100字范文 > 知识共享 knowledge sharing英语短句 例句大全

知识共享 knowledge sharing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-15 01:34:31


知识共享 knowledge sharing英语短句 例句大全

知识共享,knowledge sharing

1)knowledge sharing知识共享

1.Practice and effect of a reading meeting to realizeknowledge sharing;开展读书报告会实现知识共享的做法与效果

2.Game analysis ofknowledge sharing based on fairness preference theory;基于公平偏好的知识共享博弈研究

3.Research on collaboration model in supply chain based onknowledge sharing;供应链环境下基于知识共享的协作模型研究


1.Knowledge sharing and encapsulating in creation of organization knowledge组织知识创造中知识共享与知识封闭

2.Research on Knowledge Sharing Model and Sharing Mechanism in Supply Chain供应链知识共享模式及共享机制研究

3.Knowledge-sharing,Knowledge-sharing Willingness of Employees and Foundation of the Trust;员工知识共享、知识共享意愿与信任基础

4.Construction and Promotion of Knowledge Sharing Mechanism: Knowledge Sharing in Hong Kong知识共享机制的构建与推进——知识共享在香港

5.Knowledge sharing is prerequisite to enterprise"s knowledge integration.知识共享是企业整合知识资源的前提。

6.Analysis on the Invisible Knowledge Sharing in the Knowledge Management;知识管理中的隐性知识共享问题分析

7.Research of Knowledge-Sharing Mechanisms to Knowledge-Based Service Industry;面向知识服务业的知识共享机制研究

8.Research of Knowledge Sharing Mode about Knowledge-based Corporation Based on IT基于IT的知识型企业知识共享模式研究

9.Empirical Research of Knowledge Sharing Patterns in Knowledge-based Corporations知识型企业知识共享模式的实证研究

10.Knowledge Sharing Causation, Obstacle and Countermeasure within Knowledge Team知识团队知识共享的动因、障碍和对策

11.Mechanism Analysis on Knowledge Share and Knowledge Innovation in Knowledge Supply Chain;知识供应链中知识共享与知识创新机理分析

12.From Knowledge Sharing to Knowledge Harmony:A Transformation of Idea;从知识共享到知识和谐:一种知识管理观念

13.Knowledge Sharing Mechanism Research Based on Analysis of Knowledge Sharing Channels基于共享途径分析的知识共享机制研究

14.A method for measuring and identifying the organizational knowledge sharing capability;组织知识共享能力的测评与识别方法

15.Exchange Ideology, Knowledge Sharing Visibility and KM Technology交换意识、知识共享能见度和知识管理技术

16.The Study of Risk of Knowledge-Sharing Model within Enterprise Based on Knowledge Ecosystem;基于知识生态的企业内知识共享风险研究

17.Study on the Knowledge Sharing within the Networking Organization Based on the Knowledge Chain;基于知识链的网络化组织知识共享研究

18.Study on Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Trading among Enterprises in Supply Chain;供应链企业间的知识共享及其知识交易研究


Knowledge Share知识共享

1.Rapid Product Developing and Implement Basedon Technology Alliance to SupportKnowledge Share;支持知识共享基于专有技术联盟的产品快速开发与实现

2.The study of the relationship among corporate culture,knowledge share and core capability——an empirical research based on the corporates in west-south China;企业文化、知识共享及核心能力的相关性研究

3.AKnowledge Share System for the Management of Software Reuse;面向软件复用管理的知识共享系统


1.Research onknowledge-sharing strategy and stimulation measure among intelligent units in knowledge-based enterprise organism;知识型企业生命体智能单元间知识共享策略与激励措施研究

2.Analysis of employees tacitknowledge-sharing in enterprises;企业内员工隐性知识共享分析

3.Analysis of Tacit-knowledge-sharing on the View of Static Game;博弈视角下的师徒隐性知识共享分析

4)Creative commons知识共享

1.From“All Rights Reserved”to“Some Rights Reserved”——Analysis of“Creative Commons”and Creative Commons Protocol;从“保留所有权利”到“保留部分权利”——解析“知识共享组织”及“CC”协议

2.New Idea of Copyright:On the Creative Commons License;版权问题新思路:知识共享协议

5)shared knowledge共享知识

1.The paper aims, from the perspectives of both speaker and hearer, to analyze and discuss the five cognitive and pragmatic factors influencing the process of reference assignment: intentionality, accessibility,shared knowledge, pragmatic inference and optimal relevance.试从交际双方出发,分析和讨论影响指称确认的5个认知语用因素:意向性、可及性、共享知识、语用推理和最佳关联以及它们在指称构建和解读过程中各自的作用。

2.Based on Communication Convergence theory and Social Exchange theory, this dissertation constructed a research model to depict the effect mechanisms of ISLT communication on SU, and provided three kinds of hypotheses, which were about the effects of communication,shared knowledge and mutual trust, the mediating role ofshared knowledge and trust, and the discrepancy of SU on control variables.基于沟通辐合理论和社会交换理论,本文构建了信息化领导团队沟通对共识的影响机制模型,提出了沟通、共享知识、信任与共识的因果关系、共享知识和信任的中介作用以及共识在控制变量上的差异性三类假设。

6)Knowledge-sharing Market知识共享场


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