100字范文 > 放射介入 Radioactive intervention英语短句 例句大全

放射介入 Radioactive intervention英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-17 16:53:04


放射介入 Radioactive intervention英语短句 例句大全

放射介入,Radioactive intervention

1)Radioactive intervention放射介入

1.Objective:To study the feasibility and efficiency of continuous perfusion of methotrexate for treatment of tubal pregnancy using radioactive interventional tubal intubation.目的 :研究放射介入输卵管插管持续灌注氨甲蝶呤治疗输卵管妊娠的可行性及其效果。


1.Interventional therapy of ovarian tube infertility输卵管性不孕症的放射介入治疗体会

2.The application of sacral block anesthesia in pediatric interventional therapy骶管阻滞麻醉术在小儿放射介入治疗中的应用

3.New era of the relationship between Chinese Interventional Radiology Sub-society and Journal of Interventional Radiology评介入学组与《介入放射学杂志》社关系的新篇章

4.World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology世界介入治疗神经放射学联合会

5.Promoting interventional radiology in clinical practice of emergency medicine提高介入放射学在急症医学中的地位

6.Role of interventional radiology in the management of portal hypertension:current status介入放射技术治疗门静脉高压症进展

7.Influence of X-ray on Chromosome Aberration of Interventional Employees with Radiation ExposureX射线对介入放射工作人员染色体畸变的影响

8.Initial Experience of CT Fluoroscopy Applied in Interventional Proceduresct透视在介入放射学中应用的初步探讨

9.Short History of Interventional Neuroradiology What about the Future?介入神经放射学的短暂历史——未来将向何方?

10.Studies of the Radiation Exposure to Patiens During Interventional Radiology Procedures;介入放射学操作中患者受照剂量的研究

11.Protection of Interventional Radiation in Medical Units in Xingtai City邢台市医疗单位介入放射防护状况调查

12.Steadily promoting the technical research and the clinical application of interventional radiology for cervical spine稳步推进颈椎介入放射学技术研究和临床应用

13.Investigation of Exposure Dose in Interventional Radiology Staff in Xingtai City邢台市介入放射工作人员受照剂量的调查

14.Experimental and Clinical Study on the Treament of Hepatic Cancer with Internal Radiation Therapy;放射性核素介入内照射治疗肝癌的实验和临床应用研究

15.the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that has passed through a medium that absorbed radiation of certain wavelengths.穿过吸收放射媒介之后的电磁放射谱。

16.A Study on the Effects of Various Factors on Patient Doses in Interventional Radiology Procedures;影响介入放射学诊疗过程患者受照剂量因素的研究

17.Investigation of Occupation Exposure of Intervention Radiology and Research on the Cytogetics Effect;介入放射职业暴露水平调查及其生物细胞遗传毒效应的研究

18.Interventional Chemotherapy Combined with Stereotactic Radiotherapy fo r Advanced Pancreas Cancer介入化疗结合立体定向放射治疗晚期胰腺癌的临床观察


Interventional radiology介入放射

1.Discussion about brachytherapy with tumour interventional radiology technology;应用介入放射技术开展近距离放疗的探讨

pares the same and different points with general post-loader, reviews the structure and security of the intravascular iridium-192 sources post-loader and discusses the brachytherapy with tumor interventional radiology technology.比较了血管内铱-192后装机与普通铱-192后装机的相同与相异之处,评述了血管内铱-192后装机的结构特点及安全措施,并对应用介入放射技术开展近距离放疗进行了探讨。

3.Objective:To analyze the experience and the benefit of applying BV Plusera-small C-Arm vessel photograph machine to the interventional radiology therapy in the second-level hospital.目的:分析PHILIPSBVPlusera小C型臂血管造影机在二级医院中介入放射中的体会及临床效益。

3)Interventional Radiology介入放射学

1.Development and prospect of digital medical interventional radiology system;数字化医用介入放射学系统展望

2.Promoting interventional radiology in clinical practice of emergency medicine提高介入放射学在急症医学中的地位

3.Steadily promoting the technical research and the clinical application of interventional radiology for cervical spine稳步推进颈椎介入放射学技术研究和临床应用

4)Intervention radiology介入放射学




介入放射学介入放射学是以放射诊断为基础而以治疗为目的、诊断与治疗相结合的技术。如寻找出血点而引入栓子止血;扩张狭窄的血管;对肿瘤行动脉栓塞化疗,如肝癌行肝动脉栓塞(transhepatic arterial embolization,TAE)等。
