100字范文 > 暴露空间 exposure space英语短句 例句大全

暴露空间 exposure space英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-15 03:04:22


暴露空间 exposure space英语短句 例句大全

暴露空间,exposure space

1)exposure space暴露空间

2)air exposure空气暴露


1.Effect of saturated air exposure on LiFePO_4 synthesized via hydrothermal route饱和空气暴露对水热法制备的磷酸铁锂的影响

2.expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen.暴露在空气中使显得新鲜。

3.The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air; Her reputation was sullied after the affair with a married man.银子长时间暴露在空气中就会变灰暗。

4.The serum is vitiated byexposure to the air.血清暴露在空气中已变质.

5.To expose to the circulation of air for purification.使通气使通气,使暴露于空气流通中以净化

6.To reach fullness of flavor and aroma through exposure to air. Used chiefly of wine.散发香气暴露于空气中而溢着香气;多用于指酒

7.Both types of samples were exposed to cold air flow.同一类型的两个样品被暴露了在冷空气流程。

8.expose to warm or heated air, so as to dry.为了使变干而暴露在温和的或热的空气中。

9.Exposure to the air will lead to erroneous results.若把样品暴露在空气中,测定结果会有很大误差。

10.To expose so that air can dry, cool, or freshen;ventilate.使风干暴露在空气中使干燥、凉爽或新鲜;通风

11.Indoor Air Chemistry in Naturally Ventilated Environment and Human Exposure Modeling自然通风下的室内空气化学与人体暴露建模

12.Anhydrous hydrogen chloride is a toxic, colorless, liquefied compressed gas that will fume strongly upon exposure to air.无水氯化氢是有毒、无色的液化压缩气体,暴露在空气中会放出浓烟。

13.To expose(a substance)to the circulation of fresh air, as to retard spoilage.为…开通气孔把(一个物体)暴露到新鲜空气的循环中以减缓损坏


15.Some cooks love the natural mellow patina that develops when copper is exposed to heat and air.当铜锅暴露在热和空气中,有些烹饪可能会产生铜绿。

16.If iron is left exposed to damp air, it will rust away to powder.如果铁暴露于潮湿空气之下就会慢慢生锈腐蚀成碎末的。

17.treat by exposure to a current of air so that waste matter is eliminated, as of grain.使暴露在流通的空气下以便使没用的东西能够除掉。

18.To become a powder by losing water of crystallization, as when a hydrated crystal is exposed to air.风化当氢化晶体暴露在空气中时,晶体丧失水分而变成粉末的现象


air exposure空气暴露

3)exposure time暴露时间

1.Estimation ofexposure time and erosion rate as well as thickness of erosion surface using cosmogenic nuclides ~(10)Be and ~(26)Al;应用宇宙成因核素~(10)Be和~(26)Al估算剥蚀面的暴露时间及剥蚀速率和剥蚀厚度

2.Investigation of role of frequency table about onset time in estimatingexposure time发病时间频数表在暴露时间估计中的作用探讨

3.Based on measured data and practical work of a metro station construction in Shanghai City,lateral displacement with different soilexposure times during excavation is analyzed.结合上海轨道交通某在建地铁车站基坑开挖时的变形监测数据及跟踪工况,对不同坑底土体暴露时间所对应的围护墙体变形情况进行了对比分析。

4)aerial pre-exposure空气预暴露

1.The emphasis of the paper is the influence of the shifts of metabolic process induced by environmental factors such as dissolved oxygen, temperature,aerial pre-exposure and pre-exposure to chemicals on the accumulation and transport of dissolved metals.综述溶解氧、温度、空气预暴露、化学物质预暴露等环境因子,诱导的机体代谢过程的改变,对溶解态重金属的累积和转运过程的影响。

5)Space storm空间暴

1.Space storm-meaning all particle,electromagnetic,magnetospheric and ionospheric disturbances resulting from solar storms,coronal mass ejections,fast solar wind streams-pose several costly hazards.地球空间环境的变化,特别是爆发性活动──空间暴,对输电系统、航天安全、无线电通信、导航、全球定位系统、生产活动及生态环境有很大影响。

6)atmospheric exposure test空气暴露试验


