100字范文 > 施工方式 construction method英语短句 例句大全

施工方式 construction method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-09 02:44:03


施工方式 construction method英语短句 例句大全

施工方式,construction method

1)construction method施工方式


1.The Puzzle of Highway Construction Enterprise Reform Caused by the Change of Construction Patterns;从公路施工方式的转变谈公路施工企业改革的困与惑

parative Analysis of Spoil Discharging Modes for Open Type TBM Construction敞开式TBM施工出渣方式对比分析

3.Selecting of bolt supporting mode during exploitation and maintenance at softrock drift软岩巷道施工维修中支护方式的选择

4.Discussion on agent system for water project construction;水利工程实施代建制模式和方案探讨

5.A Study of Lean Production Implementation in FCI (Nantong) FactoryFCI南通工厂精益生产方式实施研究

6.On Carrying out the Thought and Politics Education of Adult-university Students实施成教生思想教育的工作方式研究

7.Discussion on Working Platform Arrangement Pattern in Vertical Shaft Construction立井井筒装备施工吊盘布置方式探讨

8.Construction method of the circle-shear type portal of the Senkeng second tunnel森坑二号隧道圆切式洞门的施工方法

9.The Pricing Mode and Risk Control of an International Project Construction Contract;国际工程施工合同的计价方式及其风险管理

parison between Two Kinds of Payment Way in Construction Contract;建设工程施工合同中两种付款方式的比较

11.Research and Practical Application of Four-parts Teaching Method to the Course of Civil Engineering Construction;《土木工程施工技术》课程“四段式”教学方法的探讨

12.Reflection on the Supplement Ways of Construction Capacity of Dredge Project in China;中国疏浚工程施工能力补充方式的思考

13.Study on Application of Design and Build Contract Mode;建设工程项目的发包方式——设计-施工一体化承包模式的应用研究

14.Research on the Practice Problem in ESOP According to the Way of Trust基于信托方式的员工持股计划实施问题研究

15.The Constructive Control of Angle Steel Lean-inserting Foundation and Its Measurement Method斜插角钢式基础的施工控制与检测方法

16.Study on the Construction Mechanics and Scheme Optimization of Underground Interchange Tunnel;互通式地下立交隧道施工力学研究及方案优化

17.How to Adjust the Internal Management in State-owned Construction Enterprises;浅论国有施工企业如何调整内部管理方式

18.Discussion on measurement payment mode of overall contracted contract in total price contracting construction;总价包干施工总承包合同计量支付方式的探讨


simulation construction mode模拟施工方式

1.The following paper introduces some problems should be noticed in the utilization of PKPM series software as rational assumption of slab rigidity,rational selection ofsimulation construction mode and definition of shortpier shear wall structure,and analyzes these problems in detail,in order to increase design computational efficiency and to ensure accuracy and reliability of calculation result.主要介绍了PKPM系列软件使用中在合理假定楼板刚度、选择模拟施工方式、短肢剪力墙结构的界定方面应注意的一些问题,并就这些问题进行了较为详细的分析,以提高设计计算效率,同时保证了计算结果的精度及其可靠性。

3)construction way without concrete covering无盖重施工方式

4)construction format and profession maintain施工方式与专业养护

5)construction method施工方法

1.A brief discussion on the characteristics andconstruction methods of the rigid suspension catenary in the urban rail;简论城轨刚性悬挂接触网特点和施工方法

2.Onconstruction methods to treat soft soil roadbed;处理软土地基路基的施工方法探讨

3.Analysis onconstruction method of boring and expanding bottom pile in permafrost region in Qinghai-Tibet plateau;青藏高原多年冻土区钻孔扩底桩施工方法浅析

6)construction technology施工方法

1.Study on the Reasonable Construction Technology of Twin-bore Highway Tunnel;连拱公路隧道的合理施工方法研究

2.] A systematic summary and analysis of main construction technologies for metro in China were presented and the trend ofconstruction technology for metro in .本文对我国主要地铁施工方法进行了系统的综述和分析,并对我国今后城市地铁施工方法的主攻方向作了预估。


施工企业技术组织措施计划(见施工企业技术)施工企业技术组织措施计划(见施工企业技术)technical and organize measurement plan in construction enterprise施工企业技术组织措施杯茹”岑,~‘_:_,organize measurement plan in eonstruetionenterPrise)见施工企业技米管理基本制度。
