100字范文 > 学校课程规划 school curriculum planning英语短句 例句大全

学校课程规划 school curriculum planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-29 23:36:11


学校课程规划 school curriculum planning英语短句 例句大全

学校课程规划,school curriculum planning

1)school curriculum planning学校课程规划

1.Purpose,content and implementation are basic elements of the system ofschool curriculum planning.目的、内容与实施是学校课程规划系统中的基本要素。


1.Viewing Present Situation of Primary and Middle Schools" Curriculum Reform in Shanghai from Curriculum Planning Text of Schools从学校课程规划文本看上海中小学课程改革现状

2.Discussion on Course of Landscape Planning and Design in University高校《园林规划设计》课程教学模式探讨

3.On the teaching reform of Landscape Architecture Design courses in higher vocational colleges;浅谈高职院校《园林规划设计》课程的教学改革

4.Analysis of the Instruction of Career Planning Courses in Higher Vocational Institutes;高职院校开设职业规划教育课程探讨

5.Research of Localization for Career Planning Courses in University高校职业生涯规划课程的本土化研究

6.On the Effect of British Urban-planning Undergraduate Teaching on China"s Local Colleges" Curriculum英国城市规划本科教学对中国地方院校课程设置的影响

7.Research on the Teaching of College Students" Career Planning Course《大学生职业生涯规划》课程教学研究

8.Study on the Course Named Park Programming Designs Educational Reform of Vocational Education;高职《园林规划设计》课程教学改革初探

9.Teaching innovation of urban comprehensive planning;城市总体规划课程设计教学改革探索

10.The Study on the teaching reform of urban planning survey research course;城市规划社会调查课程教学改革探析

11.The Basic Ideas and A Curricular Design on General Education in the University;大学通识教育的基本理念和课程规划

12.Discussion on the Teaching Innovation of the Urban Planning Principle《城市规划原理》课程教学创新的实践

13.Guides and Practices on Career Planning Course in Universities大学生职业生涯规划课程指导与实践

14.The Practice and Exploration of the Course in Planning College Students" job Career大学生职业生涯规划课程实践与探索

15.Creation of the Teaching System for GIS Curriculum in Urban Planning城市规划专业GIS课程教学体系的构建

16.Finally, put forward some personal suggestions on the color courses offered in the urban plan speciality of architecture department in architecture colleges.最后就建筑院校建筑学城市规划专业色彩课的课程设置提出自己的建议。

17.Academic plan:a new framework for undergraduate curriculum theory;学术计划——一个新的高校课程理论框架

18.Research of project of college campus construction;大学校园建设规划的研究——成都信息工程学院校园规划建设探讨


school curriculum plan学校课程计划

3)Curriculum planning课程规划

1.Curriculum planning reflects the students selected fields of expertise for the future development of higher education must address the practical issue.课程规划反映出学生所选专业领域的未来发展,是高等教育必须解决的一个现实课题。

2.From social perspectives,the paper analyzes challenges faced with American curriculum planning in the 21th century.种族和文化差异的日益增大、环境恶化、家庭危机的笼罩与价值观道德观的嬗变、微电子革命的冲击、职业更替的扰动、平等权力的抗争、暴力与犯罪以及生活目的和意义的缺失、全球的相互依赖程度的提升,对21世纪美国的课程规划产生了巨大挑战,而国家和国际间的社会势力、地方社区的社会势力和学校中的文化势力也影响美国课程规划;课程规划中“未来规划”是新视点。

3.School exists as field and it needs one kind of curriculum planning done by itself.本文从存在论意义上审视学校课程规划的本体问题——学校作为场域而存在,它需要一种在场的课程规划。

4)planning program for school-based curriculum校本课程规划方案

5)college planning学校规划

1.The thesis analyses briefly the current situation of the construction of teaching staff in higher vocational colleges and raises several questions in terms ofcollege planning,government support and the co-operation between college and enterprise.本文简要分析了高职师资建设现状,并从学校规划、政府支持、校企联合等几个方面提出了若干思考。

6)school curriculum学校课程

1.In order to make reasonable and good use of the era of image-reading and to avoid its limitations,school curriculum should apply multi-curriculum culture,pictured curriculum text,pictured teaching methods and imaged teaching environment.学校课程应通过多元化课程文化、图文化课程文本、图式化教学方式和图像化教学环境等路径来应对,并坚持突出图文组合的优化性、关注图像化的适度性、注重“两读”的结合性等应对原则,以利用其合理性,避免其局限性。

2.Under the background of current curriculum reform,it is necessary for schools to synthe- size the country curriculum,local curriculum and school-based curriculum into an orderly and highly effectiveschool curriculum system.在当前课程改革的背景之下,需要以学校为主体,将国家课程、地方课程和校本课程统整成为一个有序而高效的学校课程体系,其中一个重要方面就是进行学校课程结构设计。

3.It is of the great significance in constructing theschool curriculum system based on the individual development to implore the thoughts of individual development,which can make the students reach the goal in knowing the world,recognize and improve himself through theschool curriculum.课程的价值在于促进个人的发展,了解和研究关于个人发展的课程思想,有利于构建以学生个性发展为导向学校课程体系,从而真正实现在我国学校教育中学生通过课程去认识世界、了解自己和提高自己课程价值。


