing amount of slak.以砂质自燃煤矸石和矿渣作为胶凝主体,并以熟石灰、芒硝和水玻璃为激发剂,研制出一种砂质矸石胶凝材料。

3.Using thespontaneous combustion gangue and slag as mixing material of high-performance concrete,an orthogonal experiment with different match rations of concrete was conducted.采用自燃煤矸石和矿渣作为高性能混凝土的掺合料,通过混凝土配合比的正交试验,分析了有关因素对该高性能混凝土的影响和效果,验证了自燃煤矸石具有很好的活性,可以作为掺合料配制高性能混凝土,并确定了不同标号复合高性能混凝土的配合比方案。


1.Orthogonal Test Research on Spontaneous Combustion Coal Gangue"s Compound Activation自燃煤矸石复合活化的正交试验研究

2.Application of explosion prevention and grouting fire extinguishing tube in spontaneous combustion coal gangue piles自燃煤矸石山防爆注浆灭火管的应用

3.The Test Study of Hollow Block Made with Fly Ash and Self-burning Coal-stone;粉煤灰、自燃煤矸石空心砌块的试验研究

4.The Study on Green High-performance Compound Concrete Mixed with Spontaneous Combustion Gangue and Slag;复合自燃煤矸石矿渣绿色高性能混凝土研究


6.Experiment shows that with the increment of substituted spontaneous combustion gangue powder for cement, the water demand of gelled material system is increased gradually.试验结果表明,随着自燃煤矸石粉取代水泥量的增加,胶凝材料体系需水量逐渐增大。

7.Spontaneous combustion mechanism analysis and experiment of gangue hill in Xinli coal mine新立煤矿矸石山自燃机理分析与实验

8.Coal Gangue Fuel Burning Reaction and Production煤矸石工业燃料的燃烧产物及其燃烧反应

9.This paper analyzes on the harmfulness of the gangue on the natural environment,and probes into the effective paths for the utilization of the gangue.分析了煤矸石对自然环境的危害,探讨了利用煤矸石的有效途径。

10.The Problem Analysis of Co-combustion of Coal and Coal Gangue in CFB Boiler流化床锅炉掺混煤矸石燃烧中的问题分析

11.The Design and Study About Circulating Fluidized Boiler Which Used FuJian Anthracite Mixed Low Heat Value Gangue;燃用福建无烟煤并掺烧低热值煤矸石循环流化床锅炉的设计研究

12.The Design of 25 MW Coal Sludge、 Gangue-Fired CFB Boiler浅谈一台25MW燃煤泥、煤矸石的循环流化床锅炉的设计

13.Analysis on Reducing Amount of Gangue and Recovery and Utilization of Waste浅析减少煤矸石采出量与矸石的利用

14.Analysis of Factors Affected to Vegetation Restoration and Ecological Reconstruction of Coal Rejects Hills with Spontaneous Combustion自燃矸石山植被恢复与生态构建影响因素分析

15.Phenomenon of overall increasing of temperature in fiery coal gangue heap and its theoretical explanation矸石山自燃整体升温现象及其理论解释

16.Plan Demonstration of Automatic Installation for System Safety in Taiyuan Gangue Heat & Power Plant太原煤矸石热电厂系统安全自动装置方案论证

17.Study on Spontaneous Combustion Mechanism and Prevention Technology of Coal Gangue;煤矸石山自然发火机理及防治技术研究

18.Research on Coal Gangue On-line Automatic Separation System Based on ARM and CPLD;基于ARM和CPLD的煤矸石在线自动分选系统研究


spontaneous combustion coal gangue自燃煤矸石

1.The ettringite formation of active Al_2O_3 in thespontaneous combustion coal gangue cementitious material is analyzed by XRD.采用 XRD 分析了自燃煤矸石胶凝材料中活性 Al_2O_3在不同因素影响下水化形成钙矾石的情况。

2.A systematical tests on chemical constituents,durability and harmful substances content,physical and mechanical properties of thespontaneous combustion coal gangue generated from Gaode,Fuxin City of Liaoning Province were made.针对煤矸石占用大量耕地并对矿区生态环境造成的污染问题,参照国标,对辽宁省阜新市高德矿排放的自燃煤矸石进行了化学组成、耐久性及有害物质含量、物理力学性能的检测,发现其各项指标均满足国家对轻集料标准的要求。

3.Crushing the gangue to the lightweight coarse aggregate, this paper designs 10 groups of specimen of polypropylene fiberspontaneous combustion coal gangue of lightweight aggregate concrete, using "uniform.参照国标,对辽宁省阜新市高德矿排放的自燃煤矸石进行了化学成分、耐久性及有害物质含量、物理力学性质的系统检测。

3)Self-ignition coal gangue自燃煤矸石

1.Take the boron sludge ceramisite of industrial waste residue as the coarse aggregate and both the river sand and Si-Mn Alloy Slag as the fine aggregate ,use the powdered self-ignition coal gangue as the active mixing material, mix some cement and polyacrylonitrile fibre, finally produce a kind of building wall slab which accords with the standard and has good performance.介绍用工业废渣硼泥生产的硼泥陶粒作为粗骨料,河砂、锰渣为细骨料,以自燃煤矸石粉作活性混合材, 掺入一定量的水泥、聚丙烯腈(PAN)纤维,配制出符合有关标准、性能优良的外墙板产品。

4)spontaneous combustion of coal gangue煤矸石自燃

5)spontaneous combustion gangue dump自燃煤矸石山

1.Harm ofspontaneous combustion gangue dump explosion and its counter techniques;自燃煤矸石山爆炸的危害及治理技术

6)No-spontaneous combustion gangue非自燃煤矸石


