100字范文 > 东北黑土区 black soil region of northeast China英语短句 例句大全

东北黑土区 black soil region of northeast China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-05 00:58:36


东北黑土区 black soil region of northeast China英语短句 例句大全

东北黑土区,black soil region of northeast China

1)black soil region of northeast China东北黑土区


1.Study on the Method of Soil Productivity Assessment in Northeast Black Soil Regions of China东北黑土区土壤生产力评价方法研究

2.Studies on Water and Soil Loss Integrated Control Models in Black Soil Region of Northeast China东北黑土区水土流失综合治理模式研究

3.Application of RS and GIS on Soil Erosion Research in Black Soil Region of Northeast ChinaRS与GIS在东北黑土区土壤侵蚀研究中的应用

4.Synthesized Control Mode and Its Benefits Analysis of Soil and Water Loss in the Northeast Black Soil Area东北黑土区水土流失综合防治模式及效益分析

prehensive Productivity in Mollisols Area of Northeast of China;我国东北黑土区粮食综合生产能力研究

6.Research on Agricultural Economic Development Path of Northeast Black Soil Zone at Present;东北黑土区现阶段农业经济发展路径问题研究

7.Study on Dynamics of Gully Erosion and Its Controlling in the Black Soil Region, Northeast China东北黑土区沟蚀机理及防治模式的研究

8.The Mechanism of Gully Development on Sloping Farmland in Black Soil Area,Northeast China东北黑土区坡耕地侵蚀沟发育机理初探

9.The Effect of Ecosystem Succession on Soil Structure Properties in Black Soil Region of Northeastern China.东北黑土区生态系统的演变对土壤结构性质的影响

10.A Case Study for Building up Soil Erosion Dynamic Database in Black Soil Region of the Northeast China Based on the Technology of Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System and Global Positioning System;基于“3S”技术的东北黑土区土壤侵蚀动态数据库建立案例研究

11.Establishment of Evaluation Index System of Ecology Security Under Soil and Water Loss Stress in Black Soil Region of Northeast China东北黑土区水土流失胁迫下的生态安全评价指标体系的建立

12.Effect of Tillage Form on the Soil Nutrient and Enzyme Activities of Black Soil Area at Northeast China东北黑土区不同耕作方式土壤养分与酶活性的时空变化

13.Study on soil aggregate stability of farmland based on Le Bissonnais method in the black soil region,Northeast China基于Le Bissonnais法的东北黑土区土壤团聚体稳定性研究

14.Study on Laws of Water Erosion and Prediction Methods in Railway Roadbed in Northeastern China;东北黑土区铁路路基边坡施工期水力侵蚀规律及预测方法研究

15.Research on Rural Human Resource Development and Utilization in the Black Soil Region of Northeast China;东北黑土区农村人力资源的开发与利用问题研究

16.Change characteristic of fertilization and maize yield on black soil in the Northeast China我国东北黑土区耕地施肥和玉米产量的变化特征

17.Dynamics and Effect Factors of Gully in the Black Soil Area of Northeast during the Past 40 Years东北黑土区近40年沟谷侵蚀动态及影响因素分析

18.Remote Sensing Analysis of Dynamics and Driving Factors of Cropland Resources in Black Soil Zone of Northeast China东北黑土区耕地资源遥感动态监测与驱动因素分析


undulated hilly region in northeast China东北黑土漫岗区

3)phaeozem region of northeast China东北典型黑土区

1.The distributing ,formation, soil erosion actuality ofphaeozem region of northeast China is expounded in details.结合前人经验对东北典型黑土区T值的确定进行了方法上的分析。

4)rolling hilly black soil areas of Northeast China东北漫岗黑土区

5)Black Soils in Northeast China东北黑土

1.this paper study its are different that the major chemical compositions of the tilth soil ofBlack Soils in Northeast China in Different Latitudes,by the full dose analytical method of mineral.通过土壤矿质全量分析法,研究了东北黑土黏粒化学组分在不同纬度下的分布及其变异,结果表明东北黑土耕层土壤化学组成均以SiO_2、Al_2O_3、Fe_2O_3为主,Sa和Sal值平均为3。

6)the undulated hilly region in Northeast China东北黑土漫岗丘陵区


东北人民自卫军(见东北军区)东北人民自卫军(见东北军区)Northeast People"s Self-Defense Army黔勺eLR望份驴we衬un不月L八比曰卫乐(Northeast PeoPle’ssel卜DefenseA肋y)见东北军区。
