100字范文 > 产业集群规划 industrial cluster planning英语短句 例句大全

产业集群规划 industrial cluster planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-31 16:09:55


产业集群规划 industrial cluster planning英语短句 例句大全

产业集群规划,industrial cluster planning

1)industrial cluster planning产业集群规划


1.Study on Industrial Cluster Planning Based on Profit Maximization;基于利润最大化的产业集群规划研究

2.Development agent analysis and the industrial colony plans of Qingkou automobile industry garden青口汽车工业园的发展动因分析及产业集群规划

3.A Research on Planning of Urban Industrial Park Based on Industrial Cluster基于产业集群的城市产业园区规划研究

4.Research on Logistics Park Planning Based on Industrial Clusters Theory;基于产业集群理论的物流园区规划设计研究

5.Studies on Mechenism of Industrial Clusters around University Based on Ground Theory--A Case Study of the Industrial Clusters around Tongji University;基于扎根理论的大学产业集群形成机理研究——以同济大学建筑规划产业集群为例

6.Analysis on the Linkage of Industrial Cluster Scale with Cluster Effect;产业集群规模与集群效应的关联性分析

7.The Development of Kyusyu Silicon Island and Japan’s Industrial Cluster Strategies;九州硅岛的发展与日本产业集群计划

8.Theoretical Study on General Planning of the Industry Zone Based on Enterprise Group;基于企业集群的工业园区总体规划理论研究

9.The Study about Ecology of the Enterprise Community in Industry Cluster;产业集群中企业社群规模的生态学研究

10.Evolvement of development model and avoidance of risk of industrial cluster产业集群发展模式演进及其风险规避

11.The Evolutionary Rule of Local Leading Industry and Ecological Characteristics of Industrial Cluster--Comment on the Distinction between Industrial Cluster and Enterprise Agglomeration;地方主导产业的演化规律与产业集群生态特征初探——兼论产业集群与企业集聚的区别

12.Research on the Industrial Distributing Rules and Cluster Development of Small Businesses;小企业产业分布规律与集群化发展研究

13.Product System Planning and Mass Integration for Eco-Industrial Parks生态工业园区的产品体系规划与物质集成

14.The Development and Planning Research of Creative Industry Cluster in Shanghai;上海创意产业集聚区开发特征及规划对策研究

15.Research on the Simulation of Container Terminals Production System and Layout Methods;集装箱港口生产作业系统仿真与规划方法研究

16.The Study on Strategic Planning System of Huxia Industry Group Co.LTD;华夏产业集团公司战略规划体制的研究

17.Study on the Optimal Scale of Industrial Clusters Basing on Cellular Automata Model;基于元胞自动机模型的产业集群合理规模研究

18.Research on Ecological Evolution and Function Mechanism of the Industrial Cluster;产业集群的生态演化规律及其运行机制研究


industrial cluster program产业集群计划

1.Japan’s Kyusyu Silicon Island started to commit itself to the practice of industrial clustering very early and,as a step to follow up,theindustrial cluster program was implemented by Japan all through the country as a whole at the beginning of the 21st century,whose experience may provide China with some enlightenment in her effort to put her ownindustrial cluster program to practice.九州硅岛很早就致力于产业集群的实践,21世纪初,日本进一步明确地提出了在全国范围内实施产业集群计划,其经验对我国实施产业集群战略具有一定的借鉴意义。

3)cluster programming集群规划

1.It also discussed the role orientation of government incluster programming and raise the proposal Jiangxi should take in developing the industrial cluster.对产业集群研究的历史进行了回顾 ,列举了产业集群促进区域经济发展的若干实例 ,通过对江西星火工业园有机硅产业集群案例的实证分析揭示了产业集群的形成因素 ,探讨了地方政府在集群规划中的作用 ,并提出了地方政府应该采取的若干对

4)industry planning产业规划

1.The interaction relation between city planning andindustry planning in urbanizing background;城市化背景下城市规划与产业规划的互动关系

2.Problems and solution of base theories ofindustry planning;产业规划的理论困境及其突破

3.On this foundation,we choose the proper direction and project for Eco-industrial park development,and discussed the combination ofindustry planning and ecologi.文章介绍了生态工业园的发展概况,提出了临沂高新技术产业开发区生态工业园产业布局规划的原则和方法,深入分析了生态工业园现状条件、物流、能流、信息流,并对该生态工业园区进行了功能分区,设计了总体框架和空间布局,确定了园区以电子信息产业为先导、以新材料产业和生物工程产业为核心的产业发展模式,并细化了主导产业的发展方向,确立了该生态工业园的产业选择和近期可发展的项目,提出了产业规划与生态环境的规划相结合的环境对策,以期对临沂高新技术产业开发区生态工业园的规划建设提供依据。

5)Industrial planning产业规划

6)Industrial Cluster产业集群

1.Operational mode of the mass customization in the cluster supply chain——The case of Jinjiang shoemaking industrial cluster;集群式供应链大规模定制化运作模式分析——以晋江鞋业产业集群为例

2.Development strategy of China′s textile & apparel industrial cluster based on the governance in global value chain;基于全球价值链治理的我国纺织服装产业集群

3.The Model ofIndustrial Cluster in the Strategic Choice of Development China"s Sports Goods Industry Taking the Sample of Sports Shoes Enterprises in Jinjiang, Fujian;产业集群:发展我国体育用品产业的战略选择——以福建晋江运动鞋产业集群为例


