100字范文 > 岳飞 Yue Fei英语短句 例句大全

岳飞 Yue Fei英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-29 01:17:11


岳飞 Yue Fei英语短句 例句大全

岳飞,Yue Fei

1)Yue Fei岳飞

1.The Clan Education in the Song Dynasty,As Seen Through the Accomplishment ofYue Fei;从岳飞的素养看宋代家族教育

2.Rhymed English Version ofYue Fei s Manjianghong:Expressing My Determination;岳飞《满江红·写怀》韵译

3.Discussion on nationality of national hero——Beginning with whether Wen Tian-xiang andYue Fei are national heroes;也谈民族英雄的民族性——从文天祥、岳飞是否为“民族英雄”谈起


1.When Greek meets Greek, then comes the gut of war张飞遇岳飞杀得满天飞

2.In contrast to this, people have always cherished a deep love for Yue Fei.与此相反,人民热爱岳飞。

3.Yue Fei was only 39 at the time he was executed.岳飞被害时,年仅39岁。

4.To the left and the right of the tomb of Yue Fei are those of his eldest son Yue Yun and his son-in-law General Zhang Xian, both executed together with Yue Fei in the trumped-up charge against him.岳王墓的左右两侧,是同岳飞一起被害的长公子岳云墓和女婿、岳家军中少年上将张宪墓。

5.There are many great heroes in Chinese history; for example, Yue Fei, ect.中国历史上有很多英雄,例如,岳飞,等。

6.At the news, General Han Shizhong, boiling over with indignation and disgust, asked accusingly for an answer from Qin Hui, "What crime did Yue Fei commit that made him deserve this?"韩世忠愤然责问秦桧: “岳飞何罪”?

7.Even human beings could become gods. For example, Chinese folk heros such as Guan Gong, Zhuge Liang and Yue Fei.连人都可以变神,像关公、孔明、岳飞就是。

8.These are representations of the four responsible for the murder of Yue Fei.这就是杀害岳飞的主谋及其帮凶。

9.i bought Yuefei"s Complete Biography in the bookstall.我在书摊儿上买了一本《岳飞全传》。

10.The beautiful West Lake provides an appropriate setting for a loyal and patriotic soul like Yue Fei.西湖秀丽的山水,陪伴着岳飞的忠魂;

11.The Death of Yuefei and the Historical Dilemma of Song Dynasty Intellectual Politics;岳飞之死与宋代文人政治的历史困境

12.Contemporary scan of the patriotic Complex in Yue Fei’s “Man Jiang Hong”;岳飞《满江红》爱国情结的当代审视

13.Lying in the centre under the shade of ancient cypresses is the tomb itself before which stands a stone tablet inscribed with the words: The Tomb of Yue the Prince of E.正中,在古柏掩映之下,便是岳飞坟,墓前立“岳鄂王墓”碑石。

14.The Tomb and Temple of Yue Fei are at the southwest corner of West Lake , next to the ShagnriLa Hotel.岳飞墓和岳王庙在西湖的西南面,与香格里拉大酒店毗邻。

15.As people cherished the memories of Yue Fei and hated Qin Hui and his followers, they had these four cast in iron, to kneel forever before Yue Fei.人们怀念岳飞,痛恨秦桧一伙,铸了这四个铁像,让他们永远跪在岳飞面前。

16.as a famous Song dynasty general, the heroic deeds of Yuefei are immortalized.岳飞做为宋代名将, 他的英雄事迹名垂千古。

17.among the most important scenic spots in Hangzhou are the Monastery of Soul"s Retreat, Yue Fei"s Temple and the Pagoda of Six Harmonies.杭州重要的景点有灵隐寺、岳飞庙和六和塔。

18.Chinese general Yue Fei"s undivided loyalty to the country and the Song emperor (who was misled by corrupt court officials) was what led to his tragic death years ago.这是宋代名将岳飞悲剧发生的主要原因。



1.Research on the Diverse Appearances ofYuefei s Literature Image and Its Culture Connotation;岳飞文学形象的多种形态及其文化内涵探析

3)the Wronged Case of Yue Fei岳飞冤案

4)death of Yuefei岳飞之死

1.Scholars usually think thedeath of Yuefei was to prepare the peaceful negotiation between Song and Jin,but the deeper reason for the murder of Yuefei lay in the political tradition of the time when intellectual politicians took over power from the hand of military generals.岳飞之死乃是宋代政治的一大悲剧事件。

5)the offspring of Yue Fei岳飞后代

1.Bleeding Red Rose,a saga novel of love with the background ofthe offspring of Yue Fei,highly praises the love and beauty of the female at the bottom of the society and under the rule of the dark feudal tyranny & ethics,and mercilessly lashes the wickedness & ugliness of the Confucious Philosophy of Song Dynasty.《滴血的红玫瑰》是一部以岳飞后代传奇故事为背景,表现爱情主题的长篇历史言情小说。

6)Yue-Fei theme岳飞题材

1.From the Song dynasty to the Qing dynasty, there are quite a little literature form ofYue-Fei theme.自宋至清,每个朝代都有相当数量的岳飞题材文学形式,它们之间既有前后承袭借鉴之处,同时又都表现出各自不同的特点。


