100字范文 > 产业群 industrial cluster英语短句 例句大全

产业群 industrial cluster英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-25 01:01:47


产业群 industrial cluster英语短句 例句大全

产业群,industrial cluster

1)industrial cluster产业群

1.Dynamic state and positive analysis ofindustrial clusters with reference to three Cases;产业群的动态研究以及实证分析

2.Change of the technological innovation’s sorts and amount produced during the development process of environmentalindustrial cluster in Yixing is described on several rounds of field surveys and data collection.本文在综合国内外产业技术创新理论的基础上,从环保产业特征出发,阐述了环保产业的技术创新特征,并对宜兴市环保产业群进行现场调研及数据收集,梳理了该市环保产业群发展过程中技术创新的种类及规模变化特征,进而提出了促进环保产业技术创新发展的若干对策建议。


1.A Study on the Coexistence Mechanisms of Competitive Industry Populations in Industry Communities;产业群落中竞争关联的产业族群稳定共存机制

2.The Theory of Industrial Cluster and Demonstration Research of Organic Silicon Clusters;产业集群理论与有机硅产业群的实证研究

3.Industry Cluster Coupling with Urban Agglomeration and Regional Economic Development;产业群、城市群的耦合与区域经济发展

4.Professional structure,industry group and industry park construction专业化结构、产业群与工业园区建设

5.Constructing Industrial Clusters to Promote Development of Industries in Zhongyuan Agglomeration;产业集群建设与中原城市群工业发展

6.The patterns of industrial cluster are mainly: axis-wheeled, poly-nuclear, netted industrial cluster and so on.产业集群的模式有轴轮式产业集群、多核式产业集群、网状式产业集群等。

7.Industrial Cluster and the Develop Strategy of Changchun City Automobile Industrial Cluster;产业集群与长春市汽车产业集群发展战略

8.Clusters Theory and the Research on the Industry Clusters in Our Country;产业集群的理论发展及我国对产业集群的研究

9.Industrial Colony and the Technological Innovation;产业集群和产业集群技术创新——基于缄默知识论

10.Virtual Industry Clusters--The New Organization Mode of Industrial Clusters;虚拟产业集群——一种新型的产业集群发展模式

11.Research of Innovation Difference Between High-tech and Traditional Industrial Cluster Based on Social Network高科技产业集群与传统产业集群创新差异研究

12.The Study in Guangxi Industrial Cluster and Industry Cluster Logistics Integrated Development广西产业集群与产业集群物流联动发展研究

13.Demonstration Study on Wenzhou Industrial Structure and Industrial Clusters;温州市产业结构与产业集群实证研究

14.Study on Fostering Industry s Cluster and Promoting Industry s Competitiveness;产业集群培育与提升产业竞争力研究

15.Industrial Structure Adjustment and Taking Shape Industry s Cluster of Jilin Province;吉林省产业结构调整与产业集群形成

16.Analysis of effect of industry linkages on attraction of FDI in industry clusters;产业集群中产业关联对FDI引力分析

17.Research on the Appliance Industry Development of Qingdao from the Industry Cluster Angle;从产业集群角度看青岛家电产业发展



industrial clusters产业群

1.This paper introducted the theory ofindustrial clusters and its recent developments, summarized the types ofindustrial clusters that had emerged in our country, and expounded the important role that the small towns distinctiveindustrial clusters--one of the very important types of clusters, has taken in the regional economical development.文章对产业群理论及其研究进展进行了分析,对我国已经出现的产业群类型进行了总结,并阐述了产业群重要类型之一的小城镇特色产业群的重要性。

2.Based on the field research on PC-relatedindustrial clusters in Beijing, Dongguan and Suzhou, this paper examines the changing spatial structure of PC-related industry in the Mainland China in last decade.在田野调查的基础上,对比分析了20世纪90年代以来我国三大区域性个人计算机相关产业群的空间演变和区域间的产业联系,特别是在全球产业转移的大背景下,区域差异对地方产业群发展道路的影响。

3.The evaluation about integrated innovation capacity ofindustrial clusters is very important to evaluation about innovation ability ofindustrial clusters.产业群集成创新能力评价是产业群创新能力评价的重要内容。

3)industry cluster产业群

1.Emerging of iron & steelindustry cluster in this district is an inevitable outcome of seeking lower production cost.唐山地区发展钢铁工业有得天独厚的区位和资源优势 ,出现在这一地区的钢铁产业群是企业追求成本优势的必然产物。

2.The cognition principle ofindustry cluster was observed and analysed.从认识论高度对产业群理论体现的认识论原则做了分析。

3.This paper is of the view that to build a industrial cluster is a correct path for the resource regions to take in achieving sustainable development and discusses the features and difficulties in buildingindustry cluster of resource regions.资源型区域的持续发展一直被理论界关注,本文分析认为资源型区域要持续发展需走产业群之路,并对资源型区域产业群的特点、形成或建构产业群的难点与问题做了讨论。

4)industrial group产业群

1.Analyzing in retrospect the developmental history of the small towns in Ningbo, the present paper proposes that Ningbo be urbainzed with emphasis on central city and points out ways to ensure urbanization, expand the scale of central city, optimize its functions, set up farming development zones in the city outskirts, develop suburban towns and construct small townindustrial groups etc.本文在回顾分析宁波市小城镇发展历史过程的基础上,提出了宁波应该走发展中心城市为主的道路城市化道路,并提出了扩大中心城市规模,优化中心城市功能,在大城市边缘建立农民开发区,建设市郊小城镇和构建小城镇产业群等设想。

2.Integrating theindustrial group and economic base analysis, this paper proposes the concept of basic sector group in which key industries belong to basic sectors, and analyzes changes in the economic functions of Beijing during 1992-2002.利用北京1992年、1997年和2002年投入产出表信息,根据净输出判断城市基本部门,采用主成分—因子分析等方法辨识产业群,借此分析了北京近间的经济功能变化。

3.Firstly, the economy of Guangdong is composed of such sixindustrial groups as agriculture product group, energy resources group, chemistry group, nonmetal group, metal group and information and service group.第一,广东经济由农产品群、能源群、化学群、非金属群、金属群和信息服务群等六个产业群构成;每个产业群具有较强的独立性,内部形成合理的部门分工。

5)Industry group产业群

1.A brief talk building industry group of small and medium-sized enterprises in Anhui;谈安徽中小企业产业群的建立

2.The industry group for processing fruit and vegetable edible fungi in Fujian Province are mainly concentrated in Amoy and Zhangzhou.福建果蔬食用菌加工产业群的重点区域在厦门和漳州两地,该文在分析厦、漳果蔬食用菌加工产业群形成和发展基础上,探讨了果蔬食用菌加工产业群的特征和存在问题,最后提出建立多元融资机制、发挥政府职能、及时构建群公共服务平台等5项对策。

3.The ability of assembling and spreading of local industry group is the key for its competitiveness in enterprise.地方产业群的集聚扩散能力是决定该地区企业竞争力的关键和核心。

6)Industrial Cluster产业集群

1.Operational mode of the mass customization in the cluster supply chain——The case of Jinjiang shoemaking industrial cluster;集群式供应链大规模定制化运作模式分析——以晋江鞋业产业集群为例

2.Development strategy of China′s textile & apparel industrial cluster based on the governance in global value chain;基于全球价值链治理的我国纺织服装产业集群

3.The Model ofIndustrial Cluster in the Strategic Choice of Development China"s Sports Goods Industry Taking the Sample of Sports Shoes Enterprises in Jinjiang, Fujian;产业集群:发展我国体育用品产业的战略选择——以福建晋江运动鞋产业集群为例


