100字范文 > 法律变通 legal adaptation英语短句 例句大全

法律变通 legal adaptation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-08 18:09:14


法律变通 legal adaptation英语短句 例句大全

法律变通,legal adaptation

1)legal adaptation法律变通

1.Thelegal adaptation power is the vital embodiment of autonomy in the autonomous areas of minority nationalities in our nation.法律变通权是我国民族自治地方自治权的重要体现。


1.A Study on the Protection of the Right of Flexibly or Supplementarily Law and Regulation;落实民族区域自治法律变通补充权的法律保护研究

2.A bill becomes a law when it passes the lawmaking body.法案在立法机构通过后就变成法律。

3.Acceptance and Change: Review on Exchange of Legal Cultures between China and Japan;继受与变通:中日法律文化交流考察

4.On the Adaptation of National Autonomy Regulations to Lawand Administrative Decree;论民族自治法规对法律、行政法规的变通

5.Once they are approved by Parliament, the new traffic regulations will become law.一旦被议会认可,新的交通规则将变成法律。

6.On the Legal Change of the Early Stage of Qing Dynasty from the Tian Mingru Case in the Southern Ethnic Minority Areas;从“田旻如案”看清初民族地区法律实施的变通

7.Change make to a legal document , such as a will , which usually have the effect of make It Invalid在法律文件上如遗嘱所作的变动,通常这种变动会产生使法律文件变得无效的后果

8.Change make to a legal document, such as a will, which usually have the effect of make it invalid.在法律文件上如遗嘱所作的变动,通常这种变动会产生使法律文件变得无效的后果。

9.Flexibility in the Implementation of the Criminal Law in Ethnic Minority Areas--An Analysis from the Perspective of Legal Economy and Feasibility;浅议刑法在少数民族地区的变通——基于法律经济和实用的分析

10.The Evolvction of the Legal Forms and the Thinking --The Study Which Takes the Ordinary Law for example;法律形式与传统思想的嬗变——以普通法为例的研究

11.Transplantation of Lawe and of Legal Culture in Legal Transform;法律变革中的法律移植与法文化移植

12.The Vicissitude and the Enlightenment of the Legal Status of the Ordinary Feminine Property Inheritance in China Ancient Times;中国古代普通女性财产继承法律地位的变迁与启示

13.A Study of Implement with Certain Alterations or Cease Implementing in National Autonomous Areas of China民族自治地方变通执行与停止执行法律问题探析

14.Congress passes laws that must be obeyed by the people.国会通过法律,人民必须遵守法律。


16.The new law passed the City Council.新法律已被市议会通过。

17.Bassanio begged the learned young counselor to wrest the law a little, to save Antonio"s life.巴萨尼奥央求这位学问渊博的年轻律师变通一下法律条文,救一救安东尼奥的命。

mon law; (in England)law developed from old customs and from decisions made by judges,ie not created by Parliament(英国的)普通法,习惯法(由古老习俗或由法官判例演变而来的法律,即非由国会制定者).


The right to legal alternative法律变通权

3)Right of flexibly or supplementarily law and regulation法律法规变通补充权

4)alteration principle通变律

1.Integrate word pronouciationalteration principle is an exploration of the basic rules of rhythm alteration of vocal Chinese in the dynamic word stream process.整体运词通变律是在语流动态变化过程中综合探讨汉语有声语言韵律变化的基本规律。

5)Research on the Problems of Legal Adaption法律变通问题研究

6)reforms and modification of laws变法修律


