100字范文 > 贵金属烤瓷冠 Precious metal ceramic crown英语短句 例句大全

贵金属烤瓷冠 Precious metal ceramic crown英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-09 01:36:58


贵金属烤瓷冠 Precious metal ceramic crown英语短句 例句大全

贵金属烤瓷冠,Precious metal ceramic crown

1)Precious metal ceramic crown贵金属烤瓷冠


1.Influence of Galvano-ceramic and Precious Metal-ceramic Crowns on Magnetic Resonance Imaging金沉积烤瓷冠和贵金属烤瓷冠对磁共振图象的影响

2.Clinical effect evaluation of two kinds of unprecious metal ceramic crown两种非贵金属烤瓷冠的临床应用效果评价

bined porcelain fused to Co-Cr metal crowns fixed splinting in patients with periodontitis非贵金属合金材料钴铬合金烤瓷联冠式固定夹板用于牙周炎修复

4.Clinical evaluation of the effect of gold alloy and Ni-Cr alloy porcelain fused metal crown restorations贵金属烤瓷与镍铬合金烤瓷修复体的效果评价

5.Effects of noble-PFM on the periodontal tissue of the restored teeth贵金属烤瓷全冠修复体对患牙牙周组织影响的分析

6.The application of PFM in the reconstruction of fracture anterior teeth金属烤瓷冠在折断前牙修复中的应用

7.Investigation on the relation of gingival health and 1180 PFM crowns1180颗金属烤瓷冠与牙龈健康关系调查

8.Finite Element Analysis of the Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown of Molar;磨牙烤瓷熔附金属全冠的有限元分析

9.Clinical Observation of Dental Porcelain Fused to Ti-bond System纯钛金属烤瓷冠桥修复体的临床观察

10.Therapeutic evaluation of residual corona and root renovation by metal ceramics crown in 90 cases.用金属烤瓷冠修复残冠残根90例疗效评价

11.Study on the microsegregation in as-cast microstructures of a precious metal cer amic alloy贵金属烤瓷合金铸态组织成分偏析研究

12.Effect of Recasting on the Mechanical Properties of the Non-precious Ceramic Alloy;反复熔铸对非贵金属烤瓷合金机械性能的影响

13.Objective To analysis the complications related to ceramometal crown restoration.目的:分析金属烤瓷冠修复并发症的原因。

14.The Clinical Analysis of Esthetics Disfigurement and Improvement on Metal-ceramic Crown Cervix;金属烤瓷冠颈部美学缺陷及改进的临床分析

15.Improving the Attractiveness of Ceramic Teeth with Metal Top;改进烤瓷熔附金属全冠颈缘美观效果的方法

16.Exploration of reasons for gingivitis of 68 metal ceramic crowns with gingival complication after cementation68件金属烤瓷冠并发牙龈炎的原因探讨

17.Influence of repeated firings on color of metal ceramic restoration烧结次数对3种金属基底烤瓷冠颜色的影响

18.Satisfaction Survey on Color of 378 Metal-Porelain Crowns378颗金属烤瓷冠颜色满意度的临床调查


non-precious metal-ceramic crowns非贵金属烤瓷冠

1.Clinical study of different marginal types innon-precious metal-ceramic crowns;非贵金属烤瓷冠两种冠边缘的临床应用


1.Effects ofnoble-PFM on the periodontal tissue of the restored teeth贵金属烤瓷全冠修复体对患牙牙周组织影响的分析

4)noble metal prosthodontics贵金属烤瓷

5)metal-ceramic crown金属烤瓷冠

6)Metal porcelain crown金属烤瓷冠

1.A Bacteriological Study of the Metal Porcelain Crown on the Periodontal Microbe;金属烤瓷冠对牙周细菌影响的初步分析


贵金属有色金属的一类。包括金、银和铂族金属(铂、钌、铑、钯、饿和铱),共八个元素。因价格比一般常用金属昂贵而得名。贵金属具有优异的化学和热稳定性,以及其他许多独特的物理- 化学性能。贵金属地壳丰度低,分布稀散,彼此互溶共生,富集、分离和提纯都较困难。大量的金和铂族金属都是从处理砂矿和脉矿中获得,少量从冶炼铜、铅、锌的阳极泥中回收。银主要从阳极泥中回收。从铜镍硫化共生矿中提取铂族金属的数量正在逐步增长。在中国,铂族金属主要从铜镍硫化共生矿中回收获得。从含贵金属的废旧材料中回收,也是一个重要来源。金银作为货币和装饰品,已有几千年历史。从19世纪末到20世纪初,贵金属和贵金属合金开始用于工业和科学研究,后来广泛用于航空、航天、航海、原子能、化工、电子工业、冶金工业等部门,以及废气净化等方面。贵金属是战略储备物资。
