100字范文 > 介入方式 intervention form英语短句 例句大全

介入方式 intervention form英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-21 22:30:07


介入方式 intervention form英语短句 例句大全

介入方式,intervention form

1)intervention form介入方式


1.Individual Investor Protection in Futures Market and Intervention Mode of Regulatory Authority;期货市场中小交易者保护与政府介入方式选择

2.Characteristics of Public Opinion Groups on Campus andthe Participation Pattern of the School Newspaper;大学生舆论群体的特点及校报的舆论介入方式

3.Effects of immobilization and active recovery after eccentric exercise on the recovery of muscle damage.重复场次竞赛间不同介入方式对肌力表现及肌肉损伤的影响。

4.intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner.好事的或以粗鲁的方式介入的。

5.Research on non-intrusive pressure measurement based on capacitor method一种电容非介入式压力测量方法研究

6.Discussion on the Intervention Mode of Private Capital in the Rural Infrastructure;民间资本介入农村基础设施的方式探析

7.Social Work Intervening in the Model of SOS Children’s Village;试论社会工作方法在SOS儿童村模式中的介入

8.The necessity and some ways of social work in-parting social welfare policy;论社会工作介入社会福利政策的必要性与方式

9.On Ways and Limits of Administrative Power in Interfering Domestic Violence s Prevention and Control;行政权介入家庭暴力防治的方式与限度

10.Observation about the clinical effects of different anesthesia in artificial abortion;不同麻醉方式介入人工流产术的临床观察

11.Interventional Treatment Strategy of Coronary Artery Bifurcation Lesions分叉病变介入治疗决策——手术方式的选择

12.He fell between the quarrelling parties.他不介入双方的争吵。

13.He had to be extremely careful about the way he handled this.他必须非常仔细地选取自己介入这件事情的方式。

14.From time to time, the teachers should step back and let their pupils run things their own way.有时,教师应该不介入而让学生以他们自己的方式处理事情。

15.Yes, there are. For example, let the third party go between the other two parties.有的。比如由公正的第三者介入,或从中调停也是一种解决方式。

16.To interact or engage in informal communication with others for mutual assistance or support.沟通,互助介入与其他人非正式的交往以获得多方帮助

17.These studies directly influence the alternative of modality in interventional therapy and therapeutic effect.肝癌血供研究直接影响对其介入治疗方式的选择和疗效。

18.The Necessity and Measure of Introducing the Artistic Thinking Mode into the Competent Management;试论艺术思维方式介入能本管理的必要性及对策


high involvement conversational style高介入会话方式


4)involvement type介入式

1.This article introduced one kind of brand-newinvolvement type microcomputer relay protection test installation and its realization principle,main function,the characteristic and application method.介绍了一种全新的介入式微机继电保护的实现原理、主要功能、特点和使用方法。

5)third party intervention第三方介入

1.Thethird party intervention system plays a significant role in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism.第三方介入制度是WTO争端解决程序中的一项具有特色且非常重要的制度。



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