100字范文 > 世界史体系 system of world history英语短句 例句大全

世界史体系 system of world history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-20 12:57:02


世界史体系 system of world history英语短句 例句大全

世界史体系,system of world history

1)system of world history世界史体系


1.Review of China"s Studies on the Question of World History System in the 21st Century新世纪我国学术界关于世界史体系问题的研究

2.On Several Problems About Establishing Marxist System of World History;建立马克思主义世界史体系的若干问题

3.Marx s Construction of the Theory of World History;马克思“世界历史”理论体系的建构

4.Analysis of Superb Course Content System of World Ancient History;“世界古代史”精品课程内容体系论析

5.System of Modernization" in the Subject on the Modern History of the World in China;我国世界近代史学科中的“现代化体系”

6.Reflections of the view of Global History and Reconstruction of the Theoretical System of Modern World History;对“全球史观”和世界现代史体系重新建构的思考

7.World System Thought and the Historical Study of the Overseas Chinese世界体系思想对华侨华人历史研究的意义

8.The Changes of World System and the Historical Regularity in the Rising of Great Powers;世界体系的变迁与大国崛起的历史规律

9.The Probe and Reflection to Three Interpretations on the System of World History in China since 1978;中国世界史学科体系的三大学术理路及其探索

10.Creature Diversity, Cultural Pluralism and System of World History Subject;生物多样性、文化多元性与世界史学科体系

11.Reflections on the Reform of the System of the College Textbook"The General History of the World;对《世界通史》大学教材体系改革的几点思考

12.National liberation movement system of the course in contemporary world history;论世界现代史教材民族解放运动的体系

13.Understanding the Wrold In Marxist Concept of Viewing It as a Whole;用马克思主义的整体世界史观把握世界历史

14."Global Historical View" and "Object-Centered Ideology"--Macro and Micro System of the Idea of "World History"“全球历史观”与“对象中心论”——“世界历史”观念的宏观和微观体系

15."The Revolution of the World Financial History": On the Establishment of British Financial System in 17 & 18 Century;“世界金融史上的革命”:论十七、十八世纪英国金融体系的形成

16.Overseas Chinese and International Relations in the World-Systems: A Historical Analysis and Reflecting;世界体系中的华侨华人与国际关系——一种历史的分析与反思

17.A Cheerful Achievement on the World History As A whole;世界历史整体研究的可喜成果 ──读李植枬著《20世纪世界史》

18.Modern Concept of the Whole & Whole Research of World History;现代整体思想与世界历史的整体研究


System of World History Subject世界史学科体系

1.Creature Diversity, Cultural Pluralism andSystem of World History Subject;生物多样性、文化多元性与世界史学科体系

3)Question of World History System世界史体系问题

1.Review of China"s Studies on theQuestion of World History System in the 21st Century新世纪我国学术界关于世界史体系问题的研究

4)Discipline System of the Modern History of the World世界近现代史学科体系

1.Euro-Centrism and the Building ofDiscipline System of the Modern History of the World;“欧洲中心论”与世界近现代史学科体系构建问题初探

5)integral world history整体世界史

6)world system世界体系

1.The World System and Chinese Post-Modernization:Analysis of Political Economics;世界体系与中国后期现代化:政治经济学层面的分析

2.The end of the Cold War opened the gate of another transition of theworld system.冷战的终结,开启了世界体系又一次转型的大门。

3.Adopting a long-term view from the world history and the evolutionary ideology embodied in economics,politics,sociology,philosophy and biology,this paper makes an adequate analysis of the historical regularity in the long cycles of the rising of great powers by focusing on the evolutionary process of structural changes in the economic,political,social and cultural aspects of theworld system.通过宏观的长期的世界历史视角,吸收经济学、政治学、社会学、哲学和生物学关于进化的思想,分析世界体系经济、政治、社会、文化结构变迁进化的长周期过程,以及大国崛起的历史规律,可以发现,世界体系变迁并不是一个均衡点到另一个均衡点的一波又一波平稳的态势,而是表现为有规律地打破均衡,由不均衡到均衡再到新的不均衡的周期性进化。


