100字范文 > 整体世界史 integral world history英语短句 例句大全

整体世界史 integral world history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-05 23:44:29


整体世界史 integral world history英语短句 例句大全

整体世界史,integral world history

1)integral world history整体世界史


1.Understanding the Wrold In Marxist Concept of Viewing It as a Whole;用马克思主义的整体世界史观把握世界历史

2.Modern Concept of the Whole & Whole Research of World History;现代整体思想与世界历史的整体研究

3.A Cheerful Achievement on the World History As A whole;世界历史整体研究的可喜成果 ──读李植枬著《20世纪世界史》

4.A Global View on the Teaching of History of the Ancient World;从整体角度对高师《世界古代史》教学的探索

5.The way I look at all of history,我看待整个历史和整个世界的方式,

6.From the Replay of Thoughts World to the Ultimate Direction of the Integrity of Legal History从思想世界的重演到法律历史整体性的终极指向

parison Studies between Zhou Gucheng s View of World History and the View of Global History;论周谷城世界通史编纂思想及实践与当代“整体史”观和“全球史”观的相关性

8.Review of China"s Studies on the Question of World History System in the 21st Century新世纪我国学术界关于世界史体系问题的研究

9.Theory and Practice of the Modern and Contemporary History Course of Modernization in the Word Combination世界近现代史课程现代化整合的理论与实践

10.Historical Consciousness and the Study of the Integrality On the 20th Century Chinese Literature;史识与20世纪中国文学的“整体性”研究

11.Marx s Construction of the Theory of World History;马克思“世界历史”理论体系的建构

12.Analysis of Superb Course Content System of World Ancient History;“世界古代史”精品课程内容体系论析

13.System of Modernization" in the Subject on the Modern History of the World in China;我国世界近代史学科中的“现代化体系”

14.Reflections of the view of Global History and Reconstruction of the Theoretical System of Modern World History;对“全球史观”和世界现代史体系重新建构的思考

15.Reflections on the Reform of the Teaching Stylebooksof the Ancient World History;对历史专业世界古代史教材体例改革的思考

16.The world is a globe of men.世界是由人构成的一个整体。

17.Research on whole structure optimization of world geography;高校《世界地理》课程整体结构优化探索

18.The Outstanding Universal Value of "The Sacred Five Mountains of China";作为整体的“中国五岳”之世界遗产价值


the holistic historical view of the world世界整体史观

3)Holistic view of world history整体世界史观

1.Stavrianos is one of the representatives of the Global view of history, while in China, Wu Yujin is the founder of theHolistic view of world history.在中国史学界,吴于廑开创了“整体世界史观”。

4)The World History"s Integration世界历史整体发展

5)integrated world整体世界

1.The Britain Empire wasfounded onthe basis of theintegrated world,andits uprisingspeededthe development of theintegrated world.作为18至20世纪初独霸天下的大不列颠日不落帝国,大英帝国的兴起是以在愈来愈大程度上联系成一体的世界作为背景的,它的兴起又促进了整体世界的形成与发展。

6)system of world history世界史体系


