100字范文 > 既有营业线 existing operating line英语短句 例句大全

既有营业线 existing operating line英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-13 17:36:22


既有营业线 existing operating line英语短句 例句大全

既有营业线,existing operating line

1)existing operating line既有营业线

1.On trans-sectional jointless track in upgrading construction forexisting operating line既有营业线上升级改造跨区间无缝线路施工


1.On trans-sectional jointless track in upgrading construction for existing operating line既有营业线上升级改造跨区间无缝线路施工

2.Currently, the number of railway business station in China is too much, the distribution is not rational, which has bring in many disadvantageous influences on the railway transport.当前我国铁路既有线仍存在营业站设置过多、局分散的问题,对铁路运输产生了诸多不利的影响。

3.Yet the corporate business organization has drawbacks as well as benefits.公司这一营业组织形式既有优越性,也有不利之处。

4.The new buzz word in the food industry is nutraceuticals-foods that provide medical benefits as well as traditional nutrients.食品工业中最新的流行词汇是营养药品——既有药用价值又有营养的食品。

5.It has no nutritional value and no flavor of its own.味精本身既没有营养也没有味道。

6.Research on Rational Division of Dedicated Passenger Line and Conventional Railway客运专线与既有线合理分工问题研究

7.Digital era: marketing alliance between color TV industry and wired TV industry;数字时代彩电业与有线电视业营销联盟的探讨

8.A line has length but neither breadth nor thickness.线有长度,但既没有宽度,也没有厚度。

9.Build an Effective Business Operation Support System of Cable Digital TV建立有效的有线数字电视业务运营支撑系统

10.Design and Realization of Business System Based on Ajax;基于Ajax的有线电视营业受理系统的设计与实现

11.The Research and Improvement on CATV Business Support System Technology Scheme;有线电视营业支撑系统技术方案实现与优化

12.The Development and Application of Cable TV Business Operation Support System有线电视业务运营支撑平台的开发与应用

13.Research on the Speed Matching of Passenger/Freight Trains on Existing Liens with Max. Speed of 200km/h200km/h既有线客货列车速度匹配研究

14.Construction Technology for Low Capped Pile Foundations Close to an Existing Railway紧靠既有铁路线的低桩承台施工技术

15.Analysis on the Safe Construction Technique Adopted by the Engineering Adjacent to Existing Railway Lines浅析临近铁路既有线的安全施工技术


17.Fitting Technology of Existing Expressway Longitudinal Section Alignment既有高速公路纵断面线形的拟合技术

18.Mechanized track laying in parallel with the adjacent existing railway line既有线增建二线小间距并行地段的机械化铺轨


existed subway operation既有线列车运营

3)incumbent firms既有企业

1.Study of relationship between complementary assets andincumbent firms radical innovation;互补性资产与既有企业突破性创新关系的研究

4)existing railway line既有线

1.The application of cement injection pile in soft soil foundation reinforcement ofexisting railway line;粉喷桩加固既有线旁软土地基技术

2.Construction technology of trans-section continuously welded rail in speed-rising reconstruction ofexisting railway line;铁路既有线提速改造跨区间无缝线路施工技术

3.Design example ofexisting railway line framed structural bridge of large span既有线大跨度框构桥设计实例

5)existing line既有线

1.On safety precaution ofexisting line construction;浅谈既有线施工的安全措施

2.Reinforce technique forexisting line in hidden digging section of underground Dongdan station;北京地铁东单站暗挖段过既有线加固技术

3.Through the practical application of D beam in the culvert construction of railwayexisting line converted project,it introduces the main characters,construction method,the programs should attention and the emergency steps of D beam,and it is the benefited assurance of assure the safe operation of the railway.通过达成铁路扩能既有线改造工程涵洞施工中D型梁的实际应用,介绍了D型梁的主要特点、施工方法、注意事项及应急措施,是确保铁路运营安全的有利保障。

6)existing railway既有线

1.The design and application of traveling crane in the construction of spanningexisting railway;跨既有线施工中天车的设计及应用

2.Exploration of problems in estimate making for elevatingexisting railways;既有线线路架空概算编制存在问题的分析

3.A constrained optimization method for deciding easement curve length in the raising operation speed of theexisting railway;既有线提速时缓和曲线长度的最优化算法


CAXA-V2线切割软件在DK7725e线切割机床上的应用目前我国有大量的装有早期操作系统的数控设备,如何对其进行升级使这些设备重新焕发青春是摆在大家面前的一个很重要的问题。本文所介绍的正是这样的一个实例,文中所叙述的内容不仅对同类设备的改造具有现实意义,而且对其他类似设备的升级也有一定的借鉴作用。 苏州三光的DK7725e线切割机床的操作系统是基于DOS平台上的,而CAXA-V2线切割软件是在Windows 98平台上开发的应用软件。显然,我们无法直接将CAXA-V2线切割软件安装到DK7725e线切割机床的操作系统中。解决这一问题的关键是寻找二者的共同之处,那就是机床的后置处理和传输功能单元,即G代码程序。一、CAXA-V2线切割软件方面的操作1.进入绘图界面 在装有CAXA-V2线切割软件的计算机桌面上点击图标,进入该软件的绘图界面。2.绘制零件图 在软件的绘图区域中绘制线切割加工零件图,如图1所示。图1 线切割加工零件3.生成加工轨迹 利用“轨迹生成”指令,生成线切割加工零件的加工轨迹,同时确定穿丝点位置和补偿量。4.添加后置处理 由于CAXA-V2线切割软件并未提供DK7725e线切割机床的“后置处理和传输”,需要手工添加,具体操作过程如下:(1)点击CAXA-V2线切割软件的“后置处理和传输”图标,绘图区会弹出一个对话框。(2)选中“增加机床”图标,在弹出的对话框中用键盘输入“BKDC”后,按确定键返回,如图2所示。(3)在“后置处理和传输”的对话框中,按苏州三光的DK7725e线切割机床的“后置处理和传输”参数,手工输入相应的参数和指令,如图3所示。图3 机床类型设置(4)在“后置处理和传输”的对话框中点击“后置处理设置”后,相应地也会弹出一个对话框。该对话框中的参数要求也按苏州三光的DK7725e线切割机床的“后置处理设置”参数来设置,如图4所示。图4 后置处理设置5.生成G代码 完成上述设置后,点击“代码生成”指令,选择“G代码生成”后,再选中线切割加工零件的加工轨迹,该轨迹图线将由绿色变为红色,最后点击鼠标右键,弹出记事本对话框显示相应的G代码加工程序,如图5所示。
