100字范文 > 低山区 low mountainous region英语短句 例句大全

低山区 low mountainous region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-20 21:12:02


低山区 low mountainous region英语短句 例句大全

低山区,low mountainous region

1)low mountainous region低山区


1.Study on the Rule of Spring Water Flow in Taihang Mountain Area太行山低山区泉水涌流规律试验研究

2.Water resource was poor in the hilly area Taihang Mountains, which restricted economic development.太行山低山区干旱缺水严重,大大制约了山区经济发展。

3.An analysis on the climatic response mechanism of the growth of Pinus koraiensis in the lower mountains of XiaoXing" AnLing小兴安岭低山区红松生长的气候响应机制

4.Study on Vegetation Restoration Models in Hilly Area of Taihang Mountains太行山低山丘陵区植被恢复模式探讨

5.Study on Ecological Construction of Jiaozuo,Beishan,South Slope Mt.Taihang Hill and Mound Region太行山南麓焦作北山低山丘陵区生态建设研究

6.Analysis of Improving Effects of Cupressus funebris Plantation in the Low Hill Region of Sichuan Basin四川盆地低山丘陵区柏木低效防护林的改造

7.The Mechanisms of the Vegetation Restoration and the Reconstruction Model in the Hilly Area of Taihang Mountains;太行山低山丘陵区植被恢复机理与构建模式

8.Study of the Nutrient Cycling of Typical Vegetation Community in Hilly Region of Taihang Mountain;太行山低山丘陵区典型植物群落养分循环研究


10.Studies on the Protection of the Arable Land and Basic Farmland in Low Mountains and Hills Area--A case study of Huangshan City in Anhui Povince;低山丘陵区耕地与基本农田保护研究

11.Study on the Seed Plant Flora and Vegetation Type at the Northwest Foothill Knoll of Bogda;博格达山西北麓低山丘陵区种子植物区系及植被类型

12.Study on Wuling Mountain Conservation Area: Ⅲ.Exploitation of Land Resource in Hill;雾灵山自然保护区研究——Ⅲ.低山丘陵地区土地资源的开发

13.Landscape efficiency of eco-agricultural tourism in ttae hilly area低山丘陵区生态农业旅游景观的效果分析

14.The Research of Safety Evaluation Method Based Operating Speeds on Montanic Highway;山区低等级公路运行速度安全性评价方法研究

15.Study on the Sediment Yield Model of Watershed in Purple Soil Hilly Area at the Northland of Sichuan;川北紫色土低山丘陵区小流域产沙模型研究

16.Studies of Production Techniques and Development of Low Residual High Quality Flue-cured Tobacco in Wulian Mountain Region;五莲山区低残留优质烤烟生产技术研究与开发

17.Analysis on the Landscape Pattern of Land Use in the Middle Rolling Area of Pingyin County;平阴县中部低山丘陵区土地利用景观格局分析

18.Evaluating Land Carrying Capacity in Hilly Regions of Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River Basin;长江流域低山丘陵区土地承载力评价(英文)


middle-low mountainous area中低山区

1.To study the impacts of pipeline construction on eco-environment in themiddle-low mountainous area,the quantitative prediction is made for the changes of landuse,agricultural production,the area and biomass of vegetation,soil erosion,and ecological system integrity in the Daba Mountains by the Sichuan—Shaanxi natural gas pipeline construction.为研究管线建设对中低山区生态环境的影响,通过定量预测川陕天然气输气管线建设对大巴山土地利用与农业生产、植被面积与生物量、土壤侵蚀及生态系统完整性产生的影响,对管线建设可能引起的中低山区生态环境的改变进行了分析。

3)Low mountains and hills低山丘陵区

1.The low mountains and hills in southeast China.我国东南低山丘陵区资源丰富,历来为重要的粮食生产基地。

4)Hilly region低山丘陵区

5)hilly land低山丘陵区

1.Based on the foundmental princrples of runoff agriculture,soil and water conservation,following harness and the water balance and regularity of precipitation runoff in slope land,this paper deals with the execellent designing techniques,comprehensive benefits to the rainfall and fertilizer harvest terrace inhilly land of Yan Liao.应用径流农业和水土保持综合治理的基本原理 ,遵循坡地降雨径流水量平衡及其运动变化规律 ,对代表燕辽低山丘陵区典型区域坡地聚肥梯田的优化设计模式进行了探讨 ,同时对其集流蓄水、土壤聚肥改良和增产效益进行了系统研究。

6)low-mountain and rainfall areas低山暴雨区

1.Analylsis of biodiversity in different deposition model of water and soil conservation forest inlow-mountain and rainfall areas of Sichuan Basin.;四川盆周低山暴雨区不同配置模式水土保持林生物多样性分析


