100字范文 > 既有房屋 existing building英语短句 例句大全

既有房屋 existing building英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-07 04:33:32


既有房屋 existing building英语短句 例句大全

既有房屋,existing building

1)existing building既有房屋

1.The application of new sample plan in concrete compressive strength inspection ofexisting buildings structure;新型抽样技术在既有房屋混凝土强度检测中的应用

2.Approach of sampling plan for quality inspection of element inexisting building;既有房屋构件质量评定检测抽样技术研究

3.Methods suitable for evaluating the feasibility of various upgrading schemes forexisting buildings are few currently.目前对既有房屋加层改造的方案决策还缺乏科学系统的方法。


1.Development and advance in story-adding and upgrading for existing building structures home and abroad既有房屋加层改造发展概况与研究进展

2.Investigation and Analysis about Influence of Environment Factor on Extant Brick-Concrete Structure Building;环境因素对既有砖混结构房屋影响的调查分析

3.a roof having sloping ends as well as sloping sides.既有斜坡屋面又有斜坡屋头的屋顶。

4.Seismic Evaluation of Existed Steel Structure of Light-weight Buildings with Gabled Frames;既有门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构抗震鉴定方法研究

5.A house painter who also works as a paperhanger.既是裱糊工人又是一个房屋油漆工

6.No house without a mouse, no throne without a thorn.房屋有鼠,王位有剌。

7.Now that the four boys were gone, the house burned and the family cramped in the overseer"s cottage, she could not bring herself to go.既然那四个小伙子都不在了,房子也给烧毁了,一家人挤在监工的小屋里,她还有什么兴致去看呢。

8.Faithfulness and devotion, things born of fire and roof, were his; yet he retained his wildness and wiliness.他既有火堆和房屋所产生的忠实、虔诚之类的情感,又保留着自己的野性与狡诈。

9.Most houses have a front door at the front and a back door at the back.大多数的房屋屋前有个前门,屋后有个后门。

10.He rents several other houses.他还有几幢房屋出租。

11.There are many new houses and shops along the street.沿街有许多房屋和店铺。

12.There are many new houses and shops along them.沿(街)有许多房屋和店铺。

13.There is a mouse in the house.房屋里有一只小老鼠。

14.The hut had only one room.这间茅屋仅有一个房间。

15.monitored premises有火灾探测系统的房屋

16.a gabled house/roof有山墙的房子[屋顶

17.The homeowner receives 60 percent of the rent.房屋所有者收60%的租金。

18.drab houses with no character没有特色的单调房屋.


Existing buildings既有房屋

1.The realistic sense of story-adding for existing buildings is discussed.阐述了既有房屋加层改造的现实意义,简要介绍了国内外既有房屋加层改造的发展历史、现状和趋势。

3)used masonry building既有砌体房屋

1.Two kinds of design of reforming theused masonry building to large space construction,including "replace brick wall with bearing beam" and "replace brick masonry structures with partial bottom frame",are discussed in this paper.本文讨论了两类既有砌体房屋大开间改造工程——"墙承重改为梁承重"和"形成局部底部框架砖房"的设计,分析了结构计算的内容和设计方法,并提出了加固补强的途径。

4)extant brick-concrete structure building既有砖混结构房屋

5)existed workshop既有厂房

1.After inner deep excavation of large area in anexisted workshop,the column base near the slope of foundation pit has an appreciable horizontal displacement due to soil pressure,which results in severe cleavage of the columns.某既有厂房内部大面积深开挖后,基坑边坡附近的柱基础因土压力作用发生明显的水平位移,柱身严重开裂。

6)Private house私有房屋


