100字范文 > 中日关系 Sino-Japanese relations英语短句 例句大全

中日关系 Sino-Japanese relations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-30 06:46:59


中日关系 Sino-Japanese relations英语短句 例句大全

中日关系,Sino-Japanese relations

1)Sino-Japanese relations中日关系

1.Get Rid of the Encased Knot of Sino-Japanese Relation and Achieve Historical and National Reconciliation——The Consider ofSino-Japanese relations go out the ebb quickly;破解中日关系“死结”,实现历史性民族和解——关于中日关系早日走出低谷的若干思考

2.Change of Japanese Party System after Cold War and its Influence on Sino-Japanese Relations;冷战后日本政党格局变化及对中日关系的影响


1.Koizumi Took Office in China-Japan Relations and Japan-Taiwan Relations Theory;小泉执政以来中日关系与日台关系论

2.Sino-US Relations and Sino-Japanese Relations in Northeast Asia中美关系、中日关系以及东北亚国际关系

3.Sino-Japanese Relations Against the Background of Japan Taiwan Ties;20世纪50年代以来日台关系的演变与中日关系

4.ODA Japan to Chna and Relationship of China and Japan;日本对华的政府开发援助与中日关系

5.On the Dilemma of the Sino-Japanese Relations--Comment on the New Mentality of Sino-Japanese Relation;走出中日关系的困境——兼论对日新思维

6.Japan s Politics and Diplomacy of and Sino-Japanese Relations;日本政治外交与中日关系

7.To Identify Japanese National Character from Development of Sino-Japan Relationship;从中日关系的发展看日本的民族性格

8.The Influence of Japanese Taiwan Policy on Chinese-Japanese Relationship After World War Ⅱ;战后日本对台政策对中日关系的影响

9.Sino-Japanese and Sino-US Relations in China’s Peaceful Rise;中国崛起过程中的中日关系与中美关系

10.The Effect of the Changes in US-Japan Relations on Sino-Japan Relations--A Survey of Sino-US-Japan Trilateral Relations;美日关系的变化对中日关系的影响——以中美日三角关系为中心的考察

11.Sino-Japanese Relations and Guide of Public Opinion in Japan;中日关系与日本舆论导向———从美日安保重新定义到朱镕基访日

12.US-Japan Alliance and Sina-Japanese Relations;美日同盟对中国防范的加强与中日关系走向

13.Research for the Role of Japanese NGOs in the Sino-Japanese Relations日本非政府组织在中日关系中的作用研究

14.The Joint Declaration Between the Government of the People"s Republic of China and the Government of Japan and the Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between China and Japan are the foundation for the development of Sino-Japanese relations .发展中日关系的基础是《中日联合声明》和《中日和平友好条约》。

15.The Relationship between China and Japan and Japanese View of China Since the Normalization of Diplomatic Rations between China and Japan;中日邦交正常化以来的中日关系及日本人的中国观

16.A Studies on the "Security Dilemma" about Sino-Japanese Relations;中日关系中的“安全困境”问题研究

17.The Geopolitical Significance Around East China Sea in the Sino-Japanese Relations.;环东海地缘政治在中日关系中的意义

18.The US Factor on the Understanding and Interpretation of History Issues in China-Japan Relationship;中日关系历史认识问题中的美国因素


Sino-Japan relations中日关系

1.A Preliminary Analysis on the New Dimension of Sino-Japan Relations:Focus on the Heritage of Former Prime Minister Fukuda s Foreign Policy towards China;试论中日关系的新向度——以前首相福田康夫对中外交遗产为中心

2.The Structural contradictions of Japan’s Strategy Choice andSino-Japan relations;日本战略选择的结构性矛盾与中日关系

3)Sino-Japan relationship中日关系

1.Japanese New Nationalism and Sino-Japan Relationship;日本新民族主义与中日关系

2.In recent years,Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has paied homage to the Yasukuni Shrine six times in spite of protests from China and other Asian countries,which has seriously interfered with the normal progress ofSino-Japan relationship;even caused conflicting moods between two peoples.进入新世纪以来,日本首相小泉纯一郎不顾中国等亚洲国家的反对连续六次参拜靖国神社,严重地干扰了中日关系的正常发展,甚至导致两国国民情感的严重对抗。

3.Japan s assistance to China is brought about in a certain background,in which China gave up the war indemnity from Japan and the changing international trend enhanced a friendlySino-Japan relationship.但是,近年来,由于国际形势和中日两国国内情况的变化,中日关系在逐步倒退。

4)Sino-Japanese relationship中日关系

1.Japan s ODA to China is one of the important factors inSino-Japanese relationship and plays a critical role in restoring and improving the bilateral relationship.日本对华ODA是中日关系中的一个重要的因素,历史上为中日关系的的修复和发展发挥过重要的影响。

2.Sino-Japanese relationship,since the restoration of their foreign relations in 1972,has experi-enced the harmonious honeymoon,frequent exchange and interaction,and then moved to today’s serious opposition and conflict.一些学者对此扼腕唏嘘,认为中日应尽快结束目前这种不正常状态,并提出两国媒体在"中日关系的再度正常化"方面负有不可推卸的义务。

3.If we use the system level of structural realism to inspect the issue,we can conclude that the system-level factors caused the differences between Germany and France relationship andSino-Japanese relationship after World War II.近年来,我国学术界对德法关系与中日关系的相似性以及二战后出现差异的原因,从各个方面进行了研究和探索,但众说纷纭。

5)China-Japan Relations中日关系

1.China-Japan Relations in Nakasone Cabinet;中曾根内阁时期的中日关系

2.Environmental problems affect China-Japan relations much more now than before.笔者阐述了环境问题在中日关系中的作用不断增强的历史轨迹,从国际趋势和中日自身的经济、政治、环境需求分析了其作用不断增强的原因及其对中日关系发展未来的影响,并提出将环境合作作为推动中日关系的突破口和新的增长点。

3.One of them was that China-Japan relations are the worst among all bilateral relations between China, Japan, the U.中日关系与东亚格局相互交织、彼此影响。

6)Sino-Japanese relation中日关系

1.TheSino-Japanese relation, as a whole, involves various domains, of which political, economic, and cultural sub-relations are three main domains.“合则两利、斗则两伤”,这是改革开放30年来中日关系发展最重要的历史经验。

2.In 1960s,through the joint efforts of both China and Japan,the LT trade agreement with the semi-private and semi-official nature was signed,andSino-Japanese relations had been greatly improved,which caused great attention and discontentment in Taiwan,and the pro-Taiwan forces in Japan lobbied actively to restore Japan-Taiwan relations.20世纪60年代,经过中日双方的共同努力签订了具有半民间半官方性质的LT贸易协定,中日关系得到极大改善。

3.Sino-Japanese relation has very deep origin,due to the historical reason,Sino-Japanese relation shows more particularity and complexity.中日关系有着很深的渊源,由于历史原因,中日关系更显特殊性与复杂性,当下,中日关系问题成为中日双方共同关注的焦点。


