100字范文 > 暴露途径 exposure pathway英语短句 例句大全

暴露途径 exposure pathway英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-02 06:55:47


暴露途径 exposure pathway英语短句 例句大全

暴露途径,exposure pathway

1)exposure pathway暴露途径

1.There are threeexposure pathways for work.综合分析表明,场地目标污染物为4种苯系物,可能对人体产生肝肾病变、鼻上皮组织恶化和运动协调能力降低等非致癌效应;污染物暴露途径主要有3条,分别暴露于厂区人群和饮用厂区下游民井井水的居民。

2)multiple-media/multiple-pathway models多介质-多途径暴露模型

3)storm lane暴风途径

4)total multi-pathway exposure risk for the same substance多暴露途径同种污染物累计健康风险

5)minimal exposure path最小暴露路径


1.On the Solution to Minimal Exposure Path Based on Dijkstra Algorithm基于Dijkstra算法的最小暴露路径的求解

2.He singing, exposure and others of literature--taking Fangfang s nouvelle "there is no people in Middle-North Road" for instance;文学的歌颂与暴露及其它——评方方中篇小说《中北路空无一人》

3.Lower and Upper Orientable Strong Radius and Diameter of Cartesian Product of Paths路和路的笛卡尔积的最小和最大定向强半径和强直径(英文)

4.The Research of Lowest Radius to High-Speed Railways with Ballastless Tracks;无碴轨道高速铁路最小曲线半径研究

5.PLS path modeling for pavement construction quality control路面施工质量控制的偏最小二乘路径模型

6.Searching optimal rush repair path of power lines based on improved max-min ant colony algorithm基于改进的最大最小蚁群算法求解电力线路最佳抢修路径

7.A trodden track or way.小道,小径踏出的径或路

8.He finally betrayed his cloven foot.他最终暴露了自己的邪恶企图。

9.A political scandal has recently come to light.最近一桩政治丑闻暴露出来。

10.The Description and Computation of Reliability Based on Minimal Path and Minimal Cutset for the Class of Complex System基于最小路径与最小割集的复杂系统可靠性的描述与计算

11.Research on Method to Confirm Minimum Radius of Circular Curve of Mountain Expressway;山区高速公路圆曲线最小半径确定方法的研究

12.The Study of Multipath Routing Security Based on Minimal Join Region in WSN基于最小叠交的传感器多路径传输安全研究

13.Minimization of Path Expression Under Structural Integrity Constraints for XMLXML结构完整性约束下的路径表达式的最小化

14.Study on Curve Radius Standard for Linear Metro直线电机轮轨交通线路最小平曲线半径研究

15.Time-dependent Minimum Cost Path Modal and Algorithm of Transport Network时间相关的运输网络最小费用路径模型及算法

16.A Method of Path Selection for MPLS Traffic Engineering to Minimize PreemptionMPLS流量工程中的最小化抢占路径选择方法

17.Human Health Risk Assessment on Trihalomethanes with Multiple Exposure Pathways in Drinking Water饮用水中三卤甲烷多途径暴露的健康风险评价

18.you should do it very carefully and keeping out of sight with care.你必须小心谨慎,注意不要暴露。


multiple-media/multiple-pathway models多介质-多途径暴露模型

3)storm lane暴风途径

4)total multi-pathway exposure risk for the same substance多暴露途径同种污染物累计健康风险

5)minimal exposure path最小暴露路径


1.The hazard andexposure assessment of DEHP in food contact materials;食品包装材料中DEHP的危害及其在食品中的暴露评估

2.Research Advance of Health Risk Assessment on Methylmercury Exposure;甲基汞暴露健康风险评价的研究进展

3.New advances in the research of boronexposure and metabolism in human body;人体硼暴露及其代谢的研究进展


感觉传导途径 3痛觉、温度觉传入途径示意图

感觉传导途径 3痛觉、温度觉传入途径示意图 李瑞端绘[图]
