100字范文 > 规则之治 Rule of Law英语短句 例句大全

规则之治 Rule of Law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-17 06:13:50


规则之治 Rule of Law英语短句 例句大全

规则之治,Rule of Law

1)Rule of Law规则之治

1.The Evolution ofRule of Law under the GATT/WTO Regime;“规则之治”在GATT/WTO体系下的演进


1.Dual-Model of Rule by law :Ruled by law And Ruled by Lawyers;复调的法治:规则之治与法律家之治

2.The Evolution of Rule of Law under the GATT/WTO Regime;“规则之治”在GATT/WTO体系下的演进

3.Management of sports rules--A perspective of legal sociology;体育的规则之治——一个法律社会学视角

4.Penalties: Per the current edition IPSC rule book犯规罚则(根据现版之IPSC规则所述)

5.On Pragmatic Rule-One of the Formation Rules of Languages;论语言的组合规则之一——语用规则

6.Business Judgment Rules and China s Corporate Governance;商事经营判断规则与我国公司法人治理结构之完善

7.The rules of evidence were rudimentary.证据之规则尚不完善。

8.A Preliminary Study on the Explanation of Declaration of Intention in Civil Code;民法典总则之意思表示解释规则初探

9.Formal Rules and Informal Rules in Industry Association Governance;行业协会治理中的正式规则与非正式规则

paring and Analyzing the Difference between the "Golden Rule" of Confucianism and of Kant;儒家的“金规则”与康德的“金规则”之比较及评析

11.A Study on Jurisdiction of Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure;《跨国民事诉讼规则》管辖权规定之研究

12.Brief comments on the relevant provisions relating to releasing cargo without production of B/L under the Rotterdam Rules简评《鹿特丹规则》对无单放货之规定

13.The Socio-Political Backstopping of Rule Consciousness--Political Civilization;规则意识的社会政治依托——政治文明

14.IPSC competitions are governed by the rules in this rulebook.IPSC竞赛概由本规则册所载之内容规范之。

15.Treating Laws ought to Follow General Laws:to discuss how laws convert into rules according to developing rules of oral clinical medicine;治疗规则应遵循一般规律——从口腔临床医学规则的制定谈规律怎样变成规则

16.Discussion on the Rules of Self-government of Society;社会自治规则探讨——兼论社会自治规则与国家法律的关系

17.Social Communication Based on Rules:Rule of Law and Rule of Moral --Tradition, Rule and Modernization;基于规则的社会交流:法治与德治——传统、规则与现代化

18.Listed foreign private issuers must disclose any significant ways in which their corporate-governance practices differ from NYSE rules.已上市的境外私营发行人必须披露其公司治理实务中与纽约证券交易所规则显著不同之处。


normative Dao规则之道

1.In the light of the hermenuetical thought of Dai Zhen,a philosopher in the Qing Dynasty,there are multi-levels of meaning in Lao-zi s core notion of Dao: The linguistic analysis of the concept tells us that "the original Dao" and "thenormative Dao" are the fundamental contents of Lao-zi s Dao.依据清代哲学家戴震的解释学思想,运用现代语言哲学与分析哲学方法对老子哲学中“道”概念进行分析,可以发现,老子哲学中“道”具有多重意义,其中“本原之道”与“规则之道”是老子道概念的基本内涵。

3)public security rule治安规则

1.We should know the internal relationship between police s authority,public security rule and police object in the social structure to analyze police s authority.分析警察权威,必须从社会秩序结构入手,搞清警察权威、治安规则和警察客体三者之间的内在联系。

4)political criterion政治规则

5)rule-based governance规则治理

6)the rule of governance统治规则


