100字范文 > 贵金属瓷牙 Precious Metals Crowns英语短句 例句大全

贵金属瓷牙 Precious Metals Crowns英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-15 14:54:42


贵金属瓷牙 Precious Metals Crowns英语短句 例句大全

贵金属瓷牙,Precious Metals Crowns

1)Precious Metals Crowns贵金属瓷牙

2)noble metal prosthodontics贵金属烤瓷


1.Clinical evaluation of the effect of gold alloy and Ni-Cr alloy porcelain fused metal crown restorations贵金属烤瓷与镍铬合金烤瓷修复体的效果评价

2.Influence of Galvano-ceramic and Precious Metal-ceramic Crowns on Magnetic Resonance Imaging金沉积烤瓷冠和贵金属烤瓷冠对磁共振图象的影响

3.Study on the microsegregation in as-cast microstructures of a precious metal cer amic alloy贵金属烤瓷合金铸态组织成分偏析研究

4.Effect of Recasting on the Mechanical Properties of the Non-precious Ceramic Alloy;反复熔铸对非贵金属烤瓷合金机械性能的影响

5.Clinical effect evaluation of two kinds of unprecious metal ceramic crown两种非贵金属烤瓷冠的临床应用效果评价

6.Effects of noble-PFM on the periodontal tissue of the restored teeth贵金属烤瓷全冠修复体对患牙牙周组织影响的分析

7.Effects of Recasting on the Castability、Composition and Microstructure of Non-Precious Ceramic Alloy;反复熔铸对非贵金属烤瓷合金铸流率、化学成分、微观组织结构变化的研究

bined porcelain fused to Co-Cr metal crowns fixed splinting in patients with periodontitis非贵金属合金材料钴铬合金烤瓷联冠式固定夹板用于牙周炎修复

9.Study on Metal-ceramic Bonding Strengths of Several Base Metal-ceramic Alloys Frequently Used Clinically;牙科常用非贵烤瓷合金金—瓷结合强度的研究

10.The application of PFM in the reconstruction of fracture anterior teeth金属烤瓷冠在折断前牙修复中的应用

11.Analysis for the cause of 348 unsuccessful porcelain fuse to metal348例金属烤瓷修复体失败原因分析

12.Investigation on the relation of gingival health and 1180 PFM crowns1180颗金属烤瓷冠与牙龈健康关系调查

13.Finite Element Analysis of the Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown of Molar;磨牙烤瓷熔附金属全冠的有限元分析

14.Clinical Observation of Dental Porcelain Fused to Ti-bond System纯钛金属烤瓷冠桥修复体的临床观察

15.Cervical metal collar for prevention of porcelain fracture on posterior PFM restoration: A follow-up study金属颈环预防后牙烤瓷熔附金属修复体崩瓷的随访观察

16.The experimental study of the effect of Be on the castability of alloy for porcelain-fused-to-metals金属元素铍对烤瓷合金铸流率影响的实验研究

17.Objective To analysis the complications related to ceramometal crown restoration.目的:分析金属烤瓷冠修复并发症的原因。

18.Therapeutic evaluation of residual corona and root renovation by metal ceramics crown in 90 cases.用金属烤瓷冠修复残冠残根90例疗效评价


noble metal prosthodontics贵金属烤瓷

3)noble metal cermet贵金属陶瓷

4)precious metal ceramic alloy贵金属烤瓷合金

1.Effect of sprue designs on the as-cast microstructure of aprecious metal ceramic alloy;铸道设计对贵金属烤瓷合金铸态组织影响的实验研究

2.Study on the effect of recast on the properties of aprecious metal ceramic alloy and the reuse of this surplus alloy;贵金属烤瓷合金废旧料再利用研究


1.Objective:To investigate themetal-porcelain in the fixed prosthesis treatment of advanced tooth wear.目的:观察金属烤瓷牙修复面重度磨耗的临床治疗效果。

6)Precious metal ceramic crown贵金属烤瓷冠


